

hi. im here to talk to you about the importance of praise, admiration and thank you, and having it be specific and genuine.

嗨。我在这里要和大家谈谈 向别人表达赞美,倾佩和谢意的重要性。 并使它们听来真诚,具体。

and the etimes it comes doe ething called truing the e to your ebodys never said that to you, but youve done a really, really good job. and thank you for being here, just showing up and changing the world with your ideas.

非常简单。 为什么要关心这个呢? 我们谈论世界和平。 我们怎么用不同的文化,不同的语言来保持世界和平? 我想要从每个小家庭开始。 所以让我们在家里就把这件事情做好。 我想要感谢所有在这里的人们 因为你们是好丈夫,好母亲, 好伙伴,好女儿和好儿子。 或许有些人从没跟你们说过 但你们已经做得非常非常得出色了。 感谢你们来到这里, 向世界显示着你们的智慧,并用它们改变着世界。



e ice cream.

See, us kids are going to ansatically be happy and healthy.

es doe from Dr. Roger e of those parents like mine counted it as one of the reasons they felt confident to pull their kids from traditional school to try something different. I realized Im part of this small, but groputer hacker, he hacked skiing. His creativity and inventions made skiing munity, and through a net around the nation, and that sparked my love of e basic physics concepts like kinetic energy through experimenting and making mistakes.

My favorite munity organizations play a big part in my education, High Fives Foundations Basics program being aizing hats and selling them. The people cliff-to-cliff. Skiing to me is freedom, and so is my education, its about being creative; doing things differently, its about community and helping each other. Its about being happy and healthy among my very best friends.

So Im starting to think, I know what I might want to do when I grow up, but if you ask me what do I want to be when I grow up? Ill always know that I want to be happy. Thank you.


I home to see hoise to the Internet: that if you asked me for a hand-ters when they need them most, but most of all, fueled by crates of mail like this one, my trusty mail crate, filled with the scriptings of ordinary people, strangers writing letters to other strangers not because they're ever going to meet and laugh over a cup of coffee, but because they have found one another by way of letter-writing.
But, you know, the thing that always


以下是演讲稿网站为大家整理推荐的杨澜在TED大会上的一篇题为The generation thats remaking China(重塑中国的一代)的演讲稿中英原文。她在演讲中分享了自己的人生经历,并讲述了当下中国的一些火热现象,演讲虽然不长,但是很多观点都很精辟,非常值得一看。


The night before I college, I petition, I etimes I have young people approaching me say, “Lan, you changed my life,” and I feel proud of that. But then etimes I’m thinking, what are today’s young generation up to? How are they different, and what are the differences they are going to make to shape the future of China, or at large,the world?

So today I want to talk about young people through the platform of social media. First of all, who are they? [merce. She didn’t realize that she stepped on a sensitive nerve and aroused national questioning, almost a turmoil, against the credibility of Red Cross. The controversy was so heated that the Red Cross had to open a press conference to clarify it, and the investigation is going on.

Ted英语演讲稿:Underwater Astonishment

e up e of the colors are designed to hypnotize, these lovely patterns. And then this last one, one of my favorites, this pin the stage. And in a place e creatures that are positively amazing.Cephalopods -- head-foots. As a kid I kneenon with males, but I dont know. (Laughter)

接下来,再来一起看一对鱿鱼。 这就是鱿鱼。当雄性鱿鱼搏斗时, 如果它们想要显示出自己的侵略性,它们就变为白色了。 这有两条雄鱿鱼在搏斗。 它们用撞屁股的方式来搏斗, 真是挺有意思的方法。这里有一条雄性在左边, 雌性在右边。 看,这条雄性能有办法利用颜色把自己分为两半, 所以雌性只能看到它温顺,优雅的一边, 雄性-- (笑声)再来看一次。 让我们再看一次。注意它的颜色: 白色在右边,棕色在左边。 它后退一步,让其它的雄性无法靠近 来到另外一边,并且马上转换颜色。 瞧!以前有人告诉我 这个雄性特征不仅仅是在鱿鱼身上,不过我也不太确定。 (掌声)


e ice cream.

See, us kids are going to ansatically be happy and healthy.

es doe from Dr. Roger e of those parents like mine counted it as one of the reasons they felt confident to pull their kids from traditional school to try something different. I realized I’m part of this small, but groputer hacker, he hacked skiing. His creativity and inventions made skiing what it is today, and why I love to ski. A lot of people think of hackers as geeky computer nerds who live in their parent’s basement and spread computer viruses, but I don’t see it that way.


Thandie Nee facts, my self being rejected, created anxiety, shame and hopelessness, etimes stronger, sometimes hateful, sometimes not Corn about the age of five, I aly, and my self was rooting around for definition and trying to plug in. Because the self likes to fit, to see itself replicated, to belong. That confirms its existence and its importance. And it is important. It has an extremely important function. Without it, we literally cant interface with others. We cant hatch plans and climb that stairway of popularity, of success. But my skin color wasnt right. My hair wasnt right. My history wasnt right. My self became defined by otherness, which meant that, in that social world, I didnt really exist. And I was other before being anything else -- even before being a girl. I was a noticeable nobody.

我在70年代英格兰海边长大,我的父亲是康沃尔的白人,母亲是津巴布韦的黑人。而想象我和父母是一家人对于其他人来说总是不太自然。自然有它自己的魔术,棕色皮肤的宝宝诞生了。但 从我五岁开始,我就有种感觉我不是这个群体的。我是一个全白人天主教会学校里面黑皮肤无神论小孩。我与他人是不同的,而那个热衷于归属的自我却到处寻找方式寻找归属感。这种认同感让自我感受到存在感和重要性,因此十分重要。这点是如此重要,如果没有自我,我们根本无法与他人沟通。没有它,我们无所适从,无法获取成功或变得受人欢迎。但我的肤色不对,我的头发不对,我的过去不对,我的一切都是另类定义的,在这个社会里,我其实并不真实存在。我首先是个异类,其次才是个女孩。我是可见却毫无意义的人。


