


dear honored management of ..pany;

i am writing this letter to thank you for your trust in us and appointing us one of the suppliers for the dq200 project. we promise here that we will provide sample before the 20th week of this year, without delaying your overall plan.

thank you again your trust and we are looking forward to our happy cooperation.

best wish!

x xx

相关感谢信格式,可以浏览: 标准感谢信格式例文




dear friends,

e back to see us in the near future and therefore ween airlines and airports.

it appears that you my have penned a best-seller with that one!

on both a professional and a personal level, i really appreciated the time that the two of us were able to spend together for fun and reflection during conference down times.

i certainly learned a lot about the unique aspects of aviation operation in your part of the world (not to mention the things you taught me about the backhand on the squash court!)

e, and you cooked three delicious meals for me.

and you showed me around quite a few places of interest, such as the great wall, the forbidden city and the summer palace.

besides, you took many beautiful photos of me.

whats more, you went shopping with me.

i really had a wonderful time.

another thing that i should mention is that your parents were so kind to drive us.


thank you for your kindness again and give my best regar


the poet said: spring floe difficulties and setbacks, the common taste of success and happiness learning, we should be grateful for every day and we accompanied the students.


thanksgiving-fighting, thanksgiving unlimited! students, and society thanksgiving! let us always to the life caring and full of love and love!


thank you very much!




dear lucy,

i am our discussion,i gained a strong sense of (company name)s commitment to their clients and their employees. i also enjoyed our discussion of my opportunities and future e lectures on “modern western economics”。

please have no hesitation in writing to me if you want me to do something for you in china.

with best wishes.

sincerely yours,

li dong





i am ter for the purpose of conveying my thanks for your ter. in addition, i consider in an honor for me to make a friends of you. i hope that you would visit our country in due course so that i could enjoy the opportunity to repay your kindness and refresh our friendship. please accept my sincere thanks. ter. besides, i think it is an honor for me to make friends with you and i will cherish the goodwill you showed to me wherever i go. i do hope that you will visit china one day, so that i could have the opportunity to repay your kindness and refresh our friendship.

i feel obliged to thank you again.

sincerely yours,



1、早就想感谢你,但是一直不好意思说出口,给您发条短信,感谢你的帮助,爱护。 i ing endless hope, sincerely pany today. thank you! 19、感谢领导这段期间的细心栽培,对我帮助很大,全面提升了自己的业务水平。 thank you for your careful cultivation during this period. it has helped me a lot and improved my business level in an all-round way. 20、你给我的最珍贵的礼品-真诚的友情,在我生活的银河中,犹如一颗明亮的星星。 the most precious gift you gave me - sincere friendship, in my life in the milky forting my injured heart and making my life full of sunshine.





你是吴刚,是个交流学生(an exchange student), 四年前住在美国johnson 家。现在你已经回国。根据以下要点,用英语写一篇100词左右的感谢信。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。





dear mr and mrs johnson,

i am ent my feet hitthe land of china. in the past four years,you have treated me like youroe,i can act as a guide and you ter to thank you for your urn/ repay your kindness.

i am looking forward to




一般书信的写作格式:通常有信头(heading)、信内地址(inside address)、称呼(salutation)、正文(body)、结束语(closing)、签名(signature)等几个部分组成。


inside address :收信人的姓名(有时还包括头衔)和地址



closing:best,best regards,sincerely,sincerely yours,truly yours,respectfully,respectfully yours,


i am e.

although noe.

although nowadays many people talk about the need to be unselfish and to help others, we see very few people practicing what they preach. but you showed by your actions that you are an exception.

yours sincerely,

亲爱的父母朋友: 你们好! 我是李阳,疯狂英语的创始人。 恭喜你们的孩子成为李阳疯狂英语辽宁封闭强化集训营的学员,这是一个国际化中国人的俱乐部,加入这里就是加入成功者和强者的行列! 到今天为止,我已经教授英语20年了。其实,成功就是反复做一件事,直到无人可以超越!我相信,在英语教育领域,我是最棒的! xx年,我正式成为了xx年北京奥运会志愿者英语口语总教练。在推广英语口语20年,推广热爱丢脸、把英语说出来这个理念20年之后,我的努力得到了国家和社会的认可,这再次证明了坚持的力量!坚持创造奇迹!重复就是力量! 中国人在英语学习上付出的代价实在是太大了!我要联合所有的中国人,坚决粉碎聋哑英语!坚决反对英语上花费太多时间! 从现在开始,我们将全力以赴支持和帮助孩子的英语和人生获得伟大的成功!你们的孩子将走上与众不同的成功之路! 从今天开始,我、我的团队将和你们一起携手培养你们的孩子,把他(她)真正锻造成为父母的骄傲、国家的栋梁! 教育孩子并不是一件痛苦、艰难的事情。在未来的岁月当中,我们将一起研究和实践更加科学、更加有效的家庭教育方案。 我坚信:每个孩子都是英语天才!每个父母也都是教育天才! 我更加坚信:你们的孩子不仅属于你们,也是我的孩子,是伟大祖国的孩子,更是地球之子!我们都有责任帮助他们找到自信、快乐和成功! 从今天起,你们的家庭将正式成为李阳疯狂英语国际家庭!全家学习的时代到来了,不学习就会落后于时代!除了8天的魔鬼训练之外,我们还将为你们的孩子量身订制家英语操练方案,同时,我们成立的李阳国际家长联盟会为家长朋友提供国际最先进的教育理念和家庭成长方案。在未来的两个月里,你们将收到我们精心编制的李阳教子秘方短信,这些秘方曾经帮助过数千万家长和孩子一起成长,我也相信一定能够给你们的家庭带来帮助。 我们坚信:孩子赢在家庭! 强大的家庭必须能够培养强大的下一代,从而铸就强大的国家! 再次祝贺你们和你们的孩子,并深深感谢! 我和我的团队一定不会让你们失望的! 谢谢大家的支持。 更多精彩感谢信推荐: 给写朱老师的一封感谢信 给敬爱的老师的一封感谢信 给母亲的感谢信:伴我成长



the poet said: spring flomunity of his kindness, decided to leave after graduating from university in the bustling city , broke into穷乡僻壤the thatched shed to seeking kno of ing harvest. finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations. and therefore it ies of food and cranberry juice and squash. the best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie. they have been the most traditional and favorite food on thanksgiving day throughout the years.

everyone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turkey stuffed with a bread dressing[3] to absorb the tasty juices as it roasts. but as cooking varies with families and with the regions where one lives, it is not easy to get a consensus on[4] the precise kind of stuffing for the royal bird.

thanksgiving today is, in every sense, a national annual holiday on which americans of all faiths and backgrounds join in to express their thanks for the year s bounty and reverently ask for continued[5] blessings

英语感恩信模板 英语感恩父母的信 母亲节英语感恩信 给父母的英语感恩信 感恩节英语感谢信 英语感谢信 英语感谢父母信范文 英语感谢信老师 英语感谢信模板 英语感谢父母的信 写英语感谢信
英语感谢母亲的信 感恩英语信 感恩信英语 感恩信格式 高考英语感谢信模板 英语感谢信写作模板 考研英语感谢信模板 英语感谢信50字 英语感谢信80字 商务英语感谢信 英语感谢信怎么写 英语感谢信常用句型 英语感谢信100字 英语感谢信的模板 英语感谢信模板范文 高考英语感谢信的模板 英语试卷感恩信 英语感谢信老师100字 英语感谢信日期怎么写
