

The Bishop of Londons Sermon

29th April 2019



Be an help each other to become as king and queen of creation, making a ne self-centredness. And people can dream of doing such a thing but the hope should be fulfilled it is necessary a solemn decision that, and reverence, for life, for the earth and for one another.


Marriage should transform, as husband and . Chaucer, the London poet, sums it up in a pithy phrase:


plete: e fear and division and incubate the coming posed together in preparation for this day:


God our Father, fort those who suffer. We ask this in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Amen.




Ladies and gentlemen,

Never before have ing me into your homes.

Many of the most important conversations we have in our lives, take place in the family home.

The home is where we learn from our parents and grandparents, teach our own children, andshare our stories and hopes for the future. It is where many of our ideas and values are firstkindled.

In that spirit, there is one subject I believe we have to discuss, around our family tables andacross the generations.

It concerns the future, and I know the Chinese are a far-sighted people.

It concerns particularly the environment, and I know that protecting Chinas rich and beautifulnatural heritage is important to all Chinese families.

It is the mass destruction and trafficking of iconic endangered species;

And it is time to talk about the growing human demand for illegal wildlife products that drivesthe trade and makes it profitable.

Today, we face an unprecedented surge in the brutal slaughter of iconic animals by poachers.

In South Africa, for example, one rhino was killed every month until 2005. But last year, threerhinos were killed every single day.

In the 33 years since I was born, we have lost around 70 percent of Africas elephantpopulation. Of those that are left, 20,000 are being killed every year that is 54 elephantskilled every single day.

At this rate, children born this year like my daughter Charlotte will see the last wildelephants and rhinos die before their 25th birthdays.


prime Minister, Mr president, Madam Speaker, Chief Justice, Leader of the Opposition, Ministers and Members of parliament, members of the Diplomatic Corps, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen thank you for your truly mitted through conservation to just such custodianship. And I knoic poic and political freedoms. Australia plays an invaluable role in building an open andpeaceful Asia-pacific for the benefit of all.

Over the years, Australians have fought bravely for freedom in numerous conflicts. As thoseorrow. Thank you for the warmth andgenerosity that has been shown to us during our visit. e.


Thank you very much, Lord Levy, for your extremely kind introduction and, to Lionel, for giving your time to entertain us this evening. I imagine this cro a Jemitment to one another munity have had cause to feel under threat, for no reason other than simply thefact of your Jee for many people mitment, I am sure Jewish Carewill continue to thrive and grow for the next 25 years.

Once again, congratulations on everything you have achieved. I wish you a wonderful eveningand a happy birthday.

Mazel tov.




philip, i the dead. and she’s held the hand of people ething you. and i’m grateful for that. today i’m giving you the best thing i have to give.


i just want you to know before i do that, how hard me and god has worked to get her ready. so philip, as i give her to you, i don’t think you’ll mind if i give you one more word of advice. me and god’s worked hard. don’t screw it up!






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