

Unit1 My new teachers第一课时
本课时的教学重点是Let’s learn部分的单词:old,short thin,tall,strong, young, funny, kind等。要求学生能听懂句型,并结合这些句子表达的情境,学会恰当地替换句中的单词。逐步学会听、说、读、写单词:old,short,thin,tall,strong。
本课时的教学难点是如何利用所提供的对话和情景,以旧引新,让学生进入学习状态。Let’s start部分在学生用书当中首次出现,教师应正确理解此部分的辅垫作用,可根据实际教学需要进行使用,并帮助学生熟悉教材内容的变化。
(l) 教师播放Let’s start下面歌谣的录音,让学生听歌谣猜单元话题,激发学生对新学期第一单元英语学习的兴趣。还可以使用四年级上册第三单元学过的句型:“I have a new friend. He’s tall. He’s strong, too.”并结合相关人物的图片,引导学生复习 strong, tall, short,thin等词,为本课时听、说、读、写这些单词做好准备。
T:Hello, everyone! Welcome back to school! Nice to see you!
Ss: Nice to meet you!
(3) 问学生几个问题,引出本课重点内容。具体会话可参考如下:
T:Hi,everyone!Nice to see you again.What grade are you in now?
Ss:We’re in Grade 5.
T:Do you like your new English books(new classroom, new teacher)?
T: What are we going to talk about in Unit 1?Guess!What’s the topic of Unit 1?
2. presentation(新课呈现)
(l)教师出示Let’s start部分图片,介绍说: Rabbit has many new teachers in her school. Do you have new teachers? 引导学生根据情景图的提示描述新教师。然后教师说:“今天我们将学习怎样描述新教师。Sarah将为大家介绍几位新教师,大家在先看一看有哪些是新教师?
(2)出示Let’s learn部分的图片,向学生介绍说: They are Sarah’s teachers. Describe these teachers.引导学生结合预习部分回答出 strong, tall, short, thin等旧词,然后结合图卡向学生呈现新词:youny,kind old,funny。教师可利用简笔画、单词卡片或实物图片等—一教授新词,使学生正确理解、认读。
(4)教师根据以下信息请学生判断会话中描述的教师是 Let’s learn配图中的哪一位: Mr Hu is the art teacher. What’s he like?He’s short and thin.完成前面铺垫的学习任务,让学 生猜出哪位是Sarah的新教师。教师再引导学生利用 Let’s learn部分所提供的替换句型,描述Sarah的其他两位新教师,练习巩固所学新词。
教师范写四会单词,让学生跟写或在单词卡片背面仿写,达到听、说、读、写 四会掌握新词的目的。
3.Let’s play (趣味操练)
(1)Let’s find out (找一找)
教师指导学生用所学新词和句型描述Let’s find out部分几位教师的体貌特征,然后找出正确的图片。完成这项活动后,教师引导学生充分利用八张新词卡片继续进行结对或小组活动,如: My new Chinese teacher is tall and strong. Who is he? 让其他学生选出正确的图片。
(2)Let’s sing (唱一唱)
教师放歌曲“My new teacher”的录音,学生跟唱,进一步在音乐节奏中感知新词。
4.Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展)
(l)让学生做本单元 A Let’s learn部分的活动手册配套练习。
(2)让学生模仿Let’s find out部分的录音,读给朋友或家长听。展示不同教师的图片,让学生猜出是教哪个科目的教师,然后用所学新词描述这些教师的外貌特征。
(3)让学生参照 Let’s find out部分设计一些谜语让大家清一猜。可以参考以下语言: She is tall. She’s beautiful. She’s very young. We all like her. Who’s she?
5. 小结
单词:old,short thin,tall,strong, young, funny, kind
提供第一课时教案示例。本课时Let’s learn部分主要是通过情景会话,谈论美术教师的样子,来让学生学习单词:old,short thin,tall,strong, young, funny, kind等。教学设计适合与学生身边的人物相联系,尤其是新老师。可引导学生复习已学过的tall, short, thin, strong等词汇,再进一步学习本课新生词。达到描述不同图片人物的要求。利用一些活动来巩固知识。教师引导学生充分利用事先准备好的人物图片,进行结对或小组活动,如: My new Chinese teacher is tall and strong. Who is he? 让其他学生选出正确的图片。

Unit1 My new teachers第二课时
本课时的重点掌握句型是: Who’s your math teacher? Mr Zhao. What’s he like? He’s thin and short. He’s very kind要求学生能在相似的情景中完成替换练习。能灵活运用这些句子进行交际。
Let’s try这一形式在学生用书中第一次出现,但难度不大。学生即使不能够听懂句子的含义,只要明白关键词语的意思也能找到正确答案。教师要帮助学生听录音熟悉新词和新句型,感知连读、失去爆破和弱读等语音现象。初步培养学生的听力技能。
(1)教师放歌曲“My New Teacher”,让学生感知并复习歌曲中语言。
A: Good morning/afternoon. Look! Our math teacher is very young. He’s tall and thin.
B: This is our music teacher. She’s young. She’s very funny.
A: Who’s your art teacher?
B: Mr Hu.
A: What’s he like?
B: He’s short and thin!
2. Let’s try and talk (操练)
Let’s try
反复播放Let’s try部分录音,指导学生根据声音选出图中相应的人物。在学生根据录音内容圈出所描述教师之后,可让学生看一看他们熟悉老师的图片,用英语说出他们是谁,用句型:“Who’s he/ she? What’s he / she like? ”提问学生。此后再转入 Let’s talk部分对话的详细学习。教师能放一句,停一句,并重复录音中的话语,帮助学生掌握正确的语音、语调。
Let’s try部分录音内容如下:
① Boy:Who’s your English teacher?②Girl:Who’s your math teacher?
Girl: Mr Black. Boy: Mr Li.
Boy: What’s he like? Girl: What’s he like?
Girl: He’s tall and strong.Boy: He’s old.He’s very thin.
Who are the two men they are talking about?
Let’s talk
(1)教师播放Let’s learn A中的四句话(声音见媒体素材的A learn sentences.wav)。教师说:“这位胡老师又瘦又矮,我们找一找图中的哪位老师又瘦又矮呢?”出示Let’s talk部分的人物图片,让学生快速找出Mr Zhao。 然后教师分别说出教师姓氏: Mr Ma/ Miss Liu….这时先不要求学生描述这些教师,可把该项任务放到对话教学之后。
(2)听录音,跟读Let’s talk部分的对话。引导学生指现图中的人物Mr Zhao是English teacher, 而录音中的人物说的是math teacher。
(3)教师再次出示人物图片,让学生分别并对人物进行描述,可利用句型:“Who’s this man / woman? What’s he/she like?”进行操练,先由教师示范,再结对或分小组进行。
Good to know
此部分为选学内容,要求学生了解中西方国家在人名称呼习惯上的不同。汉语中习惯把姓放首位,名字放在后面。英语国家的人却习惯把名放在首位,家族的姓氏放在后面,而且有的在两者之间还有中间名(middle name)。这些不同需要让学生了解。
3.Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展)
(l)让学生做A部分Let’s talk的活动手册配套练习。
(2)让学生默记Let’s talk部分的录音,将内容说给家长或朋友听。
4. 小结
Who’s your math teacher?
Mr Zhao.
What’s he like?
He’s thin and short. He’s very kind.
提供第二课时教案示例。课文通过听声音找图片人物、复述对话、操练句型等方式来学习句型是 Who’s your math teacher?Mr Zhao. What’s he like?He’s thin and short. He’s very kind. 这些句子在第一课时已接触过,本课重点是让学生进行句型操练。先学会听懂句型,再进行复述句型,最后灵活运用这几句话进行交谈。教师主要参与学生一开始的听说部分,引导学生掌握听英语的技巧,和说英语的语音。在学生最后的活动中,教师只起辅助作用,进行评分和最后的总结。
Unit1 My new teachers第三课时
描述教师:在多张教师的图片中,让某学生任意抽取一张,对该教师进行描述,其他同学补充。结合所学句型:“He’s tall and thin.He’s our English teacher.” 结合单词卡片复习所学的四会单词,可让学生进行口头拼读比赛。
2. presentation(新课呈现)
Read and write
(l)用图片展示的方法导入。教师介绍说: Zhang peng has three new teachers this term. He talks about them with his classmate Tim. Let’s go and have a look!Who are the teachers?
3.Let’s play (趣味操练)
pair work
要求学生看pair work部分的图片,理解对话内容。两人一组,根据图片出示的句子,制作两组单词卡片,要求每组单词不少于五个。一组为各科目教师,如 math teacher, music teacher等,另一组为描述人物外形的词组,如 thin and tall, strong and short等。制作完成后,一人抽取两张卡片并提出问题,另一人根据卡片的内容进行回答。答对时,由此人抽取图片,问另一人。
4.pronunciation (语音操练)
(1)教师出示一些含有相同字母组合,如 ee,ea等的单词卡片,要求学生根据图片或实物读出这些单词。在教学过程中要注意引导学生发现字母组合ea和ee在这些单词里发长音的规律,同时还要特别注意示范bl,br的滑音变化并强调这两个字母组合发音的区别。
ea tea meat treat peach seat Jeans leaf meal
ee beef sheep see queen meet jeep street canteen feed green teeth bee bsleep
bl blue blow black block blow blonde
br bread break brown breed brain brick
5.Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展)
(l)让学生做 Read and write部分的活动手册配套练习。
(2)让学生听 Read and write、 pronunciation部分的录音,读给朋友或家长听。针对语音部分,教师可以找出更多相关单词让学生练习四个字母组合的发音,也可以要求学生自己去找。对于找到较多单词的学生要及时鼓励。
(3)让学生参照pair work说一说,做一做,设计一些有关教师或亲友的词组卡片,让大家来做句子整合游戏。
6. 小结
Who’s your English teacher?
Mr Carter.
What’s he like?
He’s tall and strong.
提供第三课时教案示例。本课时“Read and write”部分主要是在学生能够在读懂对话的基础上,正确写出所学句子Who’s your English teacher?Mr Carter. What’s he like?He’s tall and strong.pair work部分要求学生动手动脑动口,根据图片出示的句子,制作两组单词卡片。并进行对话练习。
学新知导入时,可让学生描述教师,或进行一些口头拼读练习。学生在操练时,要注意让他们使用所学的新知识。语音的学习虽然在教材是设计在C 部分,但我们应尽量选用此部分。本册教材第一次将字母组合的单词发音与句子结合起来,学生可不注重理解句义,只试着快速读出句子就可以了。
探究内容: 组织学生进行小型的演讲。
探究目的: 锻炼学生写和说的语言运用能力。
探究形式: 全班。
1. 每位学生准备100字左右的演讲稿,介绍自己的一位老师。要说出这位老师与众不同的特点。如果能借助其他素材来说明更好,如图片、音乐等。
2. 全班同学和诸位老师面前,进行演讲。
3. 由老师们谈一谈感受,或对学生的演讲进行评价。
4. 选出表现较好的同学,予以奖励。




Goood moring, I'm glad to interpret my lesson here . The lesson plan I am going to talk about is part A let's learn of unit1 pEp primary English book7. I will explain how to teach and the reason for doing this from following aspects.Ⅰ analysis of the teaching content.Ⅱ ways of teaching and learning .Ⅲ teaching proceduresⅣ blackboard designV assessmentNow Let’s focus on the analysis of teaching content. It can be pided into 3 parts as followed: the status and the function, the teaching objectives , the main points and difficult points, I’ll talk about it one by one.This lesson is the first lesson of unit 1, book7 . It includes two parts: Let’s learn and let’s play. In section 1, it mainly deals with these key phrases: on foot, by bike, by bus, by train, by subway. And in section 2, it provides a game for the Ss to prastise the patterns: How do you go to…? And the answer: I go… by../ on foot.Our students have already known some vehicles in the daily life. It’s not difficult for them to understand and use these words . If students can learn it well, it will help students to learn the rest of this unit. So, I set the following aims:The first is language objectivesTo make sure that students can read, recognize and use these key phrases :on foot ,by bike,by bus,by train skillfully.The next is ability objectives(1) To develop Ss’ abilities of listening and speaking.(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in groups.moral objectives(1)to help students know some vehicles and comprehend the traffic rules(2) To foster Ss’ consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition.The main points and difficult points about this lesson is:(1) To make sure that Ss can use these key phrases correctly and skillfully.(2) To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.(3) To develop Ss’ interest in English.Difficult pointsTo help the Ss ask and answer the question “How do you go to…?part Ⅱways of teaching and learningAs we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in primary school is to cultivate pupils’ basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I will let the Ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey”How do you go to school?” to help Ss to get a better understanding of the key phrases. I will arrange these activities: guessing game, finishing a survey and having a competition. And in this lesson a recorder, CAI, will be needed.partⅢ teaching procedures>I’ll finish this lesson in five steps.step1 lead--in activitiesI will begin my class with "drawing and guessing" game, just like this : I show students some vehicles such as bike ,bus ,jeep which they learned before by "Stick Figures" and ask them guess what’s it.purpose: It is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by guessing game. and at the same time it provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step.step2 prestentationNow I’ll mainly talk about this step.1、first there is a Free talk between T and Ss. For example: I show many pictures of beautiful cities and ask students some questions, such as "do you like this city?where do you want to go ?"and help Ss to answer them with "by train ,by plane,by ship".By the way, I show the picture of a school, and say“ I go to schiool by bus” ,Ss read this sentence. do the actions and ask "how do you go to school?",show many pictures of tools such as ,on foot by bike ,by bus to help students answer my question one by one.To present the key structures one by one is much easier for the Ss to learn and grasp the meanings.2 With the help of the CAI I set a situation to help Ss understand the way of using these key phrases:A boy is coming, who is going to school. He says: I go to school by…Then play the sounds of bus, bike ask students to listen carefully and tell “I go to school by…" according to the different sounds, by the way , I present another new phrases:by subwaypurpose:Make Ss use these new phrases with sentence structures, to help Ss use the language in a real situation.step3 practise3 I order to make every student read these new phrases correctly, I design a "drill "in this step, I show cards as soon as possible ,students should read the words quickly and spell them. Then I ask 'How do you go to school?'students answer "I go to ......"also I will quicken the speed to ask .The purpose is to draw the whole students'attention to the spelling of the words4 After this, I ask Ss to do "Let's play " in fours. They use places cards and vehicle cards, ask and answer:How do you go to …? I go to … by…”5, If Ss can ask and answer expertly, I will ask them to make a short dialogue.the purpose of this is to help students to learn those sentenses through a ture situation and make the dialogues in order to check if Ss can usse these key prases、sentences structures skillfullystep 4 consolidationlet students do a survey about "how do you go to school?"and the table like this :write down names and tools another Ss chooseTask-based teaching method is used here to develop Ss’ ability of ; communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained.step 5 homeworkask students to collect other kinds of transport tools through the library ,computer.the purpose of this is to stimulate the interest of learning english and to wide the students'knowledgestep6 blackboard designmy blackboard design like this :on the left Ishow the phrases:on foot,by bus.......on the right there are many sentences:how do you go to school?I go to ......"step 7 assessmentdue to the students'age ,I make every students work in class through many activities in order to stimulate the students'interest and provide they a wide thinking room. I make students learn this lesson very well through desiring scene statuesthat's all,thank you for your listening !



第一步:Subject 写课题 例如:Unit1 How tall are you?

第二步:Teaching Content 教学内容

第三步 :Teaching Aims教学目标

1. progress and methods 过程与方法

2.knowledge and skills 知识与技能

3.emotions,attitude and values 情感,态度与价值观

第四步:Important and difficult teaching points 教学重难点

第五步:Teaching Aids 教具准备

第六步:Teaching procures 教学过程

1.Warm-up 热身

2.preview 预习

3.presentation 新课呈现

4.Consolidation 巩固

5.Summary 总结

6.Homework 作业

第七步:Blakboard Design 板书设计

第八步:Reflection 课后反思

小学英语教案范文:Drinks I like

M2 U3 Drinks I like教学设计说明

一、 教学内容

今天我说课的内容是上海版牛津英语Module 2 Unit3 Drinks I like的第一课时,通过信息技术的运用,学习单词thirsty, milk, juice和句型 “What drink do you like? I like …”

本节课是在学生学习“I like …”之后进行教学的。通过学习thirsty,感知句形“What drink do you like? I like …”本课时的难度是句型的运用,以及对饮料的简单描述,但容量不是很大,并受到学生的喜爱。

二、 教学目标

《英语课程标准》指出:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展学生自主学习的能力和合作精神是小学英语教学的基本任务。 在认真分析教材的基础上, 我针对学生实际,结合信息技术,将本课时的教学目标及重,难点确定如下:

1、 知识目标

( 1 )学会用thirsty, milk, juice等表述单词。

( 2 )理解和初步运用“What drink do you like? I like …”

2、 能力目标

( 1 )能用“What drink do you like?”来询问他人所喜爱的饮料。

( 2 )会用“I like ….”句型回答他人的询问。

( 3 )能简单描述自己所喜欢的饮料。

3、 情感目标

( 1 )懂得健康饮食,均衡饮食。

( 2 )学会感恩,学会感谢帮助自己的人。

三、 教学重难点

1、 教学重点:理解和运用新授单词,理解和初步运用新授句型。

2、 教学难点:能正确表达自己喜欢的饮料,并且进行描述。

四、 教学准备


五、 教学过程


(一) 通过多媒体技术呈现教学情境,诱发学生学习兴趣

Well begun, half done. 精彩的课堂开头,往往给学生带来新意、亲切的感觉, 不仅能使学生迅速地兴奋起来,而且还会使学生把学习当成一种自我需要,自然地进入学习新知识的情景。


(二) 通过多媒体教学展现语言情景,突破知识的重难点,巩固语言练习。

多媒体在突破本课的重点句型 “What drink do you like? I like …”起到了非常大的作用。在让学生假设自己渴了与同学对话说说自己所喜欢的饮料时,通过展示很多饮料,使学生从形象的句子结构特点和图画提示中很轻松地说出句子内容,而且可以通过反复的替换任务,在这个固定的句式结构中强化练习多个词汇。结合语境很形象的加深知识联系,将新授单词thirsty在教学中也不断得到运用与巩固。


小学生的心理年龄特征表明,在一定的情景下,需要创设“模拟”情境,尤其是让学生进行表演,对于一年级的学生来说,在没有一点给予一定的信息下,要他表演一段内容是比较困难得。 在让学生分角色扮演Little pig 和Kitty 的对话时,通过媒体的展示,让学生听,观察,然后进行模仿。创设了这样的情景后,学生就敢于与朋友交流并且合作,提高了学习的信心。


在本课中,我运用多媒体技术制作了一个大转盘,学生问“What drink do you like?”让转盘转起来“Go,go, go!”让转盘停下来“Stop, stop, stop!”然后回答“I like …”学生非常乐于在这个游戏中学习,课堂更加活跃起来,在游戏中学习知识,巩固知识。良好活跃的课堂气氛不仅能集中学生注意力,同时又大大提高了学习效率。

六、 教学总结




我说的课题是高中一年级英语上册第2单元English around the world的第三课时Reading。我说课的内容包括三部分,一是教材分析,二是说教法,三是说教学程序。
一、 教材分析
w 本课是高中一年级英语上册 ,unit 2 English around the world 中的Reading.
w 本单元的中心话题是“世界英语”,具体涉及“英语在当今世界范围内人们生活中扮演的不同角色及其重要意义,以及英美语言的差异”。本课的语言知识及语言技能主要是围绕“世界英语”这一中心话题进行设计的。
w 本课时主要分为两部分:
1)pre-reading. (读前准备)
“ 读前准备”部分是Reading的前奏,此部分设计了两个问题,诱发学思考。通过对问题的讨论和比较,让学生明白学好英语的重要性。
2).Reading (阅读)
1. 语言目标
2. 情感目标
让学生领会英美不同文化差异和风俗习惯, 领会语言丰富多彩性和发展变化的特征,使学生在认识世界英语在人们生活中扮演的不同角色的同时,更加热爱自己的祖国,从而培养他们的祖国意识。培养他们的跨国文化意识和世界意识。
1、导入:首先在学生对英语是世界上最广泛使用的语言和越来越多的人在学习英语现有情况了解的基础上,引出问题“Do you know how many countries use English as their mother tongue?Do you know something about English around the world?”在学生思索时,引出课题English around the world。接着再询问学生:What language has the largest number of speakers in the world? What language is the most widely spoken and used in the world? How many countries do you know use English as their mother tongue?使学生对本节课的话题有进一步了解,而且很有兴趣了解“世界英语”的具体情况。从另一个角度,先给学生一个语言上的input。激发学生的兴趣和欲望.
2、pre-reading (读前准备):在学生回答了以上问题后,我让学生看这一部分课本上所设的两个问题: 1) How many languages do you speak? Which is your native language? 2) If you speak more than one language, in what situation do you use the languages?让学生仔细思考后回答。教师不必忙着下结论,诱导他们从书中去思考寻找答案,激发他们探究的兴趣。
任务 1:Listen to the tape ,听录音,然后让学生尽力得出大意并且回答问题
1. How many countries are there where the majority of people speak English?
2. How is English used in Hong Kong?
3. What language should we use on the Internet so that we can communicate with people around the world ?
1、There are more than 42 countries where the majority of the people speak English in the world.()
2、There are more than 37,500,000 people who learn English as a second language.()
3、New Zealand, South Africa, the Republic of Ireland and the philippines use English as their mother tongue.()
4、More than 750,000,000 people learn English as a foreign language.()
5、English is the only one working language of most international organizational trade and tourism.( )
1、 According to the text, which is TRUE about those who use
English as a second language?
A. English is also their mother tongue.
B. They use more than two official languages in their country.
C. people enjoy talking to their family members at home in their native language.
D. They learn English at high school for about five years.
2、 What’s the situation of English used in China?
A. Most Chinese students learn English at school as a foreign language.
B. All Chinese students speak English as a foreign language.
C. The majority of Chinese students speak English at school as a second language.
D. The majority of people in Hong Kong use English as their mother language.
3、 What’s the main idea of the passage?
A. There are more than 42 countries where th majority of the people speak English in the world.
B. More than 750 million people learn English as a foreign language.
C. English is the language of global culture such as popular music and the Internet.
D. English is the language which is the most important and widely used in the world today.
4、 Which is right according to the text?
A. Native speakers of English might find it unnecessary for them to learn a foreign language.
B. English will be the only English to be used in the future.
C. English is the working language of most international organizations, international trade and tourism.
D. With the development of China’s economy, Chinese will be more and more important than English.
5、 Which is WRONG to answer the following questions.www.dakao8.com/
Why is it becoming more and more important to have a good knowledge of English?
A. More and more people will become interested in English.
B. English is one of the working languages of most international organizations, international trade and tourism.
C. We can communicate with people around the world everywhere through the Internet by using English.
D. English has developed into the language most widely spoken and used in the world.
任务5:分小组讨论:1)Why is it becoming more and more important to have a good knowledge of English? 2) In which countries do we find most native speakers of English? Give the names of three counties. 3) Living in China you can use English every day in different situations. Give two examples.给学生五分钟的时间分组讨论,然后让每组的代表给出答案(完成本课教学目标)。 教师在布置任务后,应监控各小组的活动,适当的时候可以参与到学生的活动中去。在活动中,教师多用评价性语言:Marvelous /Excellent /Fantastic /Well done/Great…
Through learning this passage, we have got to know that English is becoming more and more popular all over the world now. So English learning seems important to everyone, especially us students of the new century. With China’s entry into WTO, English will play a more important part in business, in tourism, and even in people’s daily life. So it’s no doubt that everyone should have a good knowledge of English. And I hope everyone in our class can make an effort to learn English well. But on the other hand, it doesn’t mean English is better than Chinese. We must keep it in mind that one’s mother tongue is the most beautiful language in the world. The reason why we learn English is that we should thus be more capable of building up our country. (这是个很好的机会引导学生在领会学好英语的重要性的同时,更加热爱自己的祖国,从而培养他们的祖国意识。It’s a good chance to lead the students to love our own country as well
as to learn English well.)
2、完成post-reading Ex.2。

小学英语教案范文:we love animals





2)进一步巩固句型:Do you like...?Yes,I do./No,I dont.以及I like...和I dont like...












学生学习剑桥英语已有一年半之久,他们学习英语的兴趣浓厚,已具备交流简单个人信息的能力。活泼爱玩,好表现自己是他们的天性。We love animals这一单元的主题是他们既熟悉又喜爱的动物,该课中的大部分动物单词学生已经学过,句型学生已熟练掌握,所以说学习这一课对于他们来说是件轻松愉快的事情。


1.Leading in

T:Just now,we watched "The Lion King",do you like animals?What can you see?Which animals do you like?Do you like panda?

2.pre-task preparation

1)Boys and girls,we are in the forest now,lets do some exercises.Listen and act.

Hands up.Hands down.Act like a dog/cat/monkey.Fly like a bird.Swim like a fish.Jump like a rabbit.Run like a horse.Walk like an elephant.

2)CAI shows pictures of four animals tails.

T:Look and guess.What animals are they?

S:Its a dog/an elephant/a horse/a monkey.

3)CAI shows eight photos of animals.

T:Look and say.What do you like?

S:I like sheep...

4)Lets chant.Ss say the chant with T.

小学英语教案:meeting friends

一、 说课

我开课的主题是meeting friends

交朋友是学生生活中的重要的一部分,学生喜欢朋友,更喜欢自己能成为他人的朋友。所以本课的目标是通过句型、游戏、歌曲等多种不同的方式让学生在不知不觉中掌握怎样与他人成为朋友。在整堂课中,以交朋友为主线。先用动物引发小朋友交朋友的兴趣,新授句型“I want to be your friend.”接着老师把动物朋友介绍给大家,激起小朋友想交朋友的兴趣。由老师做示范后,让想交朋友的学生上台进行自由的交朋友。然后让这些学生再把自己的动物的朋友介绍给自己的好朋友。这样就给学生使用英语自然流入的机会。


最后在歌曲one two three—we are friends中结束本课,让学生感到意犹未尽,为下一课作好准备。


一、 free talk

T: Hello, what’s your name?

S1: my name is XX.

T: who is she?

S1: she is YY.

T: what’s his name?

S2: His name is KK.

Can you ask me some questions like this? (choose someone to ask me)

二、 sing a song

I like animals. Do you like? If you like and you want to be their friend, you should say: I want to be your friend.(show this sentence on the blackboard, then Ss read after T)

Show a toy animal (example)

T: hello, I want to be your friend.

CAT: me, too.

T: Nice to meet you.

CAT: Nice to meet you.

Who want to be cat’s friend?(a team )

The animals are our friends. We all like animals. Today many animals come to our school. Now please close your eyes. Then show a basket. At the same time, choose five Ss to come to the front. And the six Ss hide behind the teacher’s desk. Let Ss open their eyes.(they will see so many animals in the basket)

And the animals also bring us a song. Let’s sing this song. (play the cassette)During this song, the six hidden Ss will appear one by one. Then they dance in front of the classroom.

三、 Make animal friends

There ‘re many animals in our classroom. Do you want to know them? Let’s ask them to self-introduce.

Fish: Hello, I’m fish.

They are so lovely. I like them very much. I want to be their friend.(example)

T: Hello, fish! I’ m Miss Zhu. I want to be your friend.

Fish: me, too.

T: Nice to meet you.

Fish: Nice to meet you.

Who want to be rabbit’s friend?

Who want to be dog’s friend?

Now Miss fish is my friend. And I have another friend----- XX.

T: XX, this is my friend Miss fish. Miss fish, this is my friend, XX.

XX: Nice to meet you.

FISH: Nice to meet you.

You must have many friends. Now please introduce your animal friend to your friend, OK?

四、 Make foreign friends

Today, many animals come to our school. And some foreigners come to our school. Who want to perform these foreigners? (choose four Ss to perform)

1、foreign friends appear one by one. And they self-introduce.

2、(example) Miss zhu wants to be their friend

T:hello, coco. I’m Miss Zhu. Nice to meet you.

Coco:Nice to meet you.

T: I want to be your friend.

Coco: Me,too

T: We’re friends.

Then Miss Zhu has a foreign friend. Do you want to have a foreign friend? OK, please come to the front and say to them.

3、Now we all have foreign friends. However our guest teachers don’t know them. Can you introduce your foreign friends to our guest teachers?

五、 Artistic creation

1、 Show a photo and introduce it. Now this is my home. Who want to be my father? Who want to my mother? Who want to be my friend?

(example) T: Who’s there?

S: It’s me! May I coming?

T: Hello,KK! Coming,please! This is my father. This is my mother. This is my friend—KK.

K: Hello!

F&M: Hello!!

2、practice in four( one is your father,one is your mother,and the other one is your friend.

3、choose some groups of them to perform

六、 Sing a song

Today we meet many friends------animal friends、foreign friends. Are you happy? OK, let’s sing a song.( one two three we are friends)




