小学四年级英语Unit2B Let’s talk教案模板

学生们有一个生动有趣的课堂,离不开老师辛苦准备的教案,因此就需要我们老师写好属于自己教学课件。做好教案课件的前期准备工作,这样才能实现预期的教学目标设计。什么样的教案课件才是好课件呢?推荐你看看以下的小学四年级英语Unit2B Let’s talk教案模板,欢迎分享给你的朋友!

教学内容:B Let’s talk
教学目标: 1.学生能够理解对话大意,能够用正确的语音语调朗读对话,能够在情景中恰当运用句型what color is it? It’s ?问答颜色。 2. 能够在情景中理解新词lost,toy,notebook的意思并能正确发音。
教学重点: 1.句型:what color is it? It’s ?问答颜色。 2.词汇:lost,toy,notebook
教学难点: 对here it is和here you are的理解。
(一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 复习What’s in the schoolbag?
(二)呈现新课 (presentation) 1. 教师带领学生看图:Sarah和Amy讨论丢失的笔记本的画面。教师指着图片说Sarah lost her notebook. 板书新单词lost,并带读单词。2. 教师继续提问 Is Sarah happy or sad? 请学生注意Sarah 说的话:I like it very much。学生回答She is sad教师继续问 What can she do? 3.教师指着张鹏说Zhang peng lost something,too。 Let’s go and have a look。 4.教师出示句子:Zhang peng lost his English book。请学生完整听一遍对话录音,判断句子正误。学生听完后进行判断,并讲English book更正为schoolbag。 5. 教师提问What color is Zhang peng’s schoolbag?板书核心句型:What color is it?学生跟读并听录找答案。听音之前教师给出答案的选项: A. It’s black and white. B. It’s blue and white.学生听完后选择正确的答案。 6. 学生同桌之间互相询问对方书包的颜色,运用句型What colour is it? It’s。。。 7. 学生做Let’s play板块的活动。 8. 教师提问What’s in Zhang peng’s schoolbag?请学生在对话中找出答案: An English book,two toys and a notebook。教师利用单词卡片和实物教学单词toy notebook。
(三)巩固操练 (practice) 1. 教师出示对话板块的板书,播放录音,请学生看图听音后填充句子:Zhang peng’s schoolbag is_______and________. 2. 学生自由朗读对话,教师提醒学生注意按照意群朗读。
作业布置: 1、Listen to the tape 2、Read the sentences


小学英语Book 2 Unit6 B Let’s talk.教学设计

教学目标: 1. 学生能听懂、会说两个关动物的生词:giraffe,deer。2. 能运用形容词tall和short对人或动物进行恰当的描述。3. 能听懂会说两句常用语Yeah! You’re right.4. 学生感受学习英语带来的成功和快乐,学习英语的兴趣得到提高。

1、重点:掌握四个句子:The giraffe is tall. The deer is short. You’re tall. I’m short.



Step1: Warm-up/Revision

1、Listen to a song《If you are happy》

2、Let’s do

3、Guessing game

T: Boys and girls, let’s play a guessing game. There is an animal. It has a long nose and a short tail. It has big ears and small eyes. It ‘s so funny. It’s……?

Ss: Elephant.

T: Yeah. You’re right.(课件呈现elephant)

以同样的方法猜mouse、 monkey 、rabbit、 cat


通过上面的Guessing game引出giraffe 和deer 的教学

(1)T: There is an animal. It is so tall.

It has a long neck.


Ss try to guess: giraffe

T: Yeah. You’re right. (课件呈现giraffe)


(2)T: There is an animal. It is not tall. It is short. It’s……

Ss try to guess: deer.

T: Yeah. You’re right. (课件呈现deer)


2、新授句子:The giraffe is tall. The deer is short

(1)通过比较图片中的giraffe 和deer,引出句子The giraffe is tall. The deer is short.。

(2)引导学生用The…… is tall. The…… is short.来比较课件出示的动物。
(3)通过Let’s chant来巩固所学的句子。

The giraffe is tall , the monkey is short!

The monkey is tall , the deer is short!

The deer is tall, the dog is short!

The dog is tall, the cat is short!

3、新授句子You’re tall. I’m short.

(1)将自己与学生比较,对学生说:I’m tall. You’re short.帮助学生说:I’m short, you’re tall.




(1) 能过录象来展示Let’s talk 的教学内容,

(2) 呈现课文插图,请学生根据所看所想来说说课文内容

(3) 学生听、跟读课文。

(4) 小组交流。

Step3: Extension/consolidation

1、学生运用所学的知识介绍动物玩具。学生说得好,用Yeah! You’re right.表扬。

2、吟唱歌曲《They are in the zoo》,在歌声中结束教学。

小学四年级英语教案:Unit 6 Let’s go by taxi

(一) 知识目标:
1.词汇:a station,a supermarket, a library, a theatre, a hospital, an airport, by train, by plane, by metro, by motorcycle, by minibus, on foot
2.三会句型: let's go… by…
good idea.
how do we go there?
how do you go to … ?
are you free now ?
3.四会句型: shall we go to… by… ?
all right. / ok.
is this … for… ?
5.歌曲:the wheels on the bus
1. 能够用所学句型let's go to…邀请别人外出。
2.能够用所学句型how do we… go… ? shall we go… by… ?与同伴商量外出的交通形式。
3.能够用所学句型how do you go to… ?了解他人上学,上班等外出交通方式。
4.通过句型excuse me, is this … for… ?询问他人是否乘该车能到达目的地。
2.句型:let's go to… how do we… ? shall we go… by… ?
is this bus… ?

教学内容:词汇:by train,by plane,by metro,by motorcycle,by minibus,on foot
句型:let's go to… how do we go there ? shall we go… by… ?
2、能用how do we /you go… ?询问同伴、他人以怎样的方式去某地。
3、能用shall we go… by… ?与同伴商量以某种方式去某地。
step 1. presentation.
1. 教师出示公园,电影院,超市等图片,与学生展开问答。
t: what can you see in the picture ?
ss: i can see a park/cinema/zoo…
t: let's go to the park/cinema/zoo…
ss: great./ all right./ good idea.
跟着磁带一起说易捷3a第28页儿歌"let's go"。
park, park ,go to the park. let's go to the park.
zoo, zoo, go to the zoo. let's go to the zoo.
school, school, go to school. let's go to school.
cinema, cinema, go to the cinema. let's go to the cinema.
2.师生自由问答,复习句型but how ?,引出交通工具类单词。
t: hi, a. it's a fine day today. let's go to hongmei park.
a: great. but how ?
t: by bus.
a: good.
t: hi, b. i'd like a new notebook. let's go to lianhua supermarket.
b: ok. but how ?
t: on foot.
b: all right.
(教师在黑板上写"on foot", 配上动作领读)
t: hello, c. it's a nice spring, isn't it ? shall we go to suzhou ?
c: good idea. but how ?
t: by train.
c: that's great.
(教师在黑板上写"train", 出示train图片,领读该单词)
用同样的方法教新单词"plane,metro, motorcycle,minibus"。3.启发学生邀请教师去某地,引出新句型how do we go there ?
a: hello, miss/mr… let's go to the cinema.
t: good. how do we go there ?
a: by bus.
t: all right.
b: hi, miss/ mr… let's go to beijing.
t: great. how do we go there ?
b: by plane.
t: good.
领读句型how do we go there ?
work in pairs.
a: let's go to…
b: good. how do we go there ?
a: by…
b: ok.
4.教师邀请学生去某地,引出新句型shall we go to … by… ?
t: hi, boys. suppose we're in beijing now. let's go to beijing zoo.
b: great. how do we go there ?
t: shall we go to the zoo by metro ?
b: good.

t: hi, girls. let's go to china dinosaur park.
g: good. how do we go there ?
t: shall we go there by minibus ?
g: great.
领读句型shall we go… by… ?
work in pairs.
a: let's go to…
b: ok. how do we go there ?
a: shall we go… by… ?
b: all right.
step 2. consolidation.
1. 利用图片复习交通工具类单词。
2. 欣赏51页歌曲the wheels on the bus
3. do a survey (page 51)
a: how do you go to school ?
b: i go to school…
step 3 classwork: copy the new words "train, plane,metro, motorcycle,minibus" and the phrases " by train, by plane, by metro, by motorcycle, by minibus, on foot".
homework : do a survey: how do you go to work ? (调查家人.亲戚,邻居等)

教学内容:词汇:a station, a supermarket, a library, a theatre, a hospital, an airport
教学目标:熟练掌握以上公共场所类单词,巩固上节课所学交通工具类单词,熟练运用句型let's go to… how do we go there ? shall we go… by… ?
step 1. revision.
1. 利用图片复习交通工具类单词。
what's this in english ?
what can you see in the picture ?
is this a… ?
2. sing the song: the wheels on the bus
3. free talk.
how do you come to school ?
how does your father/mother go to work ?
let's go to…
how do we go… ?
shall we go… by… ?
4. say the rhyme (page 29 in yijie english book)
by bike or by bus ?
let's go to school, by bike, by bike.
let's go to the park, by bus, by bus.
let's go to the cinema, by taxi, by taxi.
let's go to the lake, on foot, on foot.
let's go to shanghai, by train, by train.
let's go to beijing, by plane, by plane.
step 2. presentation.
t: i want to go to many beautiful places in my holiday. i like traveling. i also like reading. do you like reading ?
ss: yes.
t: let's go to the library.
ss: good.
t: what can you see in the library ?
ss: many books.
make a dialogue in pairs.
a: hi, b. let's go to changzhou library.
b: good. how do we go there ?
a: shall we go to the library by bus ?b: good.
用同法教其它新单词"theatre, hospital , station, airport"。

小学英语四年级上册Unit4 A Let’s learn教案


1. 知识目标:

能够听、说、认读living room,study,bedroom,kitchen,bathroom;能通过探究掌握读音规律,并能在模拟的生活环境中相互交流有关家庭居室的情况。



(2)能够听懂并能发出一些指令,如:Go to the living room,watch TV / …

3. 情感、策略、文化等有关目标:







Step 1. Warm-up

1. Let's sing: "In the Classroom" (学生边唱边拍手)


2. Free talk:

T: Hello! Boys and girls! (指着教室问学生) What's this?

Ss: This is our classroom.

T: How many boards / windows / ... can you see?

S: I can see two green boards / six windows / ...

T: What can you do in the classroom?

S1: I can wash the windows in the classroom.

S2: I can sweep the floor in the classroom.


T: Yeah. Our classroom is so big, so clean and so beautiful.


Step 2. presentation

1. living room

T: (课件呈现哆啦A梦) Who is he?

Ss: He is 哆啦A梦.

T: Is he in our classroom now?

Ss: No.

T: Where can you see哆啦A梦?

S: I can see哆啦A梦in the books / pictures / TV.


T: (学生一说出TV就问) But where is the TV?

S1: It’s in the classroom.

T: Maybe.

S2: It's in the ...


T: (课件呈现客厅) Look. It's in a living room. Read after me. /v/, /v/ living room.

Ss: (Read it together, four by four, one by one)


T: What can you do in a living room?

S1: I can watch TV in a living room.

S2: I can sweep the floor in a living room.


T: OK. I want to watch TV now. Let's go to the living room and watch TV.

Ss: (Say and act) (学生边说边做)


2. study

T: I like to watch TV. I also like computer games. Do you like computer games?

Ss: Yes. (学生大声回答)

T: Do you play computer games in a living room?

S1: Yes, I do.

Ss: Not for me. I play computer games in my "书房".

T: Yes, we often play computer games in a "study". But we can't play too long time.


T: Read after me. (用升、降调领读)

Ss: (one by one)

T: (课件呈现书房) What can you see in the study?

S: I can see a desk / a chair / many books / ... in the study.


T: Do you like the study? Why?

S1: Yes. I can play computer games in the study.

S2: I like the study. I can read story-books in the study.


T: Yes. We all like reading books in the study. Let's go to the study. OK? (教师用夸张的语气讲述,好象真地要带学生去书房)

Ss: OK.

T: Go with me. Go to the study. Read a book.

Ss: (学生起立跟着教师边说边做)


3. bedroom

T: (课件呈现一名学生躺在床上看书) Can we read books in bed?

Ss: No, we can't.


T: We can sleep in bed. Where is the bed?

S: It's in the "bedroom". (强调发音,防止学生读成bed-room)

T: Listen to me, please. bedroom, /dr/, /u:/, /dru:/, bedroom. (纠音)

Ss: (Say with me. Read it together, four by four and one by one.)


T: OK. Look! What can you see in the bedroom? (课件呈现)

S1: ( I can see a bed / a picture / ... in the bedroom.


T: Let's go to the bedroom and have a rest. (Sing the song "My Bedroom" In my bedroom, in my bedroom, near the table and the chair. You can see my little teddy bear sleeping in my little bed)

S: (学生随着音乐跟唱)

T: (唱完后) Who's in the bedroom?

Ss: Teddy bear.


4. kitchen

T: (紧接着点击课件,发出碗被打碎和猫叫的声音) What happened? Who's coming?

Ss: Cat.


T: Where is the cat? Is it in the ...?

S1: Is it in the living room?

T: No, it isn't.

S2: Is it in the bedroom / study / ...?

T: (课件呈现小猫在厨房打碎碗的情景) Look! The cat is in the "kitchen" (升、降调) /i/ /i/ kitchen.

Ss: (Say with me. Read it together, four by four and one by one.)


T: The cat is hungry. I'm hungry, too. I can have some noodles in the kitchen. What about you?

S1: I can have some chicken in the kitchen.

S2: I can have some cake in the kitchen.

... (要求学生边说边做动作)


T: We can also have a snack. Look! This is a snack. (出示实物.帮助学生理解snack)

Ss: Wow! Yummy! (学生表现出很想吃的样子)

T: Let's go to the kitchen. Have a snack.



5. bathroom

T: (教师吃完后看着自己的手说) Wow! My hand is so dirty. I can wash my hands in the "bathroom". /a:/ /ba:/, bathroom.

Ss: (Say with me. Read it together, four by four and one by one.)


T: (课件呈现四个不同的浴室) I have four bathrooms. Which bathroom do you like best? Why?

S1: I like bathroom 3. It's big and clean.

S2: I like bathroom 1. It's blue. I like blue.



T: What can you do in the bathroom? Discuss in four.

Ss: (学生讨论)

T: OK. Who wants to have a try?

S1: I can wash my hands / face / ... in the bathroom.

T: We can also take a shower in the bathroom. Let's do.

T: We can do different things in different rooms. Let's do.

(Ss listen to the tape and do actions.)


3. Step 3. Extension / Consolidation

活动一:Guessing game: Where is he / she?

1. T (课件): It's time to play a game. Let's play a game. OK?

Ss: OK.

T: (Ask one student to come to the board and do actions. where he/she is)

T: (做刷牙状) Where is Miss Zhu?

Ss: Miss Zhu is in the bathroom.

T: Who wants to have a try?

S: ...


活动二:Find friends (Read and find out)

T: I have five friends who are they?

T: (课件呈现)

Friend one: I'm big. I have a TV. I have two sofas. Who am I?

Friend two: I'm big, too. I'm nice. I have a pink bed. I have many pictures. Who am I?

Friend three: I' m small. I have many books. I have a white computer. I have many friends. Who am I?

Fried four: I'm very small. I can make you clean. Who am I?

Fried five: I'm clean. I have many apples. I have hamburgers. I can make you strong. Who am I?

Ss: (Read together and guess what rooms they are.)


活动三:Rent a house

(课件呈现;Kate wants to rent a house with a bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen. Now you have a house for rent. You can introduce your house to Kate.)

For example: I have a house for rent. Look! This is my house. A bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. Look! This is the bathroom. It's so big and nice. This is the bedroom. You can see a lamp and a bed in it. This is the kitchen. It's so big and clean. Do you like my house?


T: Now, discuss in your group. You Can use theses sentences:

(课件呈现可用句型:I have ...

Look! This is the ... It's ...

You can see ...

Do you like my house?

(Ss discuss in four, then act out in class.)

小学四年级英语Unti2A Let’s spell教案设计

教学目标: 1.感知并归纳i-e在单词中的发音规则。 2.能够读出符合i-e发音规则的单词;能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合i-e发音规则的单词。 3进能够根据单词的读音拼写出i-e发音规则的单词。
教学重点: 能够读出符合i-e发音规则的单词
教学难点: 容易与i的短音混淆。
1. 教师让学生看图片,风筝被遮住,教师提问:what’s he doing?从学生的回答中引导出fly a kite,教师出示风筝图片,板书kite,引导学生拼读/k/-/ai/-/t/---/kait/.
2. 教师指着风筝的图片提问:Is the kite nice? 学生回答 Yes, it is nice. 并拼读nice。
3. 教师继续指着风筝图片提问:what do you see on the kite? 并突出风筝上的9,学生回答nine。教师板书nine,引导学生进行拼读。
4. 教师提问:do you like the nice kite? 学生回答 yes, I like it. 教师板书like和nice。
5. 教师出示歌谣第一段文字: see the nice new kite, with a big number nine. 学生跟着录音有节奏的朗读。教师关注学生的i-e发音是否到位。
6. 完成Read, listen and number的活动。
教师出示更多含有i-e结构的单词,比如bite, site, pe, mine, side, time, wide等,让学生尝试拼读出来。
三、作业布置(homework) 自主读出以下单词:five ride,lick six bib pig pin kiss ink hill

pep小学四年级英语下册Unit4《It’s warm today》教案

1、能听说认读Let’s learn 、Let’s talk部分的单词和句型
2、能听说读写Read and write 部分的单词和句型
pictures recorder tape
Step one:Warm up
1﹑Free ttalk
2﹑Do actions
Step two: presentation
1 、Let’s learn
(1)、T: Are you tired? Oh, yes. I’m tired. And I’m very thirsty. Can I drink some water, please?
S: Yes.
T: Oh, my dear, the water is too hot! please touch it. Is it hot? Ss touch it and repeat: Yes, it’s hot.
(2)、Ss pass it one by one and say ”cold”。
2、Teach the word “cold、warm、cool in same way.
3、Teach the word “Weather”
Look, It’s cold, It’s cool, it’s warm and it’s hot. Oh, what’s the weather like today? Is it cold? Is it…?
Do you know “weather”? What is weather?
Read the word together. 修改意见
Step three: Extension and Consolidation
 1、Guessing game
2、Find friends
3、Chanting Race
Step one: Warm up
1﹑Sing “My clothes
2﹑Free talk .
Step two : presentation
1﹑Let’s talk
(1)、play VCD for weather report then ask:” How many cities? What are they? What’s the weather like in …today?
(2)、T: Today is warm day .Can I wear a coat today? Help Ss answer:” No, you can’t.
T: Can I wear a sweater today? Help Students answer: ”No, you can’t”。
(3)、T: Can I wear a shirt today? Help Students answer: Yes, .you can.”
(5)、play record for Let’s talk, students read after tape.
(6)、Role play
2、Good to know.
Step three: Extension and Consolidation
第 三 课 时
Step one :Warm up
1﹑Listen and chant
2、Ss show their mini paper clothes and sing My clothes inpidually.
3、Circle the words and spell them.
 W U K E B W W
O W p I D H E
Step two: presentation
1、 Get the group members’ mini paper clothes together. Divide them into some parts, such as ”shoes”,” jeans”, ”socks”, ”pants”…。Ss choose the mini paper clothes from above.
Ask and answer .
2、The four skill words.
(1)、 Ss take turns to do the activity like “t a s pan “—pants and pick out the corresponding mini paper clothes to adorn their finger puppets.
(2)、 Spell the words and try to find their similar feature “-s”。 Then talk about why we don’t use their single forms.
3、Read the dialogue and answer the following questions:
What’s the weather like today? What are they going to do? What’s the Zoom looking for? Where are they?
4、Act out the dialogue.
Step three: Extension and Consolidation
1、Do exercise 2 on the Activity Book
2、Copy the words and sentences on the Activity Book.
第 四 课 时
Step one: Warm up
1、Let’s sing ”Thunder”
2、Let’s chant
3、Chanting Race
Step two: presentation
1、Teach the word “windy”
(1)、teacher stick the picture of snow beside Beijing and ask:” What’s the weather like in Bei jing?
(2)、Read the words after teacher.
2、Teach the words ”sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy in same way.
Rainy, rainy , it’s rainy in London.
Open up your umbrella, Open up your umbrella.
Snowy, snowy, it’s snowy in Moscow.
put on your boots, put on your boots.
Cloudy, cloudy, it’s cloudy in Sydney.
Take your raincoat, Take your raincoat.
Sunny, sunny, it’s sunny in Singapore.
put on your sunglasses, put on your sunglasses.
3 、Let’s do
(1) 、Listen say and do
(2) 、Listen and do
(3) 、Look and say
6、Task time
Step three: Extension and Consolidation
第 五 课 时
Step one : Warm up
1、Sing a song :Thunder
2、Let’s do
3、Free talk
Step two : presentation
1、 Teacher show pictures of four different cities.
T: Can you tell me, where it is? What’s the weather like in…?
2、Let’s chant
(1) 、Let the students write down the words about cities.
(2) 、Say the sentence pattern: What’s the weather like in Beijing? It’s sunny in Beijing.
(3) 、Competition: Invite 4 or 5 children to say the sentences one by one. The last one is the winner.
3、 Game: What are you doing?
4、presentation the text.
(1) 、Watch the VCD.
(2) 、(2)Ask some questions
(3) 、Listen to the tape
Step three: Extension and Consolidation
1、Act out the text
 2、Let’s check
第 六 课 时
Step one :Warm up
1、Sing a song :Thunder
2、play a jigsaw puzzle
3、Let’s find out
it’s sunny. Let’s fly a kite.
it’s rainy. Let’s read a book.
it’s cloudy .Let’s play football.
it’s snowy. Let’s make a snowman.
Step two : presentation
1、It’s and
2、Write the words.
3、Teach the sentence :Is it…?
4、 Teacher point to the picture and say: Look, this is a mountain. It’s high .Let’s go and climb it. wait. What’s the weather like there? Let’s listen.
5、play record.
Step three: Extension and Consolidation
1、Story time
2、Finish the Activity Book

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