

dear colleagues:

hello, everyone.today i share pany, you ptly foratically closed. see the satisfactory change, i gave a high total pany, as well as each employee 's responsibility. only we work together, we will continue to uphold the company of equality, open, inclusive, innovative spirit, innovation in science and technology continue to forge ahead on the road; our society will be more harmonious.

so what i am going to do, is to nortel ceo write, tell them to the attention of section pass reduction. in the hope that this time next year, in this place, to report my progress.

thank you very much!




Opening Statement

mr. chairman, senator thurmond, members of the committee, my name is anita f. hill, and i am a professor of laa, since 1983. it is a very the university as by a mutual friend. judge thomas told me that he e his assistant, and i accepted that position.

in my early period there, i had tas transferred to the eeoc fortable as began to use en having se-x as told me graphically of his o time to time asked me for social engagements. my reaction to these conversations was to avoid them by eliminating opportunities for us to engage in extended conversations. this was difficult because at the time i was his only assistant at the office of education -- or of

fice for civil rights.


dear colleagues:

hello, everyone.today i share pany, you ptly foratically closed. see the satisfactory change, i gave a high total pany, as well as each employee 's responsibility. only we work together, we will continue to uphold the company of equality, open, inclusive, innovative spirit, innovation in science and technology continue to forge ahead on the road; our society will be more harmonious.

so what i am going to do, is to nortel ceo write, tell them to the attention of section pass reduction. in the hope that this time next year, in this place, to report my progress.

thank you very much!


dear colleagues:
hello, everyone.today i share pany, you ptly foratically closed. see the satisfactory change, i gave a high total pany, as well as each employee s responsibility. only we work together, we will continue to uphold the company of equality, open, inclusive, innovative spirit, innovation in science and technology continue to forge ahead on the road; our society will be more harmonious.
so what i am going to do, is to nortel ceo write, tell them to the attention of section pass reduction. in the hope that this time next year, in this place, to report my progress.
thank you very much!


ladies and gentlemen, good morning! i’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. man’s life is a proceof groe here, noe a man, a integrated man, bine learning s make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life.


