

Dunphy Reilly,Inc.
Senior Internal Auditor
Conducted operational and financial audits of manufacturingsubsidiaries.
Designed and implemented audit programs to test theefficiency of all
aspects of accounting controls.
Remended changes and improvements to corporate andpisional management.
Trained and supervised staff auditors in all aspectsof accounting controls.
Trained and supervised staff auditors in all aspectsof the audit engagement.
Involved ponents Evaluation Engineer
Responsible for the characterization and evaluation of,and approved vendors list for:poponents qualification.
Technical advisor for purchasing.promoted to Engineerll.


1.previous job_____________________________________________________
2.present job________________________________________________________
Signature____________________________ Date _________________________ 简历模板




◆Over eleven years of extensive puter/electronics experience. Versed in both digital and analog electronics munication skills including puter

Software: WordStar, Accounting plus, Symphony, Lotus 1-2-3, Wordperfect, DOS, Microsoft Word

◆At school I won a scholarship and the first prize in speech contest.

◆I have received an ordinary English education, and have a slight knowledge of Spanish. I took a Spanish course in college.

◆I can write shorthand at the rate of 120 words per minute, and typewriting at 55 words English.

◆At school I won a scholarship and the first prize in speech contest.


◆ I am presently looking for a position petition.I feel that I have all the necessary ingredients to contribute to the success of Any Corporation,and if necessary,I am willing to take a step backwards as long as theris potential for forward momentum.All I need is a starting point.

◆ Your advertisement in the June 16th issue of Lawyers Monthly is of great interest to me. I feel that I have the qualifications necessary to effectively handle the responsibilities of Administrative Judge.

◆ I recently took a sabbatical and finished my Bachelors Degree in June at Emerson College.I am currently seking full-time employment.

◆ After fifteen years as a District Sales Manager,I am seeking new opportunities and am forwarding my resume for your consideration.

◆ I am planning a permanent relocation to the Chicage area in late summer.I am submitting my resume fo rconsideration in areas where I can apply my experience and education in accounting towards reaching mutually benefical goals.

◆ I am desirous of apply this job in order to gain more experience in an exporter's office.

◆ Having noticed the enclosed advertisement in this morning's China Daily News,I wish to apply for the position referred to.

◆ Learning form Mrs Liu that you are looking for a HR manager,I should like to apply for the position.


brOpletion August,1993
Carroll College,Helena,MT
Bachelor of Arts in Business Management,December,1986

University of Massachusetts-Boston
Course ing,1981

Beijing University.I expect to receive my degree of Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical Engineering in June,20xx Major Courses
Studied:Fundamentals of Metallurgy、Metallurgy of Iron and Steel、Ferrous Alloys、 Nonferrous Alloys
Other Courses that Would prove Useful in this position:Fundamentals of Writing、The History of Science、Creative Writing psychology
Scholastic Record:For 3'/2 years I have been in the upper third of my class scholastically;during my first two years I earned approximately half of my college expenses working in the bookstore and library.


A Useful Glossary for Educational Background


education 学历  educational history 学历

educational background 教育程度 curriculum 课程

major 主修 minor 副修

educational highlights 课程重点部分 curriculum included 课程包括

specialized courses 专门课程 courses taken 所学课程

special training 特别训练 social practice 社会实践
part-time jobs 业余工作 summer jobs 暑期工作

vacation jobs 假期工作  refresher course 进修课程

extracurricular activities 课外活动 physical activities 体育活动

recreational activities 娱乐活动 academic activities 学术活动
social activities 社会活动 rewards 奖励
scholarship 奖学金 excellent League member 优秀团员

excellent leader 优秀干部 student council 学生会

off-job training 脱产培训 in-job training 在职培训

educational system 学制 academic year 学年 简历吧

semester 学期(美) term 学期(英)

supervisor 论文导师 pass 及格

fail 不及格 marks 分数

examination 考试  degree 学位
post doctorate 博士后 doctor(ph.D) 博士

master 硕士  bachelor 学士

graduate student 研究生 abroad student 留学生

abroad student 留学生 undergraduate 大学肆业生

government-supported student 公费生 moner 自费生

extern 走读生  intern 实习生

prize fellow 奖学金生 boarder 寄宿生

graduate 毕业生 guest student 旁听生(英)

auditor 旁听生(美) day-student 走读生


english cover letters英文求职信
1.usefulness of english cover letters
2.a classification of english cover letters
section 2 format of english cover letters
1.structure of english cover letters
2。layout of an english cover letters
section 3 the content of english cover letters
chapter 2 guide to 转载请注明出处over letters
1.commonly used sentences for the beginning
2.commonly?used sentences for the reasons for
writing the job search letters说明写求职信


