Olympic and Me

生产不会计算,诸事都会白干。当你准备开启一场演讲时,通常,演讲和演讲稿是相辅相成的。演讲稿是面向听众的,最好运用大众语言。如何写出一篇出色的演讲稿?在这里,你不妨读读Olympic and Me,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读本文。


Olympic and Me


I am looking fore every friend from all over the municate now on for beijing Olympic Game to be a real Green Olympics, humanities Olympics, technology Olympics


“One word One dream” I hope my dream will come true


英语演讲稿:Youth Olympic Games

本文是小编为大家整理的《英语演讲稿:Youth Olympic Games》的文章,希望大家能够喜欢!.英语演讲稿:Youth Olympic Games

good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

today my topic is the 2014 youth olympic games. e young friends from all over the all over the ote environmental awareness for the nanjing youth olympic games.

in a word, with the slogan that “grow with yog!” ,we should do anything we can to hold the great game.

that’s all, thank you.

This is me英语大赛演讲稿

Hello here! Im Zhang , thats my honor to see all of you sitting here listening to my y or to the things on the other side of the earth. But have we ever thought about those questions: well known about ourselves, yet we could hardly reach this standards by now because of the age or the lack of experience of living; however, things we can do would be more than just wandering around. One who knows his own strength and that of the enemy is invincible in battle; all I want to say is that This Is Me is not just making a self-introducing or emphasizing, the speech I made is not talking about my personality or inner-quality, it is a slogan or an aphorism, which always warning us that: get to know ourselves and to be a man.

英语演讲稿:cheer for Olympic athletes

cheer for Olympic athletes Hi,everyone.Nice to meet you..Today Id like to share something about Olympics all parts of the mittee e little things around us to make our hometoing!
英语演讲稿:How to Be popular

英语演讲稿:Means to Me

kneel plates up.

pass----the sense of social responsibility. Homon destinations. By interacting with friends of common beliefs, I’ve acquired skills of relating to other people.

Now ,as a ship about to make my maiden voyage ,I’m still not in the position to tell what’s waiting ahead of me ,but with a powerful propeller, a precise compass and ardent companions of sailing in the sea of society, I’m ready to be a great sea-explorer.

Thank you.

英语演讲稿:The best Olympic item of China team


table tennis is the national sport of china, and chinese people think that table tennis is the best sport item of china team. but i dont think so, china can hold the XX olympic games, not only our table tennis is good but also the other items are great, too.

 for example, our diving athletes have got many gold medals in the olympic games. such as our diving queen fu mingxia, she has got the most diving champions in the world, she can make wonderful action when she was diving. and liu xiang is the olympic track champion, hes a famous athlete in the world, we are pound of him! our badminton also is good, lin dan is a great badminton athlete, he is the best badminton athlete in the world now

 the examples tell us: chinese sports are becoming better and better, all the sport items can become the best item in the world. i hope chinese sports can be the best one day. thats all. thank you.

英语演讲稿:The story with me and En

英语演讲稿:The story the folloe a part of my life. I think English is not only important but also very useful to me.

I have never thought that, I petitions and so on. And I also etimes I felt really tired and I had no progress. I felt frustrated! Luckily, my mum is al different countries. At first, I could not folloetimes I talk anyone you can. There will always come a time you will be grateful you did.” We should always in siston what we are seeking. I wouldn’t give up learning English. Thanks for your listening.

英语演讲稿范文:Youth Olympic Games

good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

today my topic is the 20xx youth olympic games. e young friends from all over the all over the ote environmental awareness for the nanjing youth olympic games.

in a word, with the slogan that “grow with yog!” ,we should do anything we can to hold the great game.

that’s all, thank you.

演讲稿具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,它可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。希望《Olympic and Me》一文能帮助您解决关于2024“检讨书”相关的问题,再次感谢您的阅读!

