



1、may this my empty bring you i miss you, bring you worry-free sleep! a gentle goodnight! in my mind, tomorrow will be better than today! wishing you a better mood than the blessing!愿这静夜思空带给你我怀想吧,也带给你无忧的睡眠!轻轻的一声晚安!融入我所有的思绪,明天的比今天会更好!愿你的心情比这祝福更美更好!

2、bless you, in this quiet night to receive my warm wishes! to my deep greetings, let my cry the day you wish to wash away tiredness, a night with you into the dream!祝福你,在这宁静晚上收到我温馨的祝福!带去我深深的问候,愿我的一声祝福洗去你一天的劳累,一句晚安带你进入美梦!



3、dear mobile users: you have customized midnight wake pee midnight everyday business, we will from time to time to bother you, until you get up. will business please reply: i am a pig, i want to go to bed, i do not get up, i don’t pee!尊敬的移动用户:您已经成功定制了半夜叫醒尿尿业务,每天半夜我们会不定时打扰您,直到您起床。退定业务请回复:我是猪,我要睡觉,我不起床,我不尿尿!

4、distant dream up a lamp, a desire to listen to my voice, i hope your life no scars, i wish you peace another one-way trip, i wish you all filled with beautiful dreams, i wish you a good dream tonight!遥遥的梦亮起一盏灯,听我心愿一声声,但愿你的人生再也没有伤痕,但愿你平安一程又一程,但愿所有的美好装满您的梦,祝你今晚好梦!

5、flowers covered the entire field, moonlight shine in the glittering lake breeze, quietly blowing your warmth in my heart, in this beautiful night, for you to send wishes, good night!鲜花爬满整片的原野,月光闪耀在波光粼粼的湖面,微风把温馨悄悄吹进你我的心田,在这美丽的夜晚,为你送上祝愿,晚安!



6、go to bed earlier. have to go to work tomorrow, your car today, also tired." i quietly:" oh, okay! good night, kiss the sleeping!早点休息吧。明天还要上班,你今天坐车也累了。”我乖乖的:“哦,好吧!晚安,亲一下睡觉!

7、i am a lonely tree standing in the street, for thousands of years, the loneliness of waiting, just for one day when you walked by me, you dumped, not smashed flat you even white live.我是一棵孤独的树,千百年来矗立在路旁,寂寞的等待,只为有一天当你从我身边走过时,为你倾倒,砸不扁你就算白活了。

8、i dream of you, you make the dress with white clouds, to borrow a pair of wings of birds, in the ass with a broom, and sword to fly to me, affectionate tell me : do you know? the bird is this appearance.我梦见你了,你用白云做件衣裳,向小鸟借双翅膀,在屁股后插个扫把,然后剑一般得飞到我身旁,深情得告诉我:你知道嘛?鸟人就这模样。

9、i hand you like memory, memory with ear your voice, with the lip memory your taste, with the eyes remember your dribs and drabs, carefully remember everything you do, baby! i love you! good night.我用手记忆了你的样子,用耳记忆了你的声音,用唇记忆了你的味道,用眼睛记住了你的点点滴滴,用心记忆了你的一切,宝贝!我爱你,晚安!

10、i wish to be a breeze, through high mountains and lofty hills to your window, surrounds gently you. can you hear the sound of the meteor across the sky? no matter how far apart, one i will always be with you. honey. good night. have a good dream tonight!我愿化作一阵和风,穿过崇山峻岭来到你的窗前,将你温柔包围。你听见那流星划过天际的声音吗?不管距离多远,总有一个我在陪着你。亲爱的,晚安!今晚做个好梦!

11、in my heart of hearts i love you love you love you, in my dreams i kiss you hold you touch you for you every morning and evening, acacia! year after year, love enduring as the universe, perfect conjugal bliss!我在心里爱你想你疼你宠你,我在梦里吻你抱你抚你护你,相思朝朝暮暮!岁岁年年,相思天长地久,花好月圆!

12、in the dream, you countless times that long aftertaste impulsion, reducing the beautiful innocence; but i want to remind you one, so the adults, do stop bedwetting! wish your dream, good night.在梦中,你无数次回味那久违的冲动,还原那美丽的童真;不过我要提醒你一句,这么大人了,千万别再尿床!愿你好梦,晚安。

13、it is hundred years promise may know is this beautiful cash; friend is the soul of the contract; together is the eternal wish! every information is my best regards! have a good dream good night tonight!相逢是百年许下的愿相知是今生美丽的兑现;相知是心灵的契约;相聚是永恒的心愿!每一个信息都是我最好的问候!今晚做个好梦晚安!



14、last night a friend si countless, think it over and over again, only your coolest, find your dream a thousand times, raised the dye back, you may throw be tethered to the family donkey shed depths, cruel! cruel! read the information down!昨夜朋友思无数,想来想去,唯有你最酷,梦里寻你千*,募染回首,你确扔被栓在人家驴棚深处,残酷!残酷!读完信息息怒!

15、late at night, you sleep, but why still frowning? oh, it was my good night wishes not to send you, only with which you can sweet dreamland. good night friends!夜深了,你安然入睡,可是为何还紧锁双眉?噢,原来是我的晚安祝福还没为你送上,只有伴着它你才能甜甜入梦乡。晚安朋友!





1、Time is flying aetimes while Alps and ocean pide us, but they ever will, unless you wish it. (Byron)

长相思,天涯海角;情不断,山水难隔。 --拜伦

22、I have three wishes:May our friendship warm our hearts!May joy be always with you and me!May we often meet each other!


23、Oh,my friend,do you like stars?If you feel lonely far away from home,look up at the stars in the sky, where there is a star for luck that Ive send you.




Graduation is not only an end to a period, also a commencement of a new period and I hope that future years will bring you continued happiness


Best wishes and congratulations on your graduation


May you have health, happiness and outstanding success in all your ventures


Best wishes and sincere congratulations on your graduationMay this special day be the commencement of the continued series of upward steps to further success


It is your graduation dayplease accept my best wishes for your bright future


permit me to congratulate you on your graduation! I hope the future will bring you further success and a whole world of happiness


Congratulations on your graduation from the notable university with honourIm hopeful and confident,too,that the graduation ceremonies will really be a commencement and that satisfying and rewarding experiences await you


Heres to the happy graduate for the job you have already doneAnd heres a happy future that is a most successful oneI pray you will as soon as possible make your name known in the world


I join with all your friends in offering my sincere congratulations on your graduationThe world needs young people today with vision and courage to help build a better place for humanityWish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness


The possibility of enhancing ones knowledge is limitlessGraduation only marks a stage of ones educationUnceasing acquisition of knowledge will unceasingly escalate us to ever higher and higher attainments


I am very delighted to hear you have successfully passed the high school certificate examinationAs one of your intimate friends, I feel very proud of you and have a smack of your happiness


It is such a pleasure to congratulate you on your graduationWhatever you dream for, whatever you hope to achieve may come true with your effort in the future Remember that nothing is out of your reach if only you first believe


We are very happy to extend to you our utmost congratulations on your finishing your college course so successfullyMay you enter a more successful life and the future years bring you continued happiness


May an old friend express his pride in your accomplishment and extend to you a wish for your continued success and happiness


Sincere congratulations on your graduation from the Graduate School of Chemistry ofUniversityWe have heard of the excellent record you made in your studiesWe are very proud of you and avail ourselves of this opportunity to extend to you our best wishes for your bright future and happiness


Graduation is a time for rejoining and is also a time for reflectionYou will be going out into the world to make a career for yourselfWish you well in all your understandings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness


Congratulations upon having received your Doctorate in philosophyI know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part, and it is an achievement you can well be proud ofI am sure, from the fine record, that you will be equally successful in whatever career you pursue


It was delightful news for me to learn that you have received a Doctors Degree from Chicago UniversityTo have reached this milestone at a young age is simple greatI really envy you the opportunities that lie aheadHearty congratulations


Congratulations, graduateMay all your dreams and plans turn to fulfillment and success


Heartiest congratulations upon your graduationWishing you all the excitement, all the challenge, all the happiness life call hold


Im hopeful and confident that the graduation ceremony will really be a completely new startI believe that the knowledge you have acquired will enable you to be successful in whatever field you may enter


Life is a profound book Others notes cannot replace your own understanding May you find and create something new in it


Dont be disappointed on the journey of life There are friends in the world Seize your chance and value your opportunities May our friendship be everlasting

人生路上何须惆怅,天涯海角总有知音。把握机会珍惜缘分,祝愿我们友谊长存。 Life isnt always beautiful, but the struggles make you stronger, the changes make you wiser


Oh,my friend,do you like stars?If you feel lonely far away from home,look up at the stars in the sky, where there is a star for luck that Ive send you


Strive to make every day joyful and meaningful, not for others, but for myself


Time does not water down the wine of friendship;distance does not separate our hands of longing Wishing you happiness forever!


Yesterday is an invalid chequeTomorrow is a promissory note and today is the only cash you have


No formula can be used to calculate your devotion;no poems and songs to express our heartfelt gratitude to you It is you that cultivate our minds with your extensive knowledge and your noble spirits On this special occasion,please accept our best wishes!



Six years of primary school life has passed, e unforgettable memories! Games together your eyes I found your love for us!
The math teacher? Teacher, you very carefully, every time you talk ework gives us encouragement and moved every time you encourage have given us great support!
Shien as teacher, you gave us life, we will always remember! please allow us to say: teacher, you have worked hard!
Thanks to his alma mater, thank feeding us six years of growth cradle! The bright and spacious classrooms, the tall Yulan, that night and day for our hard school leaders! Thank you! The campus every route, have left our sweat and footprints. Throughout the campus every flower, is about to become the most beautiful memory!
A long way off the iron, now we start all over again , please believe us, we will learn in the future to redouble their efforts to achieve better results!
Sincerely wish teachers healthy, I sincerely wish our alma mater more brilliant!



It is such a pleasure to congratulate you on your graduation. home,look

up at the stars in the sky, ething ne the Graduate School of Chemistry of...University. the fine record, that you home,look up at the stars in the sky, ething neing.Long for the bright future though you are unhappy. All will pass by and everything will be over.past things will be pleasant memories. [Russia]Alesander pushkin




Thank you for making learning not a job but a joy.
I could have achieved no success /biyezengyan/我有三愿:一愿友情温暖我们心田,二愿欢乐永驻你我心间,三愿我们常常相见!
7.Thinking of each other is just like a thread connecting both you on the one end and m e on the other end.思念是一条细长的线,一端系着你,一端系着我,时刻连接着两颗跳动不息的心。
8.If I should meet thee,
After long years,
How should I greet thee?
With silence and tears.
〔Britain〕George Gordon Byron
多年离别后,抑或再相逢,相逢何所语?泪流默无声。 〔英〕拜伦

