

1.I hope we can spend the holidays together.希望我们能一起过春节。

2.Warmest thoughts and best wishes form your daughter. 寄上无限的思念和最美好的祝愿,你们的女儿。

3.Hope you enjoy the happiness of Christmas and all the trimmings。祝你享尽圣诞节佳节的快乐和圣诞节的礼品。

4.I wish you a happy New Year. All affection and best wishes to you and yours.以我所有的爱心与真诚祝你及全家圣诞快乐。

5.merry christmas and happy new year!圣诞快乐,恭贺新禧!


7.To wish you special joy at the holidays and all year.祝你在节日和新的一年中享有无限的快乐。

8.Wish you a merry Christmas!愿每一个心愿都能成真

9.May you have the best Christmas ever. 愿你度过最美好的圣诞节!

10.We will be having Christmas at Wang Ping’s this year。You are welcome to join us!今年我们要在王平家过圣诞,欢迎你也来!

11.Thinking of you at Christmas with a wish that is warm and sincere. Have a wonderful Christmas and joyous New Year!以真挚热诚的祝福,在圣诞之际思念你。祝圣诞快乐,新年快乐!

12.Best wishes from Mark, Janet and the kids. 马克珍妮特和孩子们,谨呈最诚挚的祝福。

13.Your entire staff wishes you and yours a most happy new year.全体职员祝您及家人圣诞快乐。

14.Christmas time is here. I hope you have a wonderful New Year. May every day hold happy hours for you. 圣诞来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!

15.Long time, such as the time flow, just miss the most, and send to the infinite bless, wishing you all a merry Christmas! 岁月悠悠,时光如流,恰是怀念最多时,且寄予无限的祝福,祝圣诞快乐!


16.Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!

17.Why don t we enjoy our holidays together? 何不与我一起共度佳节呢?

18.may the joy of christmas be with you throughout the year. 愿圣诞佳节的喜悦,伴随您在度过新的一年。

19.may the christmas be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you. best wishes. 愿圣诞不仅是你欢笑的时刻,更是你欣喜的日子。祝福你。

20.a christmas greeting to cheer you, my good friend.希望圣诞祝福给你带来欢乐,我的好朋友。

21.Christmas is the time to share love & joy. A time to recollect beautiful memories. It is a time to sit back & relax. Enjoy the holiday season. Merry Christmas圣诞节是一个分享爱和快乐,回顾美好记忆,休息和放松的日子。享受这个假期吧。祝圣诞快乐。

22.Well be here after the New Year.新年过后,我们会再回来。

23.a christmas greeting and good wishes to you who is thought about all the year through. have a beautiful christmas and a happy new year. 始终思念你,捎来圣诞佳节最美好的祝福,祝圣诞吉祥,新年如意。

24.Have you been naughty or nice this year? 你今年乖不乖?

25.have a wonderful time enjoying Christmas Day and wishing you a New Year that is happy in every way. 高高兴兴过新年!

26.Have you in every day like in Christmas. 有你在的每一天都像在过圣诞节。

27.Wish many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year. 新的一年,向你献上最诚挚的祝福。

28.May the bright and festive glow of Christmas candle warm the days all the year through. Hoping you will 愿明亮喜庆的圣诞烛光温暖一年中的每个日日夜夜,祝你欢欢喜喜度圣诞


30.Wishing you a song in your heart at Christmas and blessings all year long. 圣诞节之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌,新年快乐!




1、Numerous loving e for the holidays.

10、I hope this card reaches you in time for Christmas.

11、Thinking of you at Christmas time.

12、Best ent of the Christmas tide.

15、Season's greetings and sincere e to you ing Nee to you ing Ne your daughter.

70、ent.I miss you very much.

74、Christmas time is here. I hope you have a e to enjoy this Christmas with you.



1、Red candle,pine tree and Christmas are greeting you,e true!

4、May the Christmas candle bring you peace and happiness.

5、 all your students.

15、May peace and happiness be your every moment of the Christmas tide.

16、Best ing year.May the warmest wishes,happy thoughts and friendly greetings e at Christmas and stay with you all the year through.

31、e to you with joys and happiness.


