大班幼儿英语教案《This little pig went to the market》

教案课件是我们老师的部分工作,因此老师最好能认真写好每个教案课件。要知道教案课件也是老师上课实施过程程的依据。那老师在写教案课件的时候要注意什么?由此,小编为你收集并整理了大班幼儿英语教案《This little pig went to the market》不妨参考一下。希望你喜欢!

公开活动:This little pig went to the market







1、Warm up: 歌曲 To market

2、(教师出示儿歌背景图片)T: I bring a picture today. What do you see?


C:I see a happy pig./ I see a market./ I see a house and a sleepy pig.


1、T:What happened to these little pigs? Lets listen to the rhyme together!


T:What did you get from the rhyme?(from:)

2、T: Lets enjoy it again! This time, listen carefully. How many pigs are there in the market? What did they do?

欣赏儿歌第二遍( 教师边念边表演)

T:What did you get from the story?



T: Which pig went to the market? 然后请一名幼儿送小猪回家,其中went to the market 和cried wee wee wee我会请几名幼儿说说选择的理由,Why you choose this little pig? 孩子们没说出来的内容,我就直接提醒比方说Which little pig had roast beef? 先请孩子送小猪,送好整体幼儿练习2遍,行么?)

3、T: Lets listen it again. please help me put the number on the right pig. Which is the first/the second (把字母贴在小猪身上排序,理清儿歌的顺序。)


(1) 教师说图片内容,幼儿说图片序列。然后交换

T:Lets play a game. I tell you the sentence. You tell me the number of it. For example I say: This little pig went to the market. You should tell me No 1.

T:Now change. I say the number you tell me what the picture says.


T:Ill pide you into 2 groups. Group 1 stand here on the yellow line. Group stand there on the red line. Group 1 say a number. Group 2 should tell me what the picture says.





Group 1: You can clap your hands.

Group 2: Come and show the rhyme to us. Ok?


2、Lets play a game



幼儿园大班英语公开课教案《This little pig went to the market》



1、Warm up: 歌曲 To market
2、(教师出示儿歌背景图片)T: I bring a picture today. What do you see?
C:I see a happy pig./ I see a market./ I see a house and a sleepy pig.

1、T:What happened to these little pigs? Lets listen to the rhyme together!
T:What did you get from the rhyme?
2、T: Lets enjoy it again! This time, listen carefully. How many pigs are there in the market? What did they do?
欣赏儿歌第二遍( 教师边念边表演)
T:What did you get from the story?
T: Which pig went to the market? 然后请一名幼儿送小猪回家,其中went to the market 和cried wee wee wee我会请几名幼儿说说选择的理由,Why you choose this little pig? 孩子们没说出来的内容,我就直接提醒比方说Which little pig had roast beef? 先请孩子送小猪,送好整体幼儿练习2遍,行么?)
3、T: Lets listen it again. please help me put the number on the right pig. Which is the first/the second (把字母贴在小猪身上排序,理清儿歌的顺序。)
(1) 教师说图片内容,幼儿说图片序列。然后交换
T:Lets play a game. I tell you the sentence. You tell me the number of it. For example I say: This little pig went to the market. You should tell me No 1.
T:Now change. I say the number you tell me what the picture says.
T:Ill pide you into 2 groups. Group 1 stand here on the yellow line. Group stand there on the red line. Group 1 say a number. Group 2 should tell me what the picture says.

Group 1: You can clap your hands.
Group 2: Come and show the rhyme to us. Ok?
2、Lets play a game

小班英语优质课教案《This little pig went to the mar》



1、Warm up: 歌曲 To market
2、(教师出示儿歌背景图片)T: I bring a picture today. What do you see?
C:I see a happy pig./ I see a market./ I see a house and a sleepy pig.

1、T:What happened to these little pigs? Lets listen to the rhyme together!
T:What did you get from the rhyme?
2、T: Lets enjoy it again! This time, listen carefully. How many pigs are there in the market? What did they do?
欣赏儿歌第二遍( 教师边念边表演)
T:What did you get from the story?
T: Which pig went to the market? 然后请一名幼儿送小猪回家,其中went to the market 和cried wee wee wee我会请几名幼儿说说选择的理由,Why you choose this little pig? 孩子们没说出来的内容,我就直接提醒比方说Which little pig had roast beef? 先请孩子送小猪,送好整体幼儿练习2遍,行么?)
3、T: Lets listen it again. please help me put the number on the right pig. Which is the first/the second (把字母贴在小猪身上排序,理清儿歌的顺序。)
(1) 教师说图片内容,幼儿说图片序列。然后交换
T:Lets play a game. I tell you the sentence. You tell me the number of it. For example I say: This little pig went to the market. You should tell me No 1.
T:Now change. I say the number you tell me what the picture says.
T:Ill pide you into 2 groups. Group 1 stand here on the yellow line. Group stand there on the red line. Group 1 say a number. Group 2 should tell me what the picture says.

Group 1: You can clap your hands.
Group 2: Come and show the rhyme to us. Ok?
2、Lets play a game



Teaching style: New le o

Teaching Time: One

Teaching aims:

1.To learn some new words about farm: mouse, pig, fox.

2.To learn a poem: These are grandma's gla es.

Language points: The new word and po e ive's.

Difficult points:

1.The po e ive's.

2.The poem: These are grandma's gla es.

Teaching aids: Computer, tape and some word cards.

Teaching methods: Communicative a roach

Blackboard design: These are Grandma's gla es.

Teaching ste :

Step1 Warm up:

1.Sing the song together Head ,shoulders ,knees and toes.

Sing and do the actio 2 times.

2.Listen and do the actio :

Touch your nose/ head/ legs/ feet/...

Ask some to come to the front to act.

Step2 Review

T points to self and introduces:

This is my body. This is my head. These are my eyes...

Let's point to themselve and repeat.

Then ask some to introduce themselves in grou .

Step3 Look, listen and repeat.

Look at the screen: A car.

Let's look at the screen and gue what we'll learn this le on.

1.Teach the words pig. Read and repeat.

Then read one by one or read in pairs.

2.T asks How do you go to a farm?

can a wer with the words we've learnt before.

T elicits the new word motorbikes and let gue the meaning.

Read and repeat. pay attention to the pronunciation of pig.

3.TNow let' go to the farm ,let's go to see the animals.

Let's guess the meaning of animals.:fox.

Read and repeat.

4.Show the slides of pig, fox ,read and repeat.

pay attentio to the pronunciation of mouse.

Step4 Read and repeat.

1.Look at the card and read the new words one by one.

2.Look at the some cards.

read in pairs. Check each other.

3.Look at the card: The farm.

Let's say out the words again.

4.Show the word cards one by one , let say out them as quickly as they can.

The Let's try to make some sentences with the new words in Chinese and English.

Step5 Say and do the actio

Look at the card: The poem.

1.play the tape, listen to the poem 2 times.

2.T says the poem sentence by sentence with actio :

For example:

These are Grandma's gla es: mime gla es on eyes.

This is Grandpa's hat: mime putting a hat on the hat.

Grandma, Grandma folds her arms: folds arms...

Let's guess the meaning.

3. Explain for the . pay attention to Grandma's/Grandpa's, give some other examples: Amy's..., Deming's..., my father's...

4.Teach the poem line by line.

5.play the tape again, and let try to repeat several times.

Then clap and say together.

Gra the new words we've learnt today and try to say the poem fluently.

幼儿园英语教案:To market

上海冰厂田幼儿园 皇甫敏华

中班英语活动:To Market

1、通过游戏理解“To market”歌曲内容,学唱歌曲。

一、 歌曲:To Market,音乐导入

T:Boys and girls, today we will go to a very interesting place. Look, what do you see? (show the market situation)
C: Market.
T: Yes, here is a market. We will go to the market. To market, to market. What’s in the market?
C: Carrot/ cabbage/ mushroom/ orange/ watermelon/ banana/pigs.
T: Good, there are many pigs in the market. What’s the difference?(拿起两只猪示意)
C: Big pigs. Small pigs.
T: Good, to market, to market, to buy a big pig. (2 times)

二、 游戏:spinner game——转盘买猪
T: Do you want the big pigs or the small pigs? Let’s play a spinner game. The turnplate has two sides. One side is a big pig. The other side is small pig. I will spin this turnplate and use the plate to cover it. Then you can make a choice to guess which pig will be on the upside.
(盖好后问)Now big pig or small pig? The big pig? Are you sure?
(揭晓答案)Yes,it’s a big/small pig.
The big pigs/small pigs are the winner! Yeah, yeah, yeah!
This time, the children who choose big pigs please stand in this area! Who choose small pigs please stand in this area! ( 边说边指明位置) This time, the winner will get the money to buy pigs. (出示钱币)
① Boys, please stand up. I want to invite you to play first.
② Girls, please come to the center.
③ All the boys and girls, let’s play the game together.

三、游戏:Match game——句式排列
1、Song listening(once)
Today, I brought a very nice song “To Market”. Let’s listen to it. We can sing together with it. (在座位上进行动作示范)
2、picture explaining
I have four pictures here. What do you see on the picture?
A Boy/ Market/What did he buy? Big pig/Where did he go? Home/ How is he looking? He is happy.
These fours cards tells the story, but their order is not correct.
3、Match Game
Now we will play a match game. On the tables behind your chair , there are six series of cards. Four children will be one group to play this game. Now, let’s listen to the song again and after listening, please put these cards into right order. You should decide which one is the first one, …The star here means you should put the first here. please place these cards from the star to the end.
Four children will play the game on the blackboard. ( 选四个小朋友)
① Now other boys and girls, please choose a group you like.
② 边听音乐,幼儿操作,教师巡回指导,用英语对幼儿做一些提示。
③ 将幼儿插好的图片贴在黑板上
Now,let’s have a look at the work on the blackboard.
The order is correct or not? Yes or no? Are you the same with them?

Does everyone has the money? please take your money. Let’s go to the market to buy pigs. 集体边唱边做动作,边唱边围着椅子走一圈。

T(老师扮演卖猪者):Can I help you? C: Big pig, please.
Do you have a big pig now? Are you happy? Let’s go home!

中班英语教案:To market

这篇《中班英语教案:To market》是小编为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。以下信息仅供参考!!!

中班英语活动:To Market目标:1、通过游戏理解“To market”歌曲内容,学唱歌曲。2、在博弈游戏中,感受英语学习的乐趣。准备:转盘1个、纸折大小猪若干、市场情景、钱币和各种蔬菜,歌曲图片(教师用一套,幼儿操作用6套,插片袋5~6条一、 歌曲:To Market,音乐导入T:Boys and girls, today we will go to a very interesting place. Look, what do you see? (show the market situation)C: Market.T: Yes, here is a market. We will go to the market. To market, to market. What’s in the market?C: Carrot/ cabbage/ mushroom/ orange/ watermelon/ banana/pigs.T: Good, there are many pigs in the market. What’s the difference?(拿起两只猪示意)C: Big pigs. Small pigs.T: Good, to market, to market, to buy a big pig. (2 times)二、 游戏:spinner game——转盘买猪T: Do you want the big pigs or the small pigs? Let’s play a spinner game. The turnplate has two sides. One side is a big pig. The other side is small pig. I will spin this turnplate and use the plate to cover it. Then you can make a choice to guess which pig will be on the upside.第一遍在座位上集体玩,熟悉游戏规则。(盖好后问)Now big pig or small pig? The big pig? Are you sure?(揭晓答案)Yes,it’s a big/small pig.The big pigs/small pigs are the winner! Yeah, yeah, yeah!第二遍,离开座位排队选择。This time, the children who choose big pigs please stand in this area! Who choose small pigs please stand in this area! ( 边说边指明位置) This time, the winner will get the money to buy pigs. (出示钱币)① Boys, please stand up. I want to invite you to play first.② Girls, please come to the center.③ All the boys and girls, let’s play the game together.三、游戏:Match game——句式排列1、Song listening(once)Today, I brought a very nice song “To Market”. Let’s listen to it. We can sing together with it. (在座位上进行动作示范)2、picture explainingI have four pictures here. What do you see on the picture?A Boy/ Market/What did he buy? Big pig/Where did he go? Home/ How is he looking? He is happy.These fours cards tells the story, but their order is not correct.3、Match GameNow we will play a match game. On the tables behind your chair , there are six series of cards. Four children will be one group to play this game. Now, let’s listen to the song again and after listening, please put these cards into right order. You should decide which one is the first one, …The star here means you should put the first here. please place these cards from the star to the end.Four children will play the game on the blackboard. ( 选四个小朋友)① Now other boys and girls, please choose a group you like.② 边听音乐,幼儿操作,教师巡回指导,用英语对幼儿做一些提示。③ 将幼儿插好的图片贴在黑板上Now,let’s have a look at the work on the blackboard.边指图片,边复述歌词内容。The order is correct or not? Yes or no? Are you the same with them?四、买猪:Does everyone has the money? please take your money. Let’s go to the market to buy pigs. 集体边唱边做动作,边唱边围着椅子走一圈。五、结束T(老师扮演卖猪者):Can I help you? C: Big pig, please.Do you have a big pig now? Are you happy? Let’s go home!

幼儿园大班英语教案:《Ten Little India Children》

《Ten Little India Children》

l 音乐活动是我园的特色之一,它带给幼儿的感觉是自由、轻松而愉悦。本次活动是将双语渗透于音乐活动的一种新的尝试,教师希望通过此次活动能让幼儿学习双语的积极性得以限度地发挥。在一次很偶然的谈话中,我从幼儿的谈话中了解到,幼儿对童话故事《白雪公主》中的“小矮人”形象非常喜爱,而且平时也总是饶有兴趣地哼唱《十个小矮人》这首歌。于是,我便抓住幼儿这一兴趣,设计了这个活动,从幼儿的主体出发,让幼儿能主动、积极地参与双语活动,活动中教师能与幼儿上下互动,能让幼儿自信地发音并能自如地、心情愉快地学习乐曲。
1、初步学习歌曲《Ten Little Indian Children》,能大声地用英语来演唱。
2、学习新的乐曲《Ten Little Indian Children》,初步掌握歌词与旋律。

4、一套含有中英文的短句,如:一个小孩 one little 。
up2; 以旅游售票的游戏导入,复习数字1—10的英语单词。(播放背景音乐)
T:小朋友,今天天气真好,让我带你们去旅游吧!Let’s go!
T:小朋友都找到座位了。OK!我现在要来核对一下你的车票是否和你所坐的座位号相符合,请你用响亮的声音从1—10的顺序报出你的车票号码。Do you understand?[Yes!]OK! You pleas!
T:OK! Very good. 经过核对,你们的车票与座位号都相吻合。请小朋友保管好你们的票,把它放在口袋里,放好了吗?车要开了。(播放音乐,做简单律动。)
up2; 引导幼儿认识、理解歌词,初步熟悉歌曲旋律。
T:小朋友快看,我们到印第安了。瞧,那边还有许多Indian Children 在迎接我们呢。快打个招呼吧!Hello, Indian Children.
T:小朋友们我们下车了。让我们来数一数这里有几个Indian Children.
T:OK!Ten Indian Children. 现在请你们来看一下我拍的照片,好吗?(边出示图片边请幼儿说出照片上有几个小孩)
非常棒,Indian Children都在夸你们呢,老师告诉你们‘一个小孩’是用英语one little来表示的,跟老师说……
(教师在图片之间放上小节线,并在相关地方放上印有India 的卡片,仿照完整的歌曲进行排放)
T:请睁开你的眼睛。pleas open your eyes.瞧我把它变成什么了?
(1) 教师范唱,幼儿倾听歌曲旋律。
T:今天开心吗?我们的印第安旅行要结束了。一起跟Indian Children说Bye bye!

幼儿园小班英语教案:Eight Little Baby Ducks

孩子们有学习语言的天赋,尤其是3---6岁的孩子是学习第二语言的黄金时期。但幼儿园英语教学主要是培养和提高幼儿的英语兴趣,为其终身的语言建构发展奠定基础。根据我班孩子的兴趣爱好和年龄特点,设计了儿歌“Eight Little Baby Ducks”。为了孩子们能容易复习数字1---10和学习歌曲“Eight Little Baby Ducks”,在活动设计中,充分从幼儿的实际出发,以幼儿的兴趣着手,让幼儿在游戏活动中习得英语。

2、学习儿歌《Eight Little Baby Ducks》


游戏:Big Wolf(评析:通过游戏,充分调动幼儿情绪,烘托课堂气氛,为幼儿创造一个快乐的英语氛围,提高孩子们的学习兴趣。)
T(出示百宝箱) look, what’s in the box?
C: Oh ,fish
T: So many fish, let’s count
T&C: One, two, three……ten
T: wonderful, there are ten fishes
T: Listen, who is coming?(助教扮演小猫)
C: cat, cat is coming
T: let’s play cat and fish(玩小猫捉小鱼游戏,边游戏边数数,直到所有小鱼被小猫捉完)(评析:通过小猫钓鱼的游戏,让孩子们轻松、愉快的复习数字英语,培养和提高孩子们的英语学习兴趣,为下一步的学习奠定基础。)
3、请幼儿欣赏学习歌曲《Eight Little Baby Ducks》。
a)欣赏歌曲《Eight Little Baby Ducks》两遍
T:Today baby ducks will play with us,listen to the radio carefully
T:let’s sing the song together
4、请幼儿边听歌曲《Eight Little Baby Ducks》,戴上头饰边学小鸭戏水,并进行“母鸭带小鸭”的游戏。
T:look, I’m a duck i’m swimming. please follow me like a duck, we are swimming and playing.
T:Now play group by group, and I will ask children to say which group is the best?(评价:孩子们通过游戏,在游戏中习得英语,同时也培养了孩子们的交往、合作能力)

小班英语教案《Eight Little Baby Ducks》

孩子们有学习语言的天赋,尤其是3---6岁的孩子是学习第二语言的黄金时期。但幼儿园英语教学主要是培养和提高幼儿的英语兴趣,为其终身的语言建构发展奠定基础。根据我班孩子的兴趣爱好和年龄特点,设计了儿歌Eight Little Baby Ducks。为了孩子们能容易复习数字1---10和学习歌曲Eight Little Baby Ducks,在活动设计中,充分从幼儿的实际出发,以幼儿的兴趣着手,让幼儿在游戏活动中习得英语。

2、学习儿歌《Eight Little Baby Ducks》


游戏:Big Wolf(评析:通过游戏,充分调动幼儿情绪,烘托课堂气氛,为幼儿创造一个快乐的英语氛围,提高孩子们的学习兴趣。)
T(出示百宝箱) look, what's in the box?
C: Oh ,fish
T: So many fish, let's count
TC: One, two, threeten
T: wonderful, there are ten fishes
T: Listen, who is coming?(助教扮演小猫)
C: cat, cat is coming
T: let's play cat and fish(玩小猫捉小鱼游戏,边游戏边数数,直到所有小鱼被小猫捉完)(评析:通过小猫钓鱼的游戏,让孩子们轻松、愉快的复习数字英语,培养和提高孩子们的英语学习兴趣,为下一步的学习奠定基础。)
3、请幼儿欣赏学习歌曲《Eight Little Baby Ducks》。
a)欣赏歌曲《Eight Little Baby Ducks》两遍
T:Today baby ducks will play with us,listen to the radio carefully
T:let's sing the song together
4、请幼儿边听歌曲《Eight Little Baby Ducks》,戴上头饰边学小鸭戏水,并进行母鸭带小鸭的游戏。
T:look, I'm a duck i'm swimming. please follow me like a duck, we are swimming and playing.
T:Now play group by group, and I will ask children to say which group is the best?(评价:孩子们通过游戏,在游戏中习得英语,同时也培养了孩子们的交往、合作能力)


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