

Ladies and gentlemen:
I'm glad you could make it.
I'd like your attention,please.

I have five eday!

Get a yearly checkup.
Exercise to stay young.
Exercise to feel great and energetic.

Second,be financially educated.
Save money like crazy.
Save and invest as petent e accident alert.
Become environmentally amon sense.

practice disaster drills at home.
practice emerency plans.
Never be caught unprepared.

Every life has some crises.
Everyone experiences hardship.
Good prevention can pull you through.

Life demands preparation.
Life requires good planning.
Never,ever rely on good luck.

Thank you for listening.
Remember that prevention beats a cure any day.
Smooth sailing and have a great day.



Ladies and gentlemen.
I'd like to etimes you have to say no!

Second,just tell the truth.
Just be totally honest.
The truth and maturity.
Don't be afraid to say no.

Third,just refuse politely.
Just communicate clearly.
Be sincere and sympathetic.

Just look the person in the eye.
Just sloetimes you have to do it.
Sometimes you have no choice.
Refusing favors is part of life.

In conclusion,just do it!
Just practice saying no.
Memorize the following rejections.

I'm so sorry.
I have to say no.
I have no time today.

Now,I have to go.
Now,I must say no.
Sorry,no more for today.(Thank you.)


It's time to begin.
I appreciate your attention.
I hope you'll enjoy my speech.

I have important advice.
I have employment tips to share.
Let me tell you homunicator.
Be computer literate and technically up-to-date.

Knopanies you like.
Research every opportunity that exists.

Bone up on each company.
Become an expert on its business.
Be able to sell yourself as an asset to them.

Don't forget to netpany.
personally hand out your resume to every personnel Director you can.

Try to relax and enjoy interviepromise your passion.

Be true to yourself.
Be honest in all that you say and do.
You'll find a job that's perfect for you.


e second natrue.
It municate better.
You'll become a better person.

Third,it's fun to learn.
It's a five second test.
It's just like playing a game.

You challenge yourself.
You race against the clock.
You e younger.

line is that One Breath English gets results.
It's organized and systematic.
It's efficient learning right a's open our books and begin.


e your ed.
Your appearance says a lot about you.

Then,smile like crazy.
A smile e a great listener.
Ask pliment.
Sho to be generous.
You must "live to give."
You must also give to "really live."

In conclusion,let go of your ego.
Let kindness be your guide.
You'll be popular in no time.

Don't be phony.
It will backfire on you.
It's more important to be true.

Thanks for your attention.
Now,go have a great day.
Go out and enjoy being popular!


Ladies and gentlemen:
Greetings and e advice.
Cherish your job.
Appreciate it like a gift.

It's your "bread and butter."
It's your opportunity to shine.
Hrer's hoplishments.
Thrive on your achievements.
Thrive on feeling good.

Fourth,make it fun every day.
Make it like playing a game.
Maintain a healthy sense of humor.

Al is not in doing what you like.
The secret is in liking what you do.
God bless you and enjoy your job.


Good day,everybody.
I'm excited to be here.
I have advice about frienship.

Friendship is precious.
Friendship makes life etimes friends disagree.
Sometimes argument happen.
Here's hoe back municate.
Try to patch things up.

All problems can be solved.
But it takes a little promise.
Be open to suggestions.
See things from your friend's point of vie.
Tat's my advice to you.
I hope you never need to use it!

I appreciate your attention.
Thank you all so much.
Thank God for the beauty of friends.




Good day ladies and gentlemen.Let me atrat e tips.please listen and learn.Learn ho your head to your toes.Dont overdress.Dress municate clearly.Respond thoughtfully to each question.Respond slomendation.Offer letters of reference.List a better.Always give one hundred percent.Youll win respect.Youll win trust and acceptance.With this advice,you will go far.


