

1. 能够听、说、认读单词monkey, monster, kite.句子Is it a …? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
2. 能理解课文内容,对所学内容能主动地练习和实践。
3. 让学生养成良好的提问意识,并乐于运用所学知识彤他人交流。
1. 能听懂、会说、认读单词monkey, monster, kite,并能够在实际情境中运用。
2. 能听、说、认读句子Is it a dog? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.并要求学生模仿正确,语调自然,并能仿说替换。
四、教 学 过 程:
Step 1 warm-up
Let’s chant.
Step 2 Revision
ppT show some animals. Review some words.
Step 3 presentation
1. ppT show a new word “monkey”. Read one by one.
2. ppT 快速闪烁, teacher asks, “Is it a monkey?” 引导学生回答,”No, it isn’t.”板书
3. 引导学生发问并板书”Is it a …?”得出答案”Yes, it is.”板书,进而引出新单词monster.教读。
4. I’ll tell you a story about a monster. Do you want to know?将学生带进课文。Watch VCD 2 times. 讲解课文内容,让学生理解课文,体会课文中人物的感情。
5. Listen and circle.
6. Listen and repeat. Try to imitate.
7. Here’s a chant for you.
Step 4 practise
Game. Guessing game. Is it a …?
Step 5 sum up.
作业设计1. Listen and read the dialog.
2. Try to tell the story to your parents in English.
3. play the guessing game with your parents.


外研版高一年级下册英语教案:No Drugs


技能目标Skill Goals

▲ Talk about smoking and drug use

▲ Talk about results

▲ practise expressing strong opinions

▲Learn to use the infinitive of purpose and adverbial clause of result

▲ Learn to prepare a presentation on the dangers of smoking


practise expressing strong opinions

I totally agree with you!

I couldn’t agree more.

I’m not sure I agree with that.


I’m not sure about that.

That’s right.

That’s a good point.

You can’t be serious!

I completely disagree.

Talk about results

... so ...

... as a result ...

... as a result of ...

1. 四会词汇

drug, cancer, cigarette, tobacco, addictive, danger, addict, inject, needle, powerful, reduce, nearby, burglary, crime, criminal, connection, illegal, ratio, shoplifting, treatment, likely, adult, café, disagree, ban, horrible, affect, participant, recognize, leaflet, distraction, jogging, gymnastic

2. 认读词汇

Adam Rouse, paul, California, bronchitis, cannabis, cocaine

3. 词组

related to, break into, belong to, become addicted to, take one’s advice, in order to, so as so, give up

The infinitive of purpose

I stole something every day to pay for the drugs.

How many of them break the law in order to pay for their drugs?

Adam went to the man so as to buy cannabis.

Adverbial clause of result

Some people feel so nervous that they call the police.

It was such a dangerous drug that he nearly died.

1. Users become addicted to crack cocaine much more easily if they smoke it.p13

2. There are such a lot of people that there isn’t time to help them all.p16

3. Drug use in Britain has increased by 30% in the last five years.p75

4. A quarter of young people who smoke more than ten cigarettes a day will die prematurely as a result of smoking.p77

5. Decide which of these actions are most likely to stop teenagers from smoking.p77


1. 教材分析

本模块以No Drugs为话题,通过本模块的几篇阅读材料使学生对drugs和smoking有所了解,并通过对这两个问题的讨论使学生更深刻地认识到drugs和smoking对人体的害处,对社会的危害,以及可能引起的一些社会性问题,如:burglary, shoplifting等。 从而鼓励学生远离烟和毒品,养成良好的生活习惯,关爱社会关爱他人,并通过所学知识运用恰当方式规劝他人也远离烟和毒品。

1.1INTRODUCTION通过对抽烟数据的检测,让学生了解吸烟的危害,并通过英英释义的方式进一步熟悉词汇,最后利用对三个问题的讨论来引出另一个话题: drug use。

1.2READING AND VOCABULARY 阅读部分是打乱顺序的两篇不同类型的文章,通过给两篇文章选标题的方式培养学生的逻辑分析能力。然后通过练习使学生掌握有关drug use的词汇,并培养学生获取准确信息的能力。

1.3GRAMMAR 1 是学习不定式作目的状语的用法。在练习前先列出to 的几种不同用法来引出to 可作目的状语。接着又引出了其它可作目的状语的短语: in order (not) to, so as (not) to。

1.4FUNCTION 这一部分先展现例句引出要学的短语,然后通过练习来巩固所学内容。

1.5 LISTENING AND VOCABULARY 是关于drug users 的一些信息。在听之前通过问答的方式先巩固词汇,然后采用问答和完成句子的形式对所听内容进行检测,培养学生获取信息并再现的能力。

1.6 GRAMMAR 2 通过不同类型的例句引出引导结果状语从句的词: so与such以及对so与such区别的讨论,然后通过练习来巩固其用法。

1.7 pRONUNCIATION学会在日常交际中表达语气和情感。

1.8 SpEAKING 通过回答问题的方式,继续展开对 smoking 这个话题的讨论。

1.9 WRITING 根据电子邮件的内容选择合适的题目,并对其内容做出讨论,根据讨论后的结果写一封回信。

1.10 EVERYDAY ENGLISH 学习关于同意或不同意的表达方式,并通过真实语境来练习运用。

1.11 CULTURAL CORNER 通过介绍多种戒烟的方法给烟民提供一个适合自己的戒烟方式。并通过对问题的讨论,认识吸烟的害处,使自己成为一个有意志并且健康的人。

1.12 TASK 让学生收集有关抽烟危害的资料,然后进行讨论,并提交一个调查报告。

2. 教材重组



2.3 将GRAMMAR 1, FUNCTION和GRAMMAR 2 以及WORKBOOK中的 Grammar整合在一起,上一节语法课。

2.4 将LISTENING AND VOCABULARY, pRONUNCIATION和WORKBOOK中的Speaking and listening整合在一起,上一节听力课。

2.5 将CULTURAL CORNER和WORKBOOK中的Reading整合在一起,上一节泛读课。

2.6 将WRITING,TASK和WORKBOOK中的Writing整合在一起,上一节写作练习课。

3. 课型设计与课时分配

1st periodSpeaking

2nd periodReading

3rd periodGrammar

4th periodListening

5th periodExtensive Reading

6th period Writing

小学一年级上册英语Module5 Unit2教学设计

版 本


学 科


册 数


单 元


课 题

That is a yellow cat .

课 时


i learn to say the sentence :That is a ….

ii Say and act a chant.


i To master the drill “This is …” and “That is …”understand that “this “is for things that are close to the speaker and “that” is for things that are some distance away.


i To master the drill “This is …” and “That is …”understand that “this “is for things that are close to the speaker and “that” is for things that are some distance away.








Ⅰ: Warming up and Revision

1.Say “hello” to pupils

2.play the tape .Sing a song “Stand up”

3.Ask and answer

4.Free talk.

Ⅱ: Leading-in

1.play the computer ,show the cat

2.Make a model .Move around the class and point to things near to me. Say “This is a ….” Then point to things away from me and say “That is a ….”

3.Show the computer. point to a cat far away from the students.

4.play the tape.

Ⅲ: Listening reading Activities

1.Show the book .part 2.

2.play a number game. Write some numbers on the Bb. Then write other numbers on the card. put them on the wall.

3.play the computer .Show the picture “cap” and “hat”. Teach these two words.

4.play the tape .

5.play again.

6.play again.

7.Ask some children to come to the front.

Ⅳ: Further Development

1.Do the Activity 2.

2.Do the Activity 3.

3.Have a match .Show the computer.



That is a yellow cat .

“This is …” and “That is …”

外研版六年级下册英语教案:Review Module

课 题 Review Module

学目标 Talk about their holiday from May,1st to May,7th

Dictate the words .


Step1.Greeting between the teacher and students

Ss:Hello,Ms Zhao.

T:Hello,boys and girls.


Step2.Talk about the holiday with students.

T:Were you happy?




T:Who travelled in the holiday?


T:What did you saw ?

T:Who stayed at home all the holiday?


T:What did you do at home?

Ss: 1.I watched TV.

2.I did my homework.

3.I read a book.

4.I played basketball.

5.I played football.

6.I played table tennis.

7. I cooked dinner and helped my mother.

8.I wrote a letter to my mother.

9.I learned maths and Chinese

Step3.play a game:

Let atudents read the sentences two minutes,then clean up the sentences .Then let students say out the sentences.

Step4.1.Give students five minutes to write the words ,then dictate the words.

2.Let students check the words each other.

3.Correct the wrong words.


课 题 Revise module2

教学目标 Ss can grasp the present future tense.

Ss can express their plan with "be going to" 教 与 学 过 程 设 计

Step1.Sing the song"what do you want to eat?"

Step2.1.play the tape for students and let them follow it.

2.Let several groups read the text in groups.

3.Let them try to remember the text.


1.Let students look at the pictures on page 7,then make sialogue like this:

A:What are we going to do ?

B:We are going to go to the park.

A:When are we going to go to the park.

2.Let students discuss in groups of two,then let them show hteir dialogue.

B:We're going to go to the park at 11.

Step4.Let student turn to page 45.

1.And explain:The Smart Family are on holiday.They are going to beach for a day. Do you know what are they going to do? Let see together.

1.have breakfast

2.take a bus

3.go swimming

4.go clcying

5.go to the park

6.have a picnic lunch

7.look at the big ship

8.go to the theater

2.Then students close the books ,then listen and fill in the box with the time.

3.Then let them answer like this:

They are going to have breakfast at 8 o'clock.

Step5.T:I think they are going to take some photos.

Look. These are their photos. Can you gusee what I am saying.

1.They are seeing a film.(picture 5)

2.They are looking at the big ship.(picture 4)

3.They are having a picnic.(picture 3)

4.They are riding bikes.(picture 2)

5.They are swimming.(picture 1)





2、 能找到儿歌中的韵母a和含有a的音节,在教师的指导下朗读儿歌。

3、 培养学生良好的用眼习惯,阅读时做到“眼离书本一尺远”。








一、 谈话引入,导入新课


二、 观察图画,学习读音

1、 在学习方式上,可以在教师的启发下,让学生试着发音,教师点拨,学生反复练读,体会a的发音。

2、 在此基础上,教师注意采取多种形式,如领读、齐读、分组读等,帮助学生读准音。

3、 小结学习方法:启发学生自己想办法读准和记住a的读音。

4、 认识声调符号,在教师的指导下观察图画,利用手势学习声调,读准声调。首先让学生自己尝试着认识四声,读读a的四声;重点是二声和三声的教学,要采用多种方式,让学生反复体会这两个声调的差别。

三、 指导书写,正确执笔

1、 认识四线格。

2、 观察:a在四线格中的位置,指导学生按笔顺规则进行书写。学生练习写字母时,教师要巡回辅导,重视指导正确的执笔方法和写字姿势。

3、 完成课后练习“读读写写记记”。

四、 学习儿歌

1、 看图,说说图上画的是什么?

2、 教师范读。让学生找找这首儿歌中哪些章节含有我们所学的拼音字母“a”。

3、 教师教读儿歌,学生们自己读、齐读。

五、 养成性教育



ā á ǎ à








Listening 、reading、speaking and acting .


通过游戏教学等活动方式,激发学生学习英语的兴趣 。





小写字母l和p 的手写与印刷体区别。


CAI, ppt, cassette recorder



Step 1 warming-up

1. Greetings

2.Sing the song. Hello, what’s your name?

3.Say the letters“A—K” with the pupils.

Step 2 procedure

1. (ppt shows light)

T: What’s this?

It’s a light. What colour?.

2. Teach “Ll” (强调小写l 的手写与印刷体的区别.

3. Teach “milk 、 nose 、 orange 、 plane”and the letters“Mm、Nn、Oo、pp” (在教授pp的时注意区分手写体和印刷体。)

Then read more.

Step 3.Activities:

1. ppT shows the letters“A—L” in order.

2. Change the order.

3. Show the words and the correct pictures. Match the pictures and the words.

4. Ss write the letters, give some guide.


1.Listen and read the letters and words.

2.Write these letters five times.

3. preview the letters.



Sing together

Read and write the letters:“A—K”

Repeat the letters and words.

Read in groups.

Read in pairs.

Read one by one.


Say the letters.

Read in the right order.

Read and match the .

Read and write.


Ll Mm Nn Oo pp

light milk nose orange plane




Module 8的主要内容为运用宾语从句和定语从句来描述毕业生晚会上的对话和写作毕业晚会上的发言。从全书来看,本模块是对以前宾语从句和定语从句的总结和运用,着重引导词的使用,让同学们通过课堂学习活动来掌握其用法。
Unit 1 Here’s to our friendship!
Knowledge objective
1. Words: handbag, beat, pardon, intend, fetch, pancake
2. Expressions: intend to do sth, for long, even if
Ability objective
Moral objective
The use of “intend to do sth.”
pWp method, task-based method and interactive approach
A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Lead-in
Ss look at the pictures and answer the questions.
How will you feel at the school-leavers’ party?
What are you going to show for your classmates?
Will you wear beautiful clothes to take part in the party?
What do you want to say at the school-leavers’ party?
Step 2 Consolidate new words
Look and say. The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible.
handbag n. 女用小提包
beat n. 节拍,拍子
pardon 请再说一遍
intend v. 计划,打算
fetch v. 取来,拿来
pancake n. 薄烤饼,薄煎饼
Step 3 Look and say
Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
1. What is the special event?
2. What is everybody doing?
Step 4 Listening
1. Listen and answer the questions.
Where is Betty going tonight?
What are Betty and Tony going to do?
Why does Betty refuse to eat before she leaves?
2. Listen to part 3 and answer the questions.
Is Lingling enjoying the party?
Who hang international flags on the wall?
Step 5 Reading
1. Read the dialogue and complete the notes.
Their feelings __________________________
The hall _______________________________
The music _____________________________
Their plans __________________________________________________________________
The food and drink _________________________________________________________
2. Read the passage again and answer the questions.
1 Why is Lingling sad?
2 What makes the hall look wonderful?
3 What do they think of the music?
4 What are Tony’s plans?
5 What is on the menu?
6 What do they wish for when they raise their glasses?
Step 6 Complete the questions with the words in the box.
1. Read the questions carefully.
2. Complete the questions with the words in the box.
1 If you say ________, does it mean “please say that again” or “I’m sorry”?
2 Do you think a(n) _________ is something to eat or something to drink?
3 If you ______ to do something, do you want to do it or not?
4 Do you think the ______ will be better than the past?
3. Ask and answer the questions in pairs.
Step 7 Everyday English
Let Ss say the everyday English that they have learnt in the passage.
pardon? 对不起,请原谅(用于礼貌请求别人重复自己没听清或不理解的话)
I hope so. 在简略句中,表示希望某事发生
Good for you!(称赞某人)真行,真棒
Here’s to …(祝酒词)为……的健康(或胜利)干杯
Cheers! 用作祝酒语, 意为“干杯”
Step 8 Language points
Ss should master the main points from the passage in part 3.If possible, let the students to say at first.
1. That’s a nice handbag.
e.g. You’ll be more beautiful if you wear the red handbag.
2. Yes, I am, but I feel a bit sad.
a bit表示“有点…”。用来修饰形容词或副词。
e.g. It’s a bit cold today, isn’t it? 今天有点冷,不是吗?
3. It’s got a great beat! 节奏太棒了!
e.g. Follow the beat, please. 请跟上节拍。
4. pardon?
e.g. -Where is the post office?
5. Do you intend to stay in China for long,
Tony? 托尼,你打算在中国待很长时间吗?
intend to do sth. 表示“打算做某事”。
e.g. Finney intends to go to Australia next year if all goes well.
for long相当于 for a long period of time, 表示“很长时间”。
例如:-Have you been waiting for long?
-No, not for long. Only a few minutes.
6. And even if I go back to the UK, I’ll come back and visit you all.
even if表示“虽然,尽管”, 相当于even though。
e.g. Even if I fail this time, I would try again.
7. Let’s fetch something to eat.
e.g. Your schoolbag is not here. please go downstairs and fetch it.
something to eat表示“吃的东西”。
Step 9 Listening
1. Listen and mark the pauses.
I’ll finish my high school education here, but I want to go back to my home
town one day. What are your plans, Daming?
2. Listen again and repeat.
Step 10 Read and listen
1. Read and mark the pauses.
Let’s raise our glasses. Here’s to our friendship, everyone … and to the future!
2. Listen and check.
Step 11 Ask and answer
Ask and answer the questions in part 8 in pairs.
1 What are your plans and hopes for the future?
2 Are you going to have a school-leavers’ party?
3 What will you do on your holiday?
4 Will you miss your friends and classmates? Why or why not?
Step 12 Exercises
Let students do more exercises to master the language points.
1 -Would you mind lending me your pen?
- _________
A. pardon? B. Let’s go.
C. I hope so. D. Cheers.
2 I like listening to the song because it has a great ________.
A. look B. pancake C. handbag D. beat
3 Betty intends ______ for America next month.
A. leave B. leaving C. to leave D. left
4 The cake is over there, ____ it for me, please.
A. take B. fetch C. carry D. with
Keys: ADCB
Step 13 Homework



版 本 外研版 学 科 英语
册 数 一年级(下册) 单 元 Module5Unit2
课 题 It’s thin .
课 时
教学目标 Grasp the following sentences: It’s fat. It’s thin. They’re big. They’er black and white. They’re little. They’re pink.
教学重点 Use adj. and describe animals feature.
教学难点 The same as the importance .
教学准备 Tape—recorder word cards Teaching picture
教学板块 教与学预设
(师生活动) 教学重构
利用句型It’s …
ⅠWarming up and Revision
T: Say “Hello” to the pupils. How are you?
I’m fine, too.
T: Let’s sing an English song. Heads, shoulders.
Game: I do, you guess.

T: What feature are these pigs?
Do you know how to say these sentences? Now let’s lesrn the text the first, OK?

Ⅲ Listening and reading Activity
Write and teach the title: It’s thin.
Show the teaching picture and introduce the text.
please listen to the tape recorder.
Listen and repeat. Teach the new words: fat thin
Read and text
Act the text
Teach English song:
① Listen and say.
② Then sing.
Ⅳ Further Development.
Show some pictures with some fat pigs on the blackboard.
Then turn back.
Finish the Student’s Activity Books.
Ⅴ Homework
Listen to the tape recorder and review next module.
Describe your room’s thing with “big” and “small”.


