Sales Contract

为了更好地落实规章制度,合同也变得越来越常见,签订合同能对劳动者的劳动权进行保障。如何制定一份合法的合同呢?下面的内容是小编为大家整理的Sales Contract,相信一定会对你有所帮助。

contract no:_________________
signed at: ___________________
the buyers:________________
the sellers:_________________
the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the follo the buyers for losses resulting therefrom.(10)商品检验:以中国________所签发的品质/数量/重量/包装/卫生检验合格证书作为卖方的交货依据。
(10)inspection:the inspection certificate of quality / quantity / panied by survey reports of recognized public surveyors agreed to by the sellers. should the responsibility of the subject under claim be found to rest on the part of the sellers, the sellers shall, apany. if insurance for additional amount and /or for other insurance terms is required by the buyers, prior notice to this effect must reach the sellers before shipment and is subject to the sellers’ agreement, and the extra insurance premium shall be for the buyers’ account.
5. 因人力不可抗拒事故使卖方不能在本售货合约规定期限内交货或不能交货,卖方不负责任,但是卖方必须立即以电报通知买方。如果买方提出要求,卖方应以挂号函向买方提供由中国国际贸易促进委员会或有关机构出具的证明,证明事故的存在。买方不能领到进口许可证,不能被认为系属人力不可抗拒范围。

5. the sellers shall not be held responsible if they fail, ootion of international trade or by any competent authorities, attesting the existence of the said cause or causes. the buyers’ failure to obtain the relative import licence is not to be treated as force majeure.
6. 仲裁:凡因执行本合约或有关本合约所发生的一切争执,双方应以友好方式协商解决;如果协商不能解决,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,根据该会的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。
6. arbitration:all disputes arising in connection mission shall be deemed as final and binding upon both parties.
7. 附加条款(本合同其他条款如与本附加条款有抵触时,以本附加条款为准。):
7. supplementary condition(s)(should the articles stipulated in this contract be in conflict with the following supplementary condition(s),the supplementary condition(s)should be taken as valid and binding.)
卖方(sellers):________________ 买方(buyers):________________

合同记载着签订双方的责任和义务,也是维护自身权益的最好保障!在参考了《Sales Contract》后你收获了些什么吗?如有需要请收藏本站,范文资讯网为您准备了更多有关内容,欢迎随时阅读!

