七年级英语《What do you like?》教学设计

教案是老师上课之前需要备好的课件,本学期又到了写教案课件的时候了。同时在写教案课件时,设计内容需要让学生更快地理解各知识要点。如何才算是写好一份教案课件呢?考虑到你的需求,小编特意整理了“七年级英语《What do you like?》教学设计”,相信能对大家有所帮助。

教学内容分析本单元的主要内容是谈论喜好和厌恶,围绕这一交际功能项目,通过动词like在一般现在时中的各种句型变化,特别是单数第三人称在否定句和疑问句中的变化及其肯定回答和否定回答很自然地向学生介绍了新的语法项目 ── 一般现在时态的用法.为了使学生达到熟练运用的目的,课文中设计了各种食物及水果的插图和不同形式的表格,让学生进行阅读,问答,对话和看图或表格提问等各种活动。

第97课利用各种食物和水果的插图,首先复习了like后面直接跟宾语的用法,如:Do you like rice? 这是以前学过的内容,以此为切入点,进而向学生介绍了有关喜欢程度的几种表达方法,I like it/them a little/very much.等,然后通过一段小短文引出like后面加不定式的句型。如:They like to eat different kids of food.并初步涉及了单数第三人称的形式,这一语法现象对学生来说,理解起来有一定的难度,运用熟练就更不容易了。要想了解这一语法现象,首先要帮助学生树立第三人称单数的概念,本课第三部分用一短文,通过问答练习的形式,给学生提供一个实践的机会,帮助他们初步掌握这一语法现象。。

第98课第一部分用表格的形式重点学习了用like来提问单数第三人称的疑问句形式及其肯定回答和否定回答。第二部分则通过一段小幽默故事来进一步复习和巩固like动词的用法。第三部分还是用表格在第一部分问答练习的基础上,通过询问Mr. Green、Mr. King、 Jim、Kate、等人所喜欢的是什么颜色,继续巩固和练习了有关喜欢程度的几种表达方法。

第99课介绍了like的另一种使用形式,即like+-ing的形式。第一部分仍然利用表格的形式,通过大量的问答练习,使学生掌握like的这一用法。在此不要把重点放在研究它与like to do的区别上,而应放在应用和操练上,否则,容易误导学生。本课短文讲述了Uncle Wang喜欢制作东西的故事,与第一部分遥相呼应。




另一方面,在教学like+-ing 这一句式时,可集中教学本单元涉及的动词短语,如:do the housework, make machines, wash dishes等,同时,可让学生对以前学过的动词短语做一简单小结。其它单词可让学生在文章中猜测其大意,必要时再做讲解。教学单词和短语时,可利各种食品的图片,简笔画,动作表演,也可进行词语竞赛等。


本单元的口语训练建议教师上课时可以带一张很新颖的图片或实物让学生看,然后问学生 Do you like this picture(假设是某公园)!然后教师在学生回答完之后就可以说I like this picture very much. I like to go to this park. This is Zhongshan park..教师紧接着问学生Do you like to go to Zhongshan park? Where do you like to go? What do you like to buy?等等。



I like rice. I don't like bread. What about you?

I like meat a little. I like fish very much.

I like eggs, but I don't like cakes at all.

My mother/father/sister/brother like….



1.教师将准备好的食物图片拿在手上问学生,Do you like hot dogs? Do you like apples?等,然后将所有问到的图片都贴在黑板上,让学生两个人一组进行问答训练。在两人一组的基础上,教师可以在全班的范围检查二、三对学生,看看他们的问答怎么样。在大家熟悉了句型之后,教师可以将班级分成两个大组,一组同学问,一组来答。看哪个组问得多、答得正确。











本单元的交际用语主要是谈论喜好和学习喜欢程度的几种表达方式。这一话题贴近学生生活,口语训练很容易上口,教师也比较容易控制课堂。教97课时,可以事先准备一些有关食物的图片或投影片,指着每个图片问学生:Do you like hot dogs? Do you often eat hot dog? Do you like rice? Do you eat rice for every meal? 等,同时练习表示程度的短语very much, not…at all, a little等,待学生掌握了喜欢程度的几种表达方法后,让学生两人一组进行问答练习。在大家熟悉了这一句型之后,教师可以把学生分成几个小组,进行句型操练比赛,看哪个组问得多,答的正确。教98课时,可利用图片、实物或表格的形式,重点操练Does he/she like…? 这一句式,待学生掌握后,可以小组为单位,先互相询问对方的喜好,再在组内或全班范围内叙述某个组员的喜好情况。教99课时,基本句型与前两课相同,只是食品名词换成了动词短语,教师在教学中特别要注意示范动作和语言,提醒学生like后面动词形式的变化,给学生更多时间进行练习,让学生通过大量的实践来巩固所学的内容,做到熟能生巧。

本单元的重点是动词like的一般现在时的陈述句(肯定、否定)、疑问句及其答语。难点是动词like在一般现在时单数第三人称中的变化形式,助动词do/does和don’t/doesn’t的用法,助动词后面用原形动词,加-s或-es 的用法。由于汉语中没有类似的语法现象,所以学生很能容易出现He like…和She don’t…一类错误,因此,教师应多举实例,让学生在实例中逐渐理解,并在语言实践中逐步达到熟练运用的程度。




like doing/like to do sth

都表示“喜欢做某事”,两者的区别在于:like doing sth. 表示经常性或习惯性的行为或动作,而 like to do sth. 则表示具体的某一次的行为或动作。如:

I like playing football, but I like to play basketball today. 我喜欢踢足球,但是今天我想打篮球。

every/ each

1. ______ child knows it.

2. ______ has his own(自己的)name.

3. There are many shops on_______ side(边)of the street(街道).

答案:1. Every/ Each 2.Each 3.each。


meal/ dinner

1. Our friends ask us to go to their homes for ________.

2. We have three ______ every day.

3. Breakfast is the first _______ of a day.

答案:1. dinner 2. meals 3.meal。


dish/ vegetable

1. How many _______ do you usually cook when your friends come?

2. I want to buy many kinds of ________.

答案:1.dishes 2.vegetables。


not…at all/ not at all

1. —Thank you very much. —________.

2. He can ___ swim______.

3. She does ___ do her homework _____.

答案:1.Not at all 2.not…at all 3.not…at all。

解析:Not at all 意为“别客气、不用谢”,常用来对别人的致谢表示应答,相当于That’s all right./ Ok. You’re welcome.等。not…at all意为“根本不,一点也不”,at all在否定句中,是为了加强语气,一般位于句末。




1)like + 名/代,喜欢某人/物 e. g. →

David likes hamburgers a lot. David非常喜欢汉堡包。

Miss Gao is a nice teacher. We all like her. 高老师非常好,我们都喜欢她。

2)like +to do sth.(偶尔或具体地)想做某事 e.g. →

I like to play games with you. 我喜欢和你们做游戏。

They like to eat different kinds of food. 他们喜欢吃些不同的食物。

3)like+ doing sth.(经常、习惯性地)喜欢做某事 e. g. →

The children like swimming very much. 那些孩子特爱游泳。


What is she like? 她是怎么样的一个人?

The little girl looks like her father. 那小女孩看起来像她的父亲。


1)What do you like about…?用来询问对方所喜欢的内容。e. g. →

—What do you like about our school? 你喜欢我们学校的什么?

—The teachers and the students. 学生和老师。

2)How do you like…?你认为……怎么样?e. g. →

—How do you like this book? 你认为这本书怎么样?

—It’s very interesting. 很有趣。

3)Would you like +名词/ to do sth.? 询问对方是否需要什么或征求意见与看法。e. g. →

Would you like to play football with us? 你愿意和我们一起去踢球吗?

Would you like some milk or some coffee? 你想来点牛奶还是咖啡?

2. I like it / them very much/ a little.我非常人有点喜欢它/它们。

Han Meimei likes bananas a lot.韩梅梅很喜欢香蕉。

上两句中的very much, a little, a lot在句中作状语,用来修饰动词,一般置于句末。very much一般只修饰like, love, want这样表示情感的动词,其在句中不能作宾语,而a lot, a little在句中不能作宾语。a lot 或very much用在否定句中,是不完全否定,如果需要完全否定时,应该用not…at all,表示“根本不”的意思。

My young brother likes watching TV very much/ a lot. 我的弟弟非常喜欢看电视。

I see Weihua a lot.我经常见到卫华。(此句不能说成I see Weihua very much.)

I don't like playing football very much /a lot. 我不是非常喜欢踢足球。

注:very一般只用在形容词或副词前。如:very old, very hard等;a little可以修饰不可数名词,不能修饰可数名词。如:a little water,不能说a little books.

3. …but she doesn’t like rice or noodles.可是她不喜欢吃米饭,也不喜欢吃面条。


The old man cannot speak or write.这位老汉不会说话、也不会写字。

The old man cannot speak and cannot write.这位老汉不会说话、也不会写字。

4. I don't like it /them at all.我根本不喜欢它(它们)。

句中 not…at all意为“根本不”,“一点都不”,是完全否定。它与Not at all. 有着不同含义,“Not at all.”是“没关系”的意思,经常作为“谢谢”或“道歉”的答语。at all在否定句中,是为了加强语气,一般置于句尾。如:

I can't see the words on the blackboard at all.我根本看不见黑板上的字。

She doesn't love me at all.她根本就不爱我。

He can't swim at all.他根本不会游泳。

5. Many people in the restaurant know him very well. 饭店里的许多人很了解他。

词组know sb. very well意为“对某人很了解(熟悉)”。如We know Tom very well. 不能说We know Tom very much, 短语know of sb. / sth是“知道某人/某事的情况”,如:I know of him, but I don’t know him. 我听说过他,但我并不认识他。

6. Why don’t you go to the toy shop then? 那么为什么你不去玩具店呢?

Why don’t you+动词原形+……?表示“为什么你不……呢?”常用于间接地向对方提出建议,往往带有肯定意味,一般不必回答。该句型相当于Why not+动词原形……?如:

Why don’t you come earlier? (=Why not come earlier?) 为什么你不早点来?

Why don’t you go with us? 为什么不和我们一起去呢?

7.I think we can call it a “plike”. 我想我们可把它叫做plike。

这是一个主句+宾语从句的句子。I think是主句,(that)we can call it a plike,是一个句子充当 think的宾语。

短词call sb sth.“把…叫做…”是一个有用的表达,如We call him Big Boy.我们称他大男孩。

关于think的用法已经学过这样的句子:He is thinking.他在想事。I think so我想是这样。I don’t think so.我不这样认为。注意下面这个句子:I don’t think he likes swimming. 我想他不喜欢游泳。不能说成I think he doesn’t like swimming.这种think后接否定意思的宾语从句要把否定副词no同think连用的语法现象,叫做“否定的转移”。

8.“给……打电话”可译为“make a phone call to sb.”如:I want to make a phone call to my mother.


七年级英语说课稿:Why do you like koalas

这篇《七年级英语说课稿:Why do you like koalas》是小编为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。以下信息仅供参考!!!

今天我说课的题目是Go for it!七年级下册的第三单元Why do you like koalas第一课时。人教版教材充分体现新课改的指导思想,其对话编排几乎都是从生活实际需要出发,生活气息浓厚,让学生能掌握生活中基本的常识交流,发展他们自主学习的能力,形成有效的学习策略,把任务型教学与实际教学法融为一体。本节课学习动物的单词,及表述喜欢的原因,本单元的各项活动都围绕动物为主题展开。
七年级下册Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?本课以听Can you feel the love tonight?导入。任务一通过听力引入本课的重点句型,即询问喜欢何种动物及其原因。任务二是让学生挑选自己最喜欢的一种动物进行对话练习。任务三通过本节课学习,解决教学中所出现的知识点。运用任务型语言教学模式,培养学生对语言的综合运用能力。课堂上以学生为主体,以任务为主线,重视体验参与,体现“以生为本”的现代教育教学理念。教学突出交际性,注重听说读写的实用性,促进语言综合运用能力的提高。重视个体差异,倡导过程激励,以多层次,多角度,多主体的结果与过程并重的评价方式激励进步。注重信息技术与学科整合,充分利用多媒体辅助教学,以图、声、文等形式使教学过程变得生动形象,使学生智能得到空前释放。重视情感态度和价值观教育(热爱动物、热爱大自然、关心他人等)注重学生自我反思与思想升华。
Step1. Warming-up
1. Enjoy a song "Can you feel the love tonight?"
2. T: Can you see lots of animals in the movie?
Ss: Yes,I can.
T: Do you like Simba?
Ss: Yes.
T:I like him very much.Because he is brave,clever and cool.
Step2. presentation
Look at pictures on the screen. Simba is a lion.Can you say it in English? Let’s learn together.
Step3. Consolidation
1. play a guessing game to check the animals .
2.Match the words with the animals in the picture.(1b).
Step4. presentation/practice
1. present the dialogue.
T: Do you like monkeys?
Ss: Yes, I do.
T: Why do you like monkeys?
Ss: Because they are smart.
practice the conversations with your partners.
3.Listen and complete the sentences.(2a.2b)

初中七年级下册英语教案英文版:Unit 3 Why do you like

Language goals

In this unit students learn to describe animals and express preferences and give reasons,

New language

Why do you like koala bears?. Because they're cute,They're pretty interesting, They're kind of shy, They're very big.

names of animals such as tiger, elephant, koala bear, dolphin

description words such as smart, cute, intelligent

names of countries: Australia, South Africa,

Recycled language

between, across from

He's/She's from ... He's / She's five years old.

name of countries; China, Japan, Brazil

Section A

Additional materials to bring to class:

coins or other markers for the Bingo game in 4.

Ask students to name as many animals as they can in English. Write the list on the board,

Ask students to describe each animal in some way.They may tell its color or tell if it is big or small.

Say, Today we are going to learn the names of some more animals. Well also leam how to say which ones we like and tell why we like them.

la This activity introduces the key vocabulary.

Focus attention on the map of the zoo showing pictures of animals. Ask students to point to and name any animals they can.

point to the animals one by one and say the name of each. Ask students to repeal.

point out the numbered list of words. Say each one and ask students to repeat.

Then ask students to match each word with one of the pictures. Say, Write the letter of each animal in the blank by that animal's name. point out the sample answer.

Check the answers.

1 b This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

point to the animals in 1a- Ask students to point to and name the animals.

Say, I'm going to play recordings of three conversations. Listen carefully as you look at the words in la.put a checkmark in front of the name of each animal you hear.

play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

play the recording a second time. This time students check each animal name they hear.

Correct the answers.

1 c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Call attention to the example conversation in the picture. Ask two students to read it to the class. Answer any questions they may have.

point out the four description words. Ask a student to read them aloud. Review the meaning of each word.

Say, Now you can make conversations about animals.Your conversations can be like the example. Use these description words.

Ask students to work in pairs. Have them take turns saying both parts.

If students need help getting started, demonstrate another conversation with a student. For example:

Teacher: let's see the elephant.

Student: Why do you want to see the elephant?

Teacher: Because it's very smart.

Ask some students to present their conversations to the class.

2a This activity provides listening practice using the target language.

Call attention to the two blank lines on the left. Say,You will hear a recording of a conversation. Listen carefully. Then write the names of the two animals you hear on these lines.

play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

play the recording a second time. This time students write in the names of the animals.

Check the answers.

point out the adjectives listed on the right. Ask a student to say the words.

Say, Now I will play the recording again. This time draw a line between each animal and the adjective you hear.

play the recording and have students match each animal with an adjective.

Correct the answers.

2b This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.

Call attention to the conversation and the blank lines in it Say, You will hear the recording again. This time please write a word from the box on each blank line. Some words can be used more than one time.

Ask a student to read the words in the box.

play the recording. Check to see that students are writing a word from the box on each line of the conversation.

Go over the answers.

2c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Call attention to the conversation in the picture. Ask two students to read it to the class.

Say, Now you can have conversations like this one.Use the words in Box 1, Box 2, and Box 3 in your conversations.

Demonstrate a conversation with a student. For example:

Student: Do you like penguins?

Teacher: Yes, I do.

Student: Why?

Teacher: Because they're very cute.

3a This activity provides reading practice using the target language.

point to and say the names of the three countries on the maps and ask students to repeat

point to the three animals and ask a student to name them.

Say, Now draw a line between each animal and the country it comes from.

Correct the answers.

3b This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

point to the conversation in the picture. Ask a pair of students to read it to the class.

Ask students to work in pairs. Say, Now you can talk about where animals come from. point to the map and animals students matched up in 3a-

Say, Work with a partner. Take turns asking and answering questions about the countries and animals in 3a.

After a few minutes, ask several pairs to say the conversation for the class.

Section B

Additional materials to bring to class:

pictures of household pets and zoo animals cut out of magazines for Follow-up activity 1.

1 This activity introduces more key vocabulary,

Call attention to the animals in the picture and ask a student to say the name of each one.

point out the list of eight numbered adjectives at the top.

Say, Now please match the adjectives at the top with the animals in the picture. Write the letter of the animal on the line after the adjective. point out the sample answer.

As students work, move around the room offering to answer questions as needed.

Correct the answers-

2a This activity provides listening practice with the target language.

Say, Now I will play a recording of a conversation between Tony and Maria. This time circle the adjectives you bear on the list for la.

play the recording again. Students circle the adjectives they hear.

Correct the answers.

2b This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.

Call attention to the three headings. Animal, Maria's Words and Tony's Words, and the write-on lines under each.

Say, Now I will play the recording again. This time please write the name of the animals each person talks about and the words they say.

play the first four lines of recording and stop the tape. Ask, What animal are they talking about? (the elephant) What words does Maria use to describe the elephant? (interesting, intelligent)

point out the write-on lines where students can write these words.

play the whole recording and have students write the words they hear on the chart.

Check the answers.

3 This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Call attention to the dialogue next to the picture. Ask two students to read it to the class.

Say, Work in pairs. Use sentences like these to say what you think about different animals.

Demonstrate the activity with one or two students. For example, say, I like dolphins. They're intelligent.

Ask students to work in pairs. As they work, move around the room checking on progress.

Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.

3a This activity provides reading practice using the target language.

point out the three descriptions of animals. Ask students to take turns reading one aloud.

Then draw attention to the pictures of animals below.Say, Write the letter of the animal in the blank lines above its description. There is one animal that is not described.

Check the answers.

3b This activity introduces some new vocabulary words and provides reading and writing practice using the target vocabulary.

Call attention to the pictures of animals in 3a, and draw attention to the grass, leaves, and meat. Ask a student to explain each word or use it in a sentence to show he or she understands what it means. Teach the expression sleeps.

point out the description in 3b with blank lines where some words are missing. Read it to the class saying blank each time you come to a blank line.

point out the six words in the box. Say, You can write these words in the blanks. Use each word only once.

As students work, move around the room checking progress and offering language support as needed.

Check the answers.

3c This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language,

Say, Now you can write a description like the one in 3b. You can use some of the same words. Write about any animal you like.

You may wish to do a sample description with the class. Choose an animal's name and write it on the board. Then ask students to make statements about the animal.Repeat each statement and then write on the board. You can ask leading questions such as. Is it big? Is it lazy? Does it eat grass?

Ask students to write their own descriptions. You may wish to have less fluent students work with a more fluent partner,

Ask students to share their writing with others in the class.

After you have reviewed the students' work, you may wish to have some students recopy their work so that you can post it on the classroom bulletin hoard.

小学五年级英语说课稿:《What would you like》

这篇《小学五年级英语说课稿:《What would you like》》是小编为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。以下信息仅供参考!!!

一 说教材:新英语课程标准指出,基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。而综合语言运用能力又以学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识五个方面的综合素养为基础。
《新课标》倡导任务型教学模式,即让学生在教学活动中参与和完成真实的教学任务,从中体验学习的快乐。因此我采用“任务——探究——创造”型教学方法,让学生在有趣,开放式的语言环境中,学会观察,思考,讨论和总结,在“用”中发展思维能力、创新意识和各种语言应用能力。我说课的内容是第十一课的第一课时。这是一节情景对话课,围绕“征询意见”这一日常用语展开。在第三课中,学生已经能用“ would you like some…?”进行询问。能听懂会说chicken,pop, milk, a sandwich。本课时的教学内容为用“What would you like?”进行征询意见。根据这一安排和学生的整体认识水平,从知识教学、能力培养等方面考虑,我确立本课时的教学目标为:
1、知识目标: 能听懂会说I'm hungry. What would you like?Yes, I'd like……
2、能力目标: 听懂会说hamburger、French fries、pizza、pop。
3、情感目标: 能运用所学句型进行对话表演和口语交际,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生的英语学习能力。
4 本课时的教学重点是:能听懂会说 I'm hungry. What would you like? No, I'd like……听懂会说hamburger、French fries、pizza、pop。教学难点是能用“What would you like?”征询别人意见以及hamburger, French fries的正确发音。
5 学情分析: 由于学生已学过类似的对话,我打算以对话的形式讲授新知识。
6 教具准备: 录音机,卡片,多媒体
(一)、Warming up
1、Sing some songs.
2、play a game.快速呈现食物图片,做问答。
(紧接着教师摸着肚子,作饥饿状)引导学生一起说出I'm hungry,围绕呈现的图片快速对话。
(以对话的形式,唤起学生的记忆,使学生熟练运用旧知,同时对I'm hungry进行了渗透。)
1、依次呈现some bread、some juice的图片。
T: Would you like some bread?
S: Yes, please
2、T: I'm thirsty.(教师作干渴状,引导学生边做边说I'm thirsty.)
T: Would you like some juice?
S: Yes,please.
T: Here you are.
通过已掌握的句型新授hamburger, French fries pizza ,pop。
3、(呈现以上四幅新授图片)Make out some dialogues.
S:I'm thirsty. I want to drink.
T: What would you like, please?
S: I'd like some pop, please!
T:I'm hungry. I want to eat.
S: What would you like, please?
T: I'd like some French fries, please!
1、Listen to the tape and read after the tape.
2、Act out the dialogue.
1、Make a survey.
2、Who's the best?
(师生示范表演为学生提供一个可操作的模式,以任务型的活动方式,通过合作学习,并予以评价知道,给学生提供平等的说英语的机会,鼓励学生在竞赛中学,这样既创造了轻松愉快、自然和谐的课堂气氛,又促进了交际活动的展开。通过“Apple Tree”的评价总结,让学生认识到集体目标的实现离不开个人的努力,激发其进一步追求成功的欲望。)
1、Read after the tape recording.
2、Make up a dialogue in pairs.


学生情况分析(学生62人,其中男生:36人,女生:26 人)
二 课时总安排
总共100课时:授课 课时 复习 课时
测试 课时 机动 课时
The goal:
The goal of Go for it is to make language a step-by-step progression that builds confidence and leads to open-ended activities where students can actively relate learning to their personal lives.
Go For It! 是以《英语课程标准》为依据,以学生的英语语言综合运用能力为目标。不仅以语言知识、语言技能为重点,而且更注重学生的学习策略、情感态度和文化意识。教学内容的处理和取舍灵活开放, 只要教师从学生的实际水平和语言能力出发,任何教学内容的调整或取舍,任何教学步骤的安排都是可行的。“I sometimes go to the last to do the group work first…It depends on the teachers’ knowledge of the students actual language ability…”(David Nunan);提倡教师结合学生实际,充分利用学生、教师本身和环境中一切可以利用的资源,丰富教学内容,创造运用英语的机会,注意多渠道开发教学资源。 “Don’t use just the textbook. Anything in real life that connect and appropriate to the lesson can be used as teaching resources.”(David Nunan);提倡任务型语言教学,教学进度整体把握,教学形式不拘一格;课堂以学生为主体,以任务为主线,重视体验参与,课后访谈调查,读写扎记,重视语言运用;正视个体差异,倡导过程激励,以多层次、多角度、多主体的结果与过程并重的评价方式激励进步。
The key points of each unit:
Topic Functions Structures
U 1 Making new friends Introduce yourself
Greet people
Ask for and give telephone numbers present tense to be
What questions
prossessive adjectives:my,your,his,her
U2 Things in the classroom
Identify ownerships Demonstratives:this,that
What questions and Yes/No questions
How do you spell pen?
U3 The family Introduce people
Identify people Demonstratives:these,those
Subject pronouns:I,he,she
Yes/No questions
plural nouns
U4 Things around the house Talk about where things are Where questions and Yes/No questions
prepositions: on,in,under
Subject pronouns: they
U5 Spending time with friends Ask and answer questions about ownership
Make suggestions present tense to have
Yes/No questions and short answers: let’s
Adjectives of quality
Food Talk about likes and dislikes present tense to like
Yes/No questions and short answers
Affirmative and negative statements
Shopping Ask about prices
Talk about clothing
Thank someone Demonstratives:this,that,these,those
How much questions
Dates Talk about dates When questions
prossessive “s”
How old are you?
Movies Talk about preferences
Make plans present tense to want
Yes/No questions and short answers:
Adjectives of quality
U10 Joining a club Talk about abilities Modal verb can
Yes/No questions and short answers:
Affirmative and negative statements
What questions
U11 Daily routines Talk about daily routines
Ask about and say times When questions
What time is it?
Adverbs of frequency
U 12 School subjects Talk about preferences
Give reasons What questions
Why questions
Who questions
Adjectives of quality
四、 教材分析
人教社《新目标英语》教材的几大特色:A. 图文并茂。一幅副充满情趣,幽默生动的画面,令你眼睛一亮。它不仅版面设计充满新意,而且在内容和结构方面更富有创意 更具时代感,更有现代气息,更加贴近学生的生活。学生一拿到课本后都爱不释手,迫不及待地翻阅。B. 实用性强。每个单元的选材都来源于学生的学习和生活。紧紧地与学生的年龄特征、认知结构、生活经验联系在一起。如第一册的十四个话题:认识新朋友、教室里的物品、家庭成员、食品、购物、电影、参加社团、生活习惯、学习科目、国家与语言。第二册的十二个话题:邻居、动物、足球、职业、周末活动、音乐、人物性格与外貌、天气、节日、度假与休闲、流行文化、规章制度与日常生活。由于这些都是学生熟悉的话题,生活中经常碰到的事情,所以学生容易接受,学习热情自然也高。使教学活动由“要我学”转变为“我要学”。C.注重交际。针对中国学生学英语普遍存在的“聋哑病”,教材设计了大量的听说读写材料。每个单元都有语言活动,且内容不同,形式多样,学生对这些活动充满兴趣,所以大家都能情绪高昂地参加pair work, group work, games等活动。学生们充满了自信,开心地练习说英语,教室里常常充满了欢歌笑语。同学们都喜欢上英语课,他们能为学以致用而感到兴奋,同时也体验到了学习语言的快乐。D.词汇量大。第一册有词汇700个左右,第二册约450个,第三册约450个,第四册约400个, 第五册约500个,合计2500个。这一点正好达到《英语课程标准》5级的要求。大大丰富了学生的词汇量,让学生能更好地表达自己的所思所想。同时也要求学生必须采取有效的记忆单词的方法,就会事半功倍,否则难以适应教材的要求。这时学生特别需要教师的指导 .。
a.言语、情境真实性原则 (The authenticity principle)
b.形式-功能性原则 (The form-function principle)
c.阶梯型任务原则 (The task dependency principle)
d. 在做中学原则 (Learning by doing)
Week 1 Starter Unit 1 5课时
Week 2 Starter Unit 2& Starter Unit 3 5课时
Week 3 Unit 1 6课时
Week 4 Unit 2 6课时
Week 5 Unit 3 6课时
Week 6 Revision 6课时
Week 7 Unit4 6课时
Week8 Unit 5 6课时
Week 9 Unit 6 6课时
Week 10 Revision 6课时
Week 11 Middle examination 6课时
Week 12 Unit 7 6课时
Week 13 Unit 8 6课时
Week 14 Unit 9 6课时
Week 15 Unit 10 6课时
Week 16 Unit 11 6课时
Week 17 Unit 12 6课时
Week 18 Revision 6课时
Week 19 Revision 6课时
Week 20 Final examination

高一英语《Why do you do that》教学设计


教学目标 与要求

Words and expressions
burn, free, operate, obey, punish, so that, in order to, make sure, stop. . . (from) doing
Daily expressions
1)I’ll keep the box in the shade so that the sun doesn’t bum the little plants.
2)I’ll water them to stop the soil getting too dry.
1.Ways of expressing purposes
2.Revision of the passive Voice








1、听、读 2、问答练习3、造句4、编演对话5、讨论6、复述课文7、讲故事






2、本单元是对于表示目的一些交际用语,教师可以按以下程序:看、听老师演示→听录音→ 训练学生典型句型→ 读课文 → 学生运用。


本单元的内容是围绕播种,植树这一题材,让学生了解植树造林的意义。日常交际用语运用了陈述目的基本表达法,同时在对话及课文阅读中使用了主要词汇的用法,如;shade, in order to, in fact, stop, cut down, known down等。同时本单元出现的语法重点是复习被动语态及表示目的句型结构。


take, bring, carry, fetch



It’s going to rain. You’d better take your umbrella with you. 要下雨了,你带上雨伞。


Bring me the newspaper, please.请把报纸给我拿来。


He always caries a small notebook in his pocket.他口袋里老是带着一个小笔记本。

4)fetch意为“去拿来”,如图所示: 含有一去一来的意思。

如:people had to walk many kilometers in order to fetch wood.人们要砍柴得走很远。

burn v.--烧毁,焚毁.烧伤;(由酸类)灼伤;燃烧(以取火或热)


I will keep the box in the shade so that the sun doesn't burn the little plants.我将把盒子放在阴凉处以防太阳晒坏小苗。

The two men had their limits burning all night long in order that everyone might see how hard they were working on the Emperor’ s new clothes. 这两个人点了一夜灯以便让大家知道 他们赶做皇帝的新装是多么卖力。


He took a burnt stick up from the ground.他从地上捡起一个燃烧过的棍子。


They had burned all the old letters before they left.他们在离开前把所有的信都烧了。


In fact they grow better if you feed them. 事实上如果你们喂养他们,他们就能生长得更好。

She feeds her baby on (with) cows’ milk. =She feeds cows’ milk to her baby.

The sheep feed chiefly on grass. 羊主要以草为食。

soil, earth, ground ,land 和 field的区别


He filled the hole with earth. 他用泥土填洞。

soil 指土壤,耕地,国土等。

Soil is earth in which flowers, trees and other plants can grow. 土壤是花草、树木及其他植物得以生长的泥土。

land 指相对于大海而言的“陆地”,也可以指土地、 国土等。

After along journey, they found the rich land. 经过长途跋涉,他们找到了这块沃土。


There is a large play ground in front of our building.在我们楼前有一个大操场。


They are working in the fields. 他们正在地里干活。

The rest are left to grow even taller. 余下的被留下来以让它们长得更高。

1)the rest作“剩余部分,其余”讲。它作主语时,其谓语动词的数要依据它所指代的名词的数来确定。例如:

The rest of the money was left to his son. 剩余的钱留给他儿子。

Only Tom is in the classroom. The rest of the students are still at play.只有汤姆在教室里。其余的学生还在玩。

2)句中的副词even修饰比较级taller, 它没有实际意义,只起加强语气的作用。可用来修饰形容词或副词比较级的词或短语还有much, far, still, rather, a lot, a great, deal, a little, a bit等。例如:

It’s a bit cold today. 今天有点冷。

His book is far more interesting. 他的书更加有趣。

so that he can catch the first bus.

in order that he can catch the first bus.

so as to catch the first bus.

in order to catch the first bus.

to catch the first bus.


1、动词不定式(包括 so as to,in order to)。

2、用so that和 in order that引导目的状语从句,从“句中一般含有情态动词can,could,may,might等。下面以“为了能赶上第一班车,他每天都起得很早”为例。

He gets up early every morning


用否定结构,注意“不定式的否定结构在to前加not; so that/ in order that 只有在主句主语和从句主语一致的情况下可以换成 so as to/in order to;in order to可放于句首,so as to则不可)

so that he can’t miss the first bus.

in order that he can't miss the first bus.

so as not to miss the first bus.

in older not to miss the first bus.

so that也可用来引导结果状语从句。在so that引导的结果状语从句中,谓语动词前不用情态动词,主从句间可有逗号隔开。例如:

Everyone said no, so that the plan was dropped. 大家都反对,计划就不再讨论了。

cut down, cut in, cut off与cut out的区别

cut down意为砍倒,削减,指将树砍倒或裁军

to cut down a tree with an axe 用斧头把树砍倒

cut in 意为打断,指从语言中打断

Don't cut in while I'm talking. 我说话时别插嘴。

cut off意为“切断、切下”指切断电源,水源,煤气等。

He cut off the gas when a fire breaks out.

cut out意为切下,删下,指删掉,剪下文章等。

He cut out an article from the newspaper.

教学设计方案 Lesson 17

一、Teaching Aims

1. To learn how to plant things from this dialogue.

2. To learn to use the following useful words and expressions.

Burn, so that, stop. . . (from) doing, make. . . do

3. To make sure that the students can act out the dialogue publicly and that they can make a similar dialogue.

二、Teaching procedures

Step 1Revision

1.Check the homework exercises

2.Ask some Ss to read aloud the travel diary

Step 2 presentation

T: We have many kinds of flowers on our campus which make our school very beautiful. But do you know how to plant flowers?

possible answers: First dig a hole in the earth. put some flower seeds in the hole. Cover the hole with some soil and then water it.

Then tell the Ss that in this period we are going to learn how to plant things.

Step 3 listening

1. The Ss to listen to the tape with the books closed.

Ask this question: Where is Mum sowing cabbage?

2. Allow the Ss to listen to the tape again. Ask the following questions.

1) Why does Mum keep the box in the shade?

Answer: Mum keeps the box in the shade so that the sun doesn’t burn the little plants.

2) What will make the cabbage plants grow big and strong?

Answer: The powder

Step 4 Reading

Ask them to try to match the pictures with the steps.

1. put some soil in the box.

2. Sow the seeds and cover them with more soil.

3. Keep the box in the shade.

4. put the plants in the earth and water them.

5. plant them in rows in the field.

6. Feed them with some powder.

Step 5 practice

1. Let the Ss read the dialogue twice in pairs.

2. Ask the Ss to make a similar dialogue with the following topics.

How to plant tomatoes. How to plant potatoes.

How to plant peanuts. How to plant sunflowers.

How to plant cucumbers How to plant eggplants.

Step 6 Language points

T gives the Ss the language points and further explains them

cabbage seed, so that, stop the soil from getting too dry, like you feed chickens

Step 7 Workbook

1. Do part 2. on page 17 in the textbook. Here we will deal with the grammar: to express one’s purpose with the phrase “to do”.

Step 8 Summary and further practice

1. Summary

Go over the useful words and expressions and make sure the Ss have learnt how to use them.

2. Ask the Ss to make some other dialogues in which there is the phrase “to do” to express one’s purpose.

possible topics:

Why do you like collecting stamps?

Why do you like the pop music?

Step 9 Homework

Wb Lesson 17 Ex. 1,2 and 3.

教学设计方案Lesson 18

一Teaching Aims

1. To help the Ss to understand the text completely.

2. To help the Ss to know how to skim the text to find the general idea and to help them to scan the text to locate specific information quickly.

3. To help the Ss to recognize the importance of good environment.

二Teaching procedures

Step 1 Revision

1.Check the homework exercises.

2.Revise how to grow a plant. Get the Ss to tell you the process.

Step 2 Introduction

1.T: Today we are going to read about some village people. They decided to grow some new trees. Let's find out why.

2.Ask the Ss to look at the pictures and ask the following questions.

1)What are the women doing?

2)Can you guess why the housewives are planting trees?

Step 3 Listening

1 T plays the tape twice. and try to understand the text at last

2.After that, ask them some questions below.

1)Was it easy for the village people of Tansa to fetch wood in the past? How do you know?

2).Is the programme of planting trees operated by men or women in this area?

Answers:1).It was very difficult for them to do so. They had to walk many kilomeres in order to fetch wood.

2).By women in this area.

Step 4 Reading

1. T gives the Ss 10 minutes to read loudly and carefully, then T draws two columns on the Bb: Get Ss to answer what has changed in the past few years or today?


In the past

No trees left; people walked a long way to fetch wood; when it rained, the soil was carried away; no new trees were planed


forest programme; plant thousands of trees; people are not allowed to cut down small trees; everyone looks after the forests; the forests have grown, larger and better.

2.Ask the Ss to discuss this question in groups. What do you think of the women in Tangsa?


They have a strong sense of responsibility. They are foresighted and hardworking. They know the importance of forests. They are willing to do things for other people.

Step 5 Discussion

1. Ask the Ss to discuss the fallowing question in groups.

If you are one of the villagers, what will you do?

2. Ask the Ss to discuss the importance of forests and ask this question: Why should we protect the environment and reduce the pollution?

Step 6 Workbook

Read the text again and try to answer the questions of Ex. 1 on page 78

Step 7 Language points

T deal with any difficult points at this stage. For examples:

obey, cut down , carry away, forest programme, so on.

Step 8 Homework

1. Do Ex. 2and3on page 78

2. Retell the text.

3. Tell a story about protecting the environment.


First put some soil in a box, sow the seeds carefully, and then cover them with more soil. After that keep the box in the shade so that the sun does not burn the little plants. Later ,after a few week’s time put the little plants in the earth. Don’t forget to water them, so that the soil will not be too dry.

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