小学英语SuperKids 2 Unit 2 Our House教案

教案课件是老师上课的重要部分,每个老师都需要将教案课件设计得更加完善。不过在写时,需要充分展现教学过程的每个知识点。那撰写教案时需要考虑的几大因素?为满足你的需求,小编特地编辑了“小学英语SuperKids 2 Unit 2 Our House教案”,供大家借鉴和使用,希望大家分享!

Super Kids teaching plan
Unit2 Our house
(The First period) Oct 17th
I Teaching Aims and Demands:
1 Do listening exercise on English Coaching paper.
2 Read stories on paper.
3 Introduce something about Disneyland, Le Louyre, Hollywood and Sydney Tower.
II Teaching Key points:
Do listening exercise on English Coaching paper.
III Teaching Difficulties:
Disneyland Le Louyrev Hollywood Sydney Tower
IV Teaching Aids:
ppt; Newspaper; Tape.
V Teaching Time: 35 minutes
VI Teaching Steps
Step1 Greet students.
Step2 Do listening exercise on English Coaching paper.
Step3 Story parts:
Stuents underlined the English sentences.
Teacher writes sentences on blackboard and teach to read.
Teacher and students read the story together:
Teacher reads the chinese parts and students read English parts.
Step4 Show ppt and introduce something about Disneyland, Le Louyre, Hollywood and Sydney Tower.
Disneyland is a very interesting cartoon world. Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse are very lovely. We love them.
Le Louyre is in france.
Sydney is a very famous city in Australia. Sydney Tower is the highest builing in Sydney.
(The Second period) Oct 18th
1. Target
Ss can point to and name : kitchen living room dinning room hall bed room bath room closet yard
2. Materials
picture cards 9---16 Tape CD
Step .1 Before the book
1. Warm ---up
Review the vocabulary from the previous unit using picture cards 1----8
play Draw a line
2. Teach the vocabulary :
kitchen living room dinning room hall bed room bath room
closet yard
Have the repeat copying your actions.
Step2 Open the book
1. Ss listen and point then do the action.
2. Ss listen and repeat.
3. Ss listen and number.
Number1 bath room Number2 living room Number3. bed room
Number4 yard Number5. kitchen Number6. closet
Home work
1) Read some works about kitchen…..
2) Listen and read the words
(The Third period) Oct 19th
Target learn the phrases
Hang up your coat Make the bed Wash the dishes
Wike the table vacuum the carket rake the leaves
Step1 Introduce dialogs
Dialog1: point to inpidual Ss and say Hi! ( Ss’ s name)
How are you? Elicit I’m ok.
Repeat with other Ss.
Have another student S1 greet you by saying
Hi ( T’ name) How are you ?
I’m ok. And you ? repeat with other Ss.
Have another student (S2) greet you .
This time ,smile and say I’m great, thanks. Repeat with other Ss.
Step2 Dialog2: Hold up a familiar classroom item.
Eg. A pencil ask a student What’s this?
Elicit: It’s a pencil.
Repeat with other familiar classroom items.
point to an unfamiliar classroom item.
Eg. Chaik and ask a student (S1) What that?
Encourage student to shrug their shoulders say I don’t know.
Have Ss repeat.
Continue with other unfamiliar classroom item.
Step3 Dialog3: Hold up the picture card8 and ask :
Are you scared? Say YesI am.
Have the Ss repeat with other pictures.
Have Ss say No, I am not.
Step4 Listen to the story
The Super kids are at peter and Toni’s house.
Toni is in bed. She is sick..
Her mother is angry. the dog ate the newspaper.
The dog is sad.
There’s peter and his friend Beth …….
Home work
1) Write some works about kitchen…..
2) Listen and recite the words
Oct 20th
Do the exercises
Oct 21st
Letters competition
Teaching Feeling:In this unit students should master the main words which express the places in their house . So that they can use the new words in their real lives.It is difficult to teach some long phrases, Ss can not read them fluently. So I make a chant to conect all the phrase, then let them compete with each group. It got very good work, and Ss can handle the phrases very well.
Checked by Ms Liu


小学英语教案:6A unit2 What a day!

Unit 2 What a day!
The 1st period
本单元的话题是谈论天气情况和周末活动。Story time 以日记的形式记录Yang Ling周末的一天, 让学生进一步认识和理解一般过去时的用法。教师可以利用学生用书五年级上册Unit7 At weekends的词汇设计教学活动,要求学生运用一般过去时描述刚过去的周末活动。
1. 学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy 和会运用句型:It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.
2. 学生能初步听懂并且会说、会读单词show, interesting, weather, high, honey, ant, bee, cloud, sky, rain
3. 学生能初步感知动词过去式的不规则变化及读音
4. 学生能初步感知天气表达的句型
5. 学生能够对英语书写日记格式有一定的了解
1. 学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy 和会运用句型:It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.
2. 学生能初步听懂并且会说、会读单词show, interesting, weather, high, honey, ant, bee, cloud, sky, rain,、
3. 学生能初步感知动词过去式的不规则变化及读音
4. 学生能初步感知天气表达的句型
Step 1 Warm up
Free talk
T: Hello, boys and girls.
Would you know something more about me?
Two days ago, I was in Shanghai. Do you know Shanghai ?
It’s a big and beautiful city. I
Review : was(am的过去式) ago
But now ,I am in Zhangjiagang. It’s beautiful, too.
3.T: Can you let me know something about you?
Look at the screen, you can choose one part to tell me something about you.
出示 Favourite Food, Favourite Animal, Hobbies三个话题
在Favourite Food话题中引出本课相关单词dumplings, honey
在Favourite Animal话题中引出本课相关单词parrot 延伸到parrot show
在Hobbies话题中引出I like drawing and writing diaries very much.
Teach: diaries diary
T:Look ,these are my pictures. Let’s look at them.
Teach: sunny cloudy windy rainy
T: These pictures are about the weather.
Teach: weather
Step 2. presentation
1.show a picture
T: This is Yang Ling.
She likes drawing and writing diaries ,too.
T: This is a diary of hers. What a day!
What day is it today? Sunday
What date is it today? 20th September(9月20号)
引出课题Unit 2 What a day! T:Let’s look at Yang Ling’s pictures.
What can you see in the picture?
(1)S:I can see some children in the park.
T:Who are they?
S: Su Hai, Mike, Liu Tao and Yang Ling.
(2) We can see some parrots in the park.
(3) fly kites
(4) rain
4.Let’s talk 出示课文相关图片展开讨论
Look and match 在此过程中教授动词过去式的特殊变化形式
go→went see→saw become→became fly→flew are→were
Then read the sentences in the right orders. (Teach: wet)
5.Read the diary by yourself, then finish the exercise. (T/F)
6.Read the diary
在此活动中教授bring过去式brought, can过去式could
Step 3.Consolidation
1.Let’s read
a.Read after one.
b.Read together.
c.Read one by one.
2.T:What do you think of her day?
Happy? Interesting? Terrible? Bad?
Step 4.Homework
1. Read the text.
2. Try to retell the diary according to YL’s pictures.

Unit 2 What a day!
It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.
go→went fly→flew
see→saw are→were
become→became bring→brought

高三英语Unit2教案:The United Kingdom



2. 发展阅读技巧(推断作者态度)




This was the only available room.

② (sb.) be free to seen 可会见的

I am available in the afternoon.

He was not available for the interview.

3. delight n.赞成 in honor of 向…致敬;纪念 in need for需要

in search of 寻找 in celebration of 为了庆祝

拓展have a good memory 记忆力好

memorize/memorise vt.记住,记忆

memorial n.纪念碑;纪念品

7.display n. 这位发展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活过,并且在伦敦去世。

1) It seems…that…(should) have…为虚拟语气

虚拟语气用在It is/seems strange( necessary, natural, important, a pity) that…这类句型里, that所引导的主语从句的谓语动词经常用虚拟语气,should有时省略

It seems strange that he (should) know so much about me.

It's necessary that the problem be settled in some way or other.

2) It seems that…看起来…

there seems to be…看上去像是…

It seems that he is lying.

There seems to be every reason to believe that business will get better.

9 .thrill vt. 激动,刺激,使毛骨悚然 The film thrilled the audience.

Her voice thrilled with fear.


Riding a roller coaster gives you a thrill.


thrilling adj. 令人激动的 a thrilling experience

thrilled adj.感到激动的 He was thrilled when he knew he had passed the examination.

10.feel/be proud of 自豪(褒义) feel/be proud about 骄傲(贬义)

do sb proud 给人面子,待人客气 take pride in 以……为自豪

He takes (a) pride in his success.

He is proud of his success


The passage is mainly about ___B_____

A. Karl Marx’s satue in Highgate Cemetery.

B. a Chinese girl’s introduction to London’s sightseeing

C. London’s history

D. a Chinese girl’s comments on London.


1).I asked somebody else to repaired the tap.

I ___had___ may tap ___repaired_____.

2) A library was built in honor of the great scientist.

A library was built __in__ ___memory____ ___of__ the great scientist.

3) Would like to see the treasures displayed in the museum?

Would you like to see the treasure _on____ ___show____ in the museum?

4) He seems to know everything.

__It___ ____seems___ __that___ he knows everything.

5) I was thrilled by her beauty.

Her beauty ___thrilled____ ____me____.



1. 去观光 2.为担忧 3. 可用的时间

4.列清单 5.令人感到愉快的是 6.依然矗立

7.皇家宫殿 8.令人十分惊讶的是 9.发现某事由…守卫

10.在特殊的日子 11.穿着四百年前风格的制服

12.接着的是 13.为了纪念 14.鸣钟

15.设定世界时间 16.使他最感兴趣的是 17.一条假象的线

18.划分东西两半 19.穿过 20.拍照

21.这似乎是一件怪事 22.原始地 23.令…震惊

24.展览 25.感到骄傲 26.离开…去…

1.go sightseeing 2.be worried about 3.the time available 4.make a list of 5. to one’s delight 6.remain standing 7.a royal palace 8.to one’s great surprise 9.find sth. guarded by… 10.on special occasions 11.wear the four-hundred-year-old uniform 12.there follows… 13.in memory of 14.ring out 15.set the world time 16. What interests him most was… 17.an imaginary line 18.pide the eastern and western halves 19.pass through 20.have a photo taken 21.It seems strange that… 22.the original place 23.be thrilled by 24.on show 25.feel proud of 26.leave…for…

1. It’s a pity that there should be no tickets ___A_____ for the play.

A. available B.spare C.convenient D.affordable

2.We’re ___A_____ to hear your wonderful news.

A.thrilled B.thrilling C.thrill D. a thrill

3.____B____ to his research work, the professor cared little about any other things.

A Devoting B. Devoted C. Having devoted D. To devote

4.____B_____ surprised me most was the suggestion that he ________

A.What;should made B What; had made C.That;should make D.That;had made

5.I can’t see my grandmother __C___ alone in the country, so I’ll have her ____ with me in the city.

A.leave;staying B.leaving; to stay C.left;stay D.left;stayed

初一英语上册《Unit 2 Is this your pencil》教案

Unit 1 My name’s Gina

period One





Step One :present the sentence patterns.

1. play a game “How many words do you know?”(利用小游戏调动学生的积极性,同时通过对冠军的介绍引出本课。)

Teacher: After the study of the first three starters, I think most of the students must have known a lot of words. How many words do you know? Let’s play a game to see who know? Let’s play a game to see who knows the most.

(Divide all the students into several groups and show a picture(图片略)to them with the computer. Every group can choose two students to join. They are asked to come to the blackboard and write down the words in 30 seconds.)

(Group 2 is the champion group. They can write 11 words.)

2. Introduce the champion group to the class.(引课方式贴近生活,学生易于接受)

Teacher: Congratulations, now Group 2 is the champion. But I don’t know your names. Would you like to introduce yourselves to us?

S1& S2:Yes.

S1:Hello.My name is Li Lei. Nice to meet you.

Ss: Hello, Li Lei. Nice to meet you ,too.

Ss: Hello! What’s your name?

S2:I’m Sun ping. How do you do?

Ss: How do you do ?

Step Two: Drills.

1. Make introductions.(通过句型的操练使学生更加熟练掌握所学的句式。)

Teacher: The new term begins. Everyone will meet many new classmates. Do you want to make friends with them? If your answer is “yes”, please introduce yourself in your group.


Sa: Hello! I’m Li Lei. What’s your name?

Sb: My name’s Zhang Feng. Nice to meet you.

Sa: Nice to meet you, too. And what’s your name, please?

Sc: Lin Li. How do you do?

Sa:How do you do?

2. Listen and number the conversations.

Teacher: Today I have good news for you. Three new students will come to our class. They are from other countries. Do you want to know them? Let’s listen to the recording of 1b in Section A.

(Students listen to the tape and give the right answers.)

Step Three: Make friends.

1. Make new friends.(用谈话的方式完成任务,生动活泼,同时更容易向学生进行美德教育。)

Teacher: Now everyone has some new friends. Do you want others to know them? Do you want more friends? Let’s introduce our new friends to others, OK?

Ss: OK.


Sa: This is my new friend. His name is Sun Nan.

Sb: Hello, Sun Nan. Nice to meet you.

Sc: Nice to meet you, too. Look! This is my new friend. Her name is He Lu.

Ss: How do you do?

Sd: How do you do?

(Students can stand up and introduce their friends to others freely. They can greet each other warmly. Everyone in the class can have more friends. They can also know something else about them.)

2. The New comers.(以表演的形式完成,使课堂气氛达到高潮。)

Teacher: Just now I said three new students from other countries would come to our class. Now, look! They are here. Let’s give them a warm welcome.

(Three “foreign”students come in and all the students clap warmly.)

Teacher: It’s their first time to come to China. Would you like to listen to their introductions?

Ss: Yes.

(Three students can make introductions and act out the dialogue vividly.)

Step Three: Sum up.

Some students are asked to sum up this lesson. It is how to make new friends and how to greet them. It is very important in the daily life.


“How do you meet new visitors at home?

period Two





Step One: Revise the sentence patterns.

1. Sing an English song.(用唱歌的方式既带动了气氛,又复习了所学内容。)

Teacher: Yesterday we’ve known each other already. Do you remember your new friends’names? If you do, let’s sing the song “What’s your name?”.

Hello! Hello! What’s your name? My name’s Gina.

Hello! Hello! What’s his name? His name’s peter.

Hello! Hello! What’s her name? Her name’s Anna.

2. Listen to the conversations and finish the exercises.

Teacher: Yesterday I made a new friend. Her name is Jenny. She is very lovely. She introduces many friends of hers to me. Do you want to know about them? Let’s listen to the tape and find out some useful information.

(Students listen to the tape and give the right answers.)

3. Act out the dialogues.(在特定的情景下表演对话更符合实际,更贴近生活。)

Teacher: Now you’ve known something about introductions and greetings. But if you are in other places, how do you introduce yourself and greet others? Look at the four pictures and imagine you are in such a situation, how do you get to know new friends?

(Students can choose any picture they like and act out the dialogues.)


(At a party)

Sa: Hello! I’m Lucy Green. What’s your name?

Sb: My name is Kate Brown, Jim’s classmate. Nice to meet you.

Sa: Nice to meet you, too. I’m Jim’s sister. Welcome to Jim’s birthday party. Make yourself at home.

Sb: Thanks, I will.

Step Two: Choose English names.

1. play a name game.(有效引出“英文名字”这一主题。)

Teacher:As we know, everyone has a name. Each name has its special meaning and so do English names. Do you want to have an English name? If you do, let’s play a name game. The winners of the game will get English names.

Rules: Every student should introduce himself or herself,but at the same time he (she ) should repeat all the above-mentioned classmates' names.


S1: My name’s Tony.

S2: His name’s Tony. My name’s Linda.

S3: His name’s Tony. Her name’s Linda. My name’s Nick.

S4: His name’s Tony. Her name’s Linda. His name's Nick. My name's Kim.


2. Choose English names.

1).Find out first names and last names.(用小组的方式完成名字的识别。)

Teacher: Congratulations to the winners. Now you choose English names from the box. But before you choose names, you must know English names have two parts: first name and last name. Look at the box, can you classify them according to the demands?

Jenny Gina Alan Mary Jim Tony Tom Bob Mike
Green Miller Jack Smith Brown Linda Nick Kim Hand
period Three





Step One: present the English numbers.

1. Sing the song “Ten Little Indian Boys”.(歌曲欢快有趣,比起单纯教授单词更为有效。)

Teacher: During the first two classes, we’ve known something about new friends names. But if we want to contact them. What shall we do?

S1: A telephone call.

T: But you don’t have their telephone numbers.

S1: Ask for their telephone numbers.

T: If we want to know about their telephone numbers, we must learn how to say these numbers in English. Let’s learn to sing “Ten Little Indian Boys”.


One little, two little, three little Indisns,

Four little, five little, six little Indians,

Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians,

Ten little Indian boys.

(After singing the song, tell the students not to forget “zero”.)

T: Count the number together from zero to nine.

S2: Zero…

2. Listen to the conversation and write the telephone number.(通过听力复习单词。)

Teacher: This is my friend’s telephone number. But I can’t hear it clearly. Could you please help me write it down?

(Students listen to the recording of 1b in Section B and give the answer.)

Step Two: Drills.

1. Make a survey about your partners’ telephone numbers.(调查组内成员的电话号码,重点练习所学句式。)

Teacher: Thank you for your help. But do you want to know your friends’ telephone numbers? Now let’s make a survey about it and try to fill in the chart.


Telephone numbers

Li Lei

Liu Yu

Lin Fang

Yin Kailin

S1: Hello, Liu Yu. What’s your telephone number?

S2: My telephone number is …

S1: Oh, thank you. What about yours, Lin Fang?

S3: It’s…

S1: … And may I know your phone number, Yin Kailin?

S4: …

S1: Thank you very much. Oh, I nearly forgot. My telephone number is…

2. Report it to the class.

(After the survey, every group can choose a student to report the survey result to the class.)


My telephone number is… Liu Yu’s phone number is… Lin Fang’s telephone number is… Yin Kailin’ s phone number is…

3. Listen and match the names and telephone numbers.(制作电话号码簿这一任务能够大面积调动学生装的参与意识。)

Teacher: I will play the recording twice. The first time just listen. The second time, write the letter of the person’s telephone number in the space after that person’s name.

(Students listen to the tape .)

T: Next, I’ll play the recording again. This time, fill in the missing numbers.

(Students listen to the tape again .)

T: Can you find out whose telephone numbers they are ?


4. Make an address book.

Teacher: The new term begins. Our class needs an address book to contact each other. Now we can put all the information together and then we can have our own address book. pay attention to the address book headings “Names” and “phone numbers”. Now work in groups of six and ask your group members “What’s his /her name? And What’s his/her phone number?”

湘少版小学四年级英语下册Unit2 Period 2教案


Be able to listen say and read : Can you write/ sing in English….?

Yes, I can./No, I can’t.

Master the new words: write/letter/busy/climb/read/swim/…


Be able to listen say and read : Can you write/ sing in English….?

Yes, I can./No, I can’t.

Master the new words: write/letter/busy/climb/read/swim/…


录音机 单词卡片 幻灯片


Step 1 Revision

Warm-up : 1. Let’s do . 2 Guess some cards.

3 Greetings : Good morning/afternoon/evening/night/bye.

How are you ? I’m fine thanks/thank you.

Nice /Glad to meet you .

Nice /Glad to meet you, too .

Step 2 Let’s listen and say

play the tape for children to repeat

Step 3 act it out

Ask Ss to read the dialogue in pairs and act it out .Have a small competition.

Step 4 listen read and write

1 learn the new words: blouse/ blow/blanket

2 practice the pronunciation method

3 write the new words

Step5 have fun

1. learn the rhyme and act

Step6 sing a song “Come and see my family”

Sing it together

Step 7 Consolidation

1 copy and read

2 preview and revise



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