Medical personal statement Fan

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dear hospital leadership:


thank you for taking the vertical read my mon diseases are able to make the correct diagnosis and best treatment. a strong sense of responsibility, a strong interest in learning, hands-on ability, the ability to accept fast, and able to complete all outstanding tasks, so i petition in an invincible position. in school i passed the computer, one or two exams, the state cet, can master windows98, windowsXX, windowsxp operating system, and self-study using the office, photoshop, foxpro and other software for graphics processing, spreadsheet design, web production and other work for the future work, study, improve efficiency and create favorable conditions.

after five years of study and practice, i have psychological and ability in doing the job fully prepared to go in, i sincerely hope will become your hospital medical research team in one, i will noble medical ethics, passion service, dump my ability to keep on learning i can not, for your hospital's medical contribute to a cause of development to achieve life-saving and dedication to work, life and effort of the long-cherished wish. finally, your esteemed unit of grand flourishing!



personal statement: xxx


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