



Do you kno for them jn the jnn.And that.Christmas IS the feast of the nativity of Jesus.is on 25th,December every year.But nobody knoe from ing soon---, I would like to revive the history--- of Christmas day with you.

Christmas or Christmas Day is a holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus, the central figure of Christianity. It is traditionally celebrated on December 25 by most s, church attendance, Santa Claus myth, and family gatherings.

Above is what I know about the Christmas Day.== I hope that= we could know more== cultural background of the festivals== whenever we are planning to celebrate them.

Thank you.



1. tomorroe a long y has also been hit by the global economic sloe these challenges. e great challenges if y of our schools. our principals,teachers and other school staff rose to the challenge,calmly and meticulously. as pupils,you played your part well,by taking your temperature daily and exercising responsibility to prevent the spread of the disease. even our primary 1 and 2 pupils learnt how to take their own temperatures with the guidance of their teachers. the fact that a very large majority of parents sent their children back to schools as soon as we reopened them was a major vote of confidence,especially in our teachers.



Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected ies of food and cranberry juice and squash。 The best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie。 They have been the most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Day throughout the years.


Everyone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turkey stuffed with a bread dressing[3] to absorb the tasty juices as it roasts。 But as cooking varies with families and with the regions where one lives, it is not easy to get a consensus on[4] the precise kind of stuffing for the royal bird.




今年的10月1日,我们伟大的祖国也已经点燃了她的第60枝生日蜡烛。这60年的风雨中,走过的路,淌过的河,已不计其数。虽说成长之路是曲折、漫长的。 面对60年的风雨沧桑,作为炎黄子孙,我们骄傲,我们自豪!现在,我们可以挺直腰板,拍着胸脯向全世界庄严宣告:“我们中华民族是一个坚强不屈的民族,一个伟大的民族。”








wishes for a happy new year!
·beautiful dream comes true
·bring you good wishes of happiness. this christmas and on the coming year.
·during this season may the loy and love of christmas be yours.
·each christmas brings me wonderful thoughts and memories... and you get lots of presents, oh well, merry christmas.
·greeting you warmly with a wish that's sincere for a healthy happy and wonderful days.
·have a heartwarming holiday! warmest wishes for a very merry christmas
·have a wonderful holiday season!
·here are special greetings and the best of wishes, too - may christmas and the coming year bring happiness to you!
·hope your holiday is great and your new year a prosperous one.
·hope you holidays are filled with all you favorite things this christmas ... and all the happiness you could wish for.
·i could always tell that you wrapped santa's presents
·i hope you will join with me in bringing in(更多精彩文章来自“秘书不求人”) the new spring. happy holidays!
·in our hearts, we'll always be near merry christmas!
·joy to the world. wishing you an extremely merry chirstmas
·joyous christmas! warm holiday wishes!
·may happiness follow wherever you go
·may peace and happiness be with you at this holy chirstmas season and always.
·may magic fill your days and all your dreams come true this holiday season.
·may the blessings of christmas fill you heart with hope and joy!
·may the joy and peace of christmas be with you today and always.
·may the light of our savior's love be with you at christmas and always... and all the happiness you could wish for.
·may the light of the holiday season shine brightly in your heart
·may the magic of this christmas season fill your heart with peace.
·may you be blessed with all things bright and beautiful at christmastime and always
·may your christmas be merry as a song and your heart be happy the whole year long!
·may your days be filled with love and light. wanted.
·merry christmas ... and all the happiness you could wish for.
·merry christmas and then happy days over and over again !
·peace on earth, good will to men...
·season's greetings and best wishes for the coming year
·sending you wishes for holidays that begin and on a happy note. wishing you happiness always.
·sing a song of seasons; something bright in all ...
·sleight bells are jingling through the night. children are singing spirits and bright ... merry christmas!
·should you see flowers in bloom, you would see smiles at a lover of beauty.
·thanks for making every thing right! merry christmas!
·the christmas we were going to tell everyone that the real meaning of the season was not gifts ...
·the presents are wrapped, the stockings all hung, all that's left now is the holiday fun! merry christmass!
·this holiday season, it seems everyone is watching their weight ... :)
·to be frazzled! best wishes for a calm and peacefl and holiday season!
·to wish you all the joy of christmas and happiness all through the new year.
·to wish you happiness at christmas time.
·to wish you happiness for the christmas season and the coming year.
·we wish you a merry christmas a happy new year.
·wishing you a bright white holiday full of love...
·wishing you a happy christmas and to hope the new year too. will be a very prosperous healthy and happy time for you ...
·wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful christmas seasons
·wishing you all the joys of the christmas season and have very happy new year may you enjoy good health in the coming year
·wishing you and those around you a very merry christmas and a wonderful new year
·wishing you the gifts of peace and happiness this christmas and throughout the new year




乔布斯被认为是计算机业界与娱乐业界的标志性人物,他经历了苹果公司几十年的起落与兴衰,先后领导和推出了麦金塔计算机(Macintosh)、 iMac、ipod、iphone、ipad等风靡全球的电子产品,深刻地改变了现代通讯、娱乐、生活方式。乔布斯同时也是前pixar动画公司的董事长及行政总裁。


Youve got to find college. Truth be told, this is the closest Ive ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I eday go to college.

And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college that antic. I didnt have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends rooms, I returned coke bottles for the 5 deposits to buy food binations, about puter, it all came back to me. And ething your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.




e brave ones suggested killing the king. so they then on the chinese people celebrate on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month and eat moon cakes in memory of that important event.

pared to a looking-glass, a jade rabbit, and so on. it seems that chinese literature takes far more interest in the moon than in the sun.


Maybe I seem less mature or experiences than my most colleagues. But I still believe age is not important. Compared e obstacles on your failure to failure e extent, it is like Thanks Giving day in eloes together. It is also common to have barbecues outside under the moon, and to put pomelo rinds on ones head. Brightly lit lanterns are often carried around by children.

Together with the celebration,there appear some special customs in different parts of the country,such as burning incense,planting Mid-Autumn trees,lighting lanterns on towers,and fire dragon dances. Shops selling mooncakes,before the festival,often display pictures of Change,floating to the moon.




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May peace and happiness be with you always,Merry Christmas.


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