

Every year, this Christmas party is held for the children of the people living in the Mefortable homesand memorates the birth of a child, harm. They left their oes with love and care and by heeding Our Lords injunction to treat others as you wouldlike them to treat you.

es and love in our hearts.

The message which God sent us by Christs life and example is a very simple one, even thoughit seems so difficult to put into practice.

To all of you, of every faith and race, I send my best wishes for a time of peace and tranquilitywith your families at this Festival of Christmas. A very Happy Christmas to you all.



Mr president,

prince philip and I and Germany.

Mr president, it falls to a Head of State to lead a nation in the marking of anniversaries. Everymonth this year orropletereconciliation bet Chancellor Adenauer at Windsor in 1958. He rejected the idea of a neutral Germany,preferring to anchor Germany in the West. His successors took up the challenge of unitingGermany as a member of all the institutions of Europe and the West.


My Lords and Members of the House of Commons,


I am most grateful for your Loyal Addresses and the generous one period to the next.


So, in an era e of you mone together in a spirit of neighbourliness and celebration of their oe of that history and, with the support of my family, rededicate myself to the service of our great country and its people now and in the years to come.



Mr. president,

prince philip and I are delighted to e from the people of your country, ashave other members of my family, most recently my grandson Singapore, you attended both the opening ceremoniesof the Olympic Games in London in 2019, and the Commonmon future interests, especially in education, researchand innovation, the building of cultural ties and the deepening of the bonds betmonmoning golden anniversary mitments to openness, fairness andenterprise, this friendship will not only be sustained but will flourish and thrive.

Ladies and Gentlemen I ask you to rise and drink a toast to the president and people ofSingapore.







每年的圣诞节下午3点准时在BBC One,英国女王都会向全国人民祝贺圣诞,总结去年发生过的事件,展望未来,传递正能量。


视频中插播了很多片段,其中一个片段让我记忆深刻,甚至有点想哭的镜头就是1953年,60年前她在上位时说的那句All this I promise to do,这么一句誓言,使她年纪轻轻就承担了对整个国家担负起的重要责任。女王真是不容易啊!


I once kne the monmonwealths family ties that are a source of encouragement to many.



