幼儿园大班英语教案《She is my mother》

每个老师为了上好课需要写教案课件,本学期又到了写教案课件的时候了。只有提前准备好教案课件,这样心中对于各种可能的情况胸有成竹。好的教案课件需要注意哪些方面呢?有请阅读小编为你编辑的幼儿园大班英语教案《She is my mother》,欢迎阅读,希望对你有帮助。

幼儿园大班英语教案:she is my mother

Total: 3 Lesson: 2
Teaching purpose:Use pronouns to identify people.
Ask a Who question
Use adj to describe people.
Teaching difficulties: handsome, pretty, smart, naughty
Who is this? It is me.
Who is he? He is my father.
He is handsome.
I love my father.
Teaching procedures:
A: Revision
1. Singing: Hello, How are you?
I like coffee
Teddy Bear
2. A chant: grandfather, grandfather, old,
grandmother, grandmother, healthy,
father, father, handsome,
mother, mother, pretty,
uncle, uncle, fat,
auntie, auntie, slim,
sister, sister, smart,
brother, brother, naughty,
I am lovely.
3.Tonys family picture: Who is he? He is my father.
a. The teacher asks and the students answer.
b. Boys ask and girls answer.
c. Girls ask and boys answer.
4.Singing: Who is he?
B: presentation
1.A picture of myself:
T: Who is she?Ss: She is Miss Zhang.
T: Yes, it is me.
2.Teach the new structure:Who is this? It is me.
3.A picture of our class: ( All the students ask together, and the one who
is in the picture should stand up and says: It is me.)
Ss: Who is this?S1:It is me.
4.A Game: Look at the screen and the one appear on the screen
should stand up and say the sentence.
Tony, Tony, can you see?
Tony, Tony, it is me.
1.Go back to Tonys family picture.
2. fatherfather, handsome
mothermother, pretty
sistersister, smart
brotherbrother, naughty
3.Draw the lines.
naughty smart pretty handsome
4.A Game: Who is handsome (pretty, smart, naughty) please come to the front
then chant together.
e.g. Charley, Charley, handsome.
Harry, Harry, handsome
5.Introduce Tonys family members:
Who is he?
He is my father.
He is handsome.
I love my father.
6. Drill: He is my father.
He is handsome.
I love my father.
7. Look at your own pictures then do pairwork:
A: Who is she?
B: She is my mother.
She is pretty.
I love my mother.
8. Drawing: Draw a picture of your family, then introduce your family members.
e.g. She is my sister.
She is smart.
I love my sister.


大班英文优质教案《she is my mother》

She is my mother.
Total: 3Lesson: 2
Teaching purpose:Use pronouns to identify people.
Ask a Who question
Use adj to describe people.
Teaching difficulties: handsome, pretty, smart, naughty
Who is this? It is me.
Who is he? He is my father.
He is handsome.
I love my father.
Teaching procedures:
A: Revision
1. Singing: Hello, How are you?
I like coffee
Teddy Bear
2. A chant: grandfather, grandfather, old,
grandmother, grandmother, healthy,
father, father, handsome,
mother, mother, pretty,
uncle, uncle, fat,
auntie, auntie, slim,
sister, sister, smart,
brother, brother, naughty,
I am lovely.
3.Tonys family picture: Who is he? He is my father.
a. The teacher asks and the students answer.
b. Boys ask and girls answer.
c. Girls ask and boys answer.
4.Singing: Who is he?
B: presentation
1.A picture of myself:
T: Who is she?Ss: She is Miss Zhang.
T: Yes, it is me.
2.Teach the new structure:Who is this? It is me.
3.A picture of our class: ( All the students ask together, and the one who
is in the picture should stand up and says: It is me.)
Ss: Who is this?S1:It is me.
4.A Game: Look at the screen and the one appear on the screen
should stand up and say the sentence.
Tony, Tony, can you see?
Tony, Tony, it is me.
1.Go back to Tonys family picture.
2. fatherfather, handsome
mothermother, pretty
sistersister, smart
brotherbrother, naughty
3.Draw the lines.
naughty smart pretty handsome
4.A Game: Who is handsome (pretty, smart, naughty) please come to the front
then chant together.
e.g. Charley, Charley, handsome.
Harry, Harry, handsome.
5.Introduce Tonys family members:
Who is he?
He is my father.
He is handsome.
I love my father.
6. Drill: He is my father.
He is handsome.
I love my father.
7. Look at your own pictures then do pairwork:
A: Who is she?
B: She is my mother.
She is pretty.
I love my mother.
8. Drawing: Draw a picture of your family, then introduce your family members.
e.g. She is my sister.
She is smart.
I love my sister.

幼儿园小班英语教案《My Face》

幼儿园小班英语教案:my face

T:what day is it today?
C:Today is Monday.
T:What day is it yesterday?
C:yesterday was Sunday.
T:What are you doing in sunday?
C:I am

T:This is eyes.Follow me
C:This is my eyes.
T:We can use my eyes do what?
C: see something
T :This is my mouse.Follow me.
C:This is my mouse.
T:We can use my mouse do what?
C:We can use my mouse eat some food.

结束部分:教师和幼儿一起做游戏,Touch my face.

T:If i say touch you
C:You can touch you
T:Do you understand my meaning?
T:Touch you
C:Touch my

幼儿园中班英语教案:My body

这篇《幼儿园中班英语教案:My body》是小编为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。以下信息仅供参考!!!

英语活动:My body

1、学习单词“arm, neck”,能正确发音,并能注意到单复数的不同表达。

一、Look at my face(复习五官,单复数渗透)
1、猜图形:(出示一个圆形,鼓励幼儿大胆猜测)T:What’s this? C1: It’s a ….
2、画五官T:It’s a face. Can you tell us what are on the face? Let’s try to draw them on the face.

二、Show my body(新授单词)
Ben(T):Hello! I am Ben. where is my body?It’s here. What do you see on my body?
C:I see a。。。.)
T: What colour are the stars? C: It’s green.
T: Where is the red/yellow/blue star? C: It’s on the neck/arm.
T: Where is your neck/arm? Show me your neck/arm.
2、练习 集体、个别、结合动词
3、游戏:说说做做I say you do:Show me your arm/neck .

三、play with my body(复习巩固)
玩法:幼儿分两组,根据指令选择相应颜色的魔环,挂到相应的人体部位,并用英语表达:例:T:Neck. C:Neck,neck .It’s a neck。”
T: put the red circle on the neck .(个别)/Neck , Where is the neck? C: Neck, neck .It’s neck./ Neck ,neck .It’s here.
T:Dance with our body. When the music stops, touch your body according to the following instructions and then say:‘Neck, neck. . It’s neck..

幼儿园小班英语教案:My face

这篇《幼儿园小班英语教案:My face》是小编为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。以下信息仅供参考!!!

学习单词nose、 mouth、 eye、 ear
师:Hello,boys and girls
幼:Hello,Miss Li
师幼共同唱〈good morning 〉
师:今天老师再来给小朋友变个魔术,〈点出课件face〉,Look,whats this?
幼:Its face
师:Yes,〈教师模仿face〉:“I am a face,nice to see you”
幼:“nice to see you too”
师:Oh,very good 。face上都有什么呢?Who want to help me?
幼:One two theer ……
师:〈点击课件放大五官上的嘴巴〉Whats this?
师:oh,this is mouth,follow me “mouth”
幼儿看老师口型跟读 ,向mouth打招呼“hello mouth”
类似学习nose 、eye 、ear
幼、good dood verygood.
师:下面老师要和小朋友做个游戏,游戏的名字叫:touch touch
教师找一名能力强的幼儿配合示范游戏〈教师用手请轻轻拍幼儿的手,一边说touch touch nose幼儿赶快用另一只手指在鼻子上,要求能够听到后,快速的指出相应的五官〉幼儿学会后可以自由找自己的好朋友玩这个游戏,教师鼓励帮助交往能力差的幼儿找到好朋友。在欢乐的touch touch游戏中结束活动。

幼儿园英语教案模板:my family

English plan of little class

class:the little class

children’s number:23 teacher:Jerry

Contents: my family

Teaching objective:

A. know families “daddy,mommy,sister,brother” and say it correctly.

B. like to speak english.

Teaching preparation:

A. some stickers,some cards of apples.

B.flash cards of mommy daddy brother sister.

C. draw two bags on the blackboard.

D. two toys of hand,a toy of bor bor,tape of book 2.

Teaching procedure

I. Warming up:

1. greetings: boys and girls,good morning.how do you do?.nice to meet you.what day is it today?

2. rhtym:let’s dance<>.(teach them the rhyme).

II. Revision

review alphabet “a~f”:boys and girls,now let’s say the alphabets together.(say the text of lesson 1)

III. presentation

the alphabets babies are very happy!now,melody show you bor bor’s families.(show them the cards of daddy,mommy,brother,sister)now they wake up.let’s greet with them. “good morning,daddy,good morning,mommy,good moring brother,good morning sister.”(or teach them text)

IV. game

1. apple bag:

“boys and girls,melody will show you some things.look carefully.they are two apple bags.who say words(or text) well,melody will ask you to put a apple in the bag.are you ready?yes,ready!go!”

2. hands:

show them two toys of hands.when teacher say “brother”(or “good morning,brother”),children should pat the card of “brother” with the toys of hands.

3. bor bor’s kiss:

told children that child say the text well will get bor bor’s kiss.

4. melody’s gift:

give children say the words or text well some stichers.

V. conclusion

boys and girls,wake up early every morning.that you will be healthy.when you wake up in the moring,you should say “good morning,daddy,good morning mommy,good morning everybody that I see”.

now put up your hands.good bye melody,see you next time.

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