

hello!every classmate! i am very glad that i can stand here today, my english isn’t very ee to like the music of him and him!

the fact proves i am correct, jay is red all over china, red all over asia. see more and more persons like him , appreciate him , i am really very glad !

i remember meeting him for the first time , my tears floe into holy land of the music !this is jay in my heart! i like most!

thank you!



hello!every classmate! i am very glad that i can stand here today, my english isn’t very ee to like the music of him and him!

the fact proves i am correct, jay is red all over china, red all over asia. see more and more persons like him , appreciate him , i am really very glad !

i remember meeting him for the first time , my tears floe into holy land of the music !this is jay in my heart! i like most!

thank you!











hello!every classmate! i am very glad that i can stand here today, my english isn’t very ee to like the music of him and him!
the fact proves i am correct, jay is red all over china, red all over asia. see more and more persons like him , appreciate him , i am really very glad !
i remember meeting him for the first time , my tears floe into holy land of the music !this is jay in my heart! i like most!
thank you!


hello!every classmate! i am very glad that i can stand here today, my english isn’t very ee to like the music of him and him!

the fact proves i am correct, jay is red all over china, red all over asia. see more and more persons like him , appreciate him , i am really very glad !

i remember meeting him for the first time , my tears floe into holy land of the music !this is jay in my heart! i like most!

thank you!


hello!every classmate! i am very glad that i can stand here today, my english isn’t very ee to like the music of him and him!

the fact proves i am correct, jay is red all over china, red all over asia. see more and more persons like him , appreciate him , i am really very glad !

i remember meeting him for the first time , my tears floe into holy land of the music !this is jay in my heart! i like most!

thank you!


these five great ething very quickly. your ething related to your topic. then, you can build on it. make sure it is an experience most people have shared.

5、...................... silence is golden. before uttering a single e fears, to silence your groans, my skills i have honed. start ething equally unexpected. catch the audience off guard. make sure nobody is drinking hot liquid the start.

the t the start: drop these awful openings from your repertoire. instead, replace them with an opening that sets you apart and readies you to deliver a great speech.



- ing.

- may i take this opportunity of thanking you for coming

英语演讲开场白:欢迎听众(非正式 )

- i'm glad you could all get here...

- i'm glad to see so many people here.

- it's great to be back here.

- hello again everybody. thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today.

- ent and think of...

- thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...


- during the next ten minutes, i shall...

- i shall be speaking for about ten minutes...

- my presentation will last for about ten minutes...

- i won't take up more than ten minutes of your time...

- i don't intend to speak for longer than ten minutes...

- i know that time is short, so i intend to keep this brief


the poet said: spring floe the most common language on internet and for international trade. if we can speak english well,we will have more chance to succeed.because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn english has increased at a high speed.
Good afternoon, my dear teachers and friends,
Suppose you are in a dark cave alone now. Maybe you can not find any hope, you are trembling and frightened. ’s say NO to Give Up.

演讲稿是人们在工作和社会生活中经常使用的一种文体。它可以用来交流思想、感情,表达 主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验等等。希望《英语演讲稿范文开场白:我最喜爱的明星》一文能帮助您解决关于2024“幽默的英语演讲开场白”相关的问题,再次感谢您的阅读!

