


the blue sky and mon characteristics of the good things. to achieve harmony, is pursued through the ages the human ideals and aspirations of the good. and mobilizing all positive factors for building a harmonious and civilized campus environment childishness to maturity. the teacher gave us the knoote a vigorous style of team, a do each of the forween the students, frank, tell the truth, do practical things. when the examination resolutely put an end to fraud, with honesty and strength to his teacher and gave a satisfactory answer. rigorous style, civilization, so as to build harmonious campus culture.




1、Maintain a good attitude of tolerance toe suggestions. First, treat people sincerely. eone ething good to our campus is our duty. Let’s do it from nomon feature of all the beautiful things. Achieve harmony and to build a harmonious and civilized campus environment naive to mature. ote a vibrant style of the team, a real study , the unity displayed a style of class and diligence to make personal style in a good environment. The students forge ahead and to the ideal of hard ’s us happily study in the harmonious atmosphere.

The flower opens the day, let’s us influence the sentiment in the harmonious interest paradise.

The flower opens the day, let’s us healthily grow in the harmonious relationship.

Future will not be the dream, today, in our hand.

Thank you~


1、Maintain a good attitude of tolerance toe suggestions. First, treat people sincerely. eone ething good to our campus is our duty. Lets do it from nomon feature of all the beautiful things. Achieve harmony and to build a harmonious and civilized campus environment naive to mature. ote a vibrant style of the team, a real study , the unity displayed a style of class and diligence to make personal style in a good environment. The students forge ahead and to the ideal of hard s us happily study in the harmonious atmosphere.

The flower opens the day, lets us influence the sentiment in the harmonious interest paradise.

The flower opens the day, lets us healthily grow in the harmonious relationship.

Future will not be the dream, today, in our hand.

Thank you!


I always feel tired after eight classes a day, so my dream school starts at 8:30 a。m。 and ends at 3:30 p。m。 there are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon。 we can choose our favorite lessons to learn。 we can spend more time doing some outside reading。 the students do after-school activities for one and a half hours every day。 we needn’t do a lot of homework。 we are all happy to stay at school。

besides that, my dream school looks like a big garden。 there are many kinds of flowers around the modern buildings。 sweet perfumes are diffused all around。 if i want to have a rest, i can lie on the grass, listen to music by the lake or look out at the flowers from the classroom windows。

the teachers here are kind and helpful。 they are not only our teachers but also our good friends。 the students are polite and friendly。 we all know how to keep our school clean and tidy。 there is no litter around the campus。

I love my dream school。 we will grow up to be happier there。







