

大家好!我是来自于xx中的英语老师。今天我说课的题目是: module 3 unit 2, 选自于外语教学与研究出版社出版的义务教育课程标准实验教科书,现在我就从以下方面说这节课的设计:
一,教材分析:这节课以where is the library?为话题,让学生通过对目标语言的学习,学会谈论地点、方位。本课为第三模块的第二节课,课程内容里的“there be”结构和就“地点”提问的句型是学生以前学过的知识点,而且在以后的学习生活当中会经常运用,所以它起到承上启下的作用。我们可以根据情景设计,采用新旧交叉的方式,既学习新词(behind等),也巩固旧词(under等)。本节课还涉及到以where 引导的特殊疑问句,对于学生来讲,疑问副词where并不难,很容易掌握。
1,语言知识目标:office, gym, library, classroom, dining hall, science lab; in, on, under, in front of, behind, next to。
1,重点词汇:next to, in front of, behind
2,重点句型:where is, where are
1,看图片,复习上一节课学的“are there any…?”句型,展示的是一所学校,由此来激发学生们的爱校热情。
3,practice in groups,学生可以四人或八人一组,集合练习,增加学生的凝聚力,激发学习兴趣,通过分组练习来培养学生的协作和竞争意识,充分体现合作学习的魅力。
4,看图练习,导入 “where is… , where are…”。



my future e people spend a lifetime trying to find.


so, with so much to be thank for, i believe that my future will be bright, and i believe that our future will be bright!


etiquette is not only the person, the embodiment of education is also a manifestation of personal morality and social morality. is the face of the city, is the country face.
therefore, learning etiquette not only in strong personal qualities, outside the plastic units better able to lubricate and improve interpersonal relationships.
has a history of 5,000 years of civilization as the "ceremonies", stressing civilization, ent, the next moment people often become the object of hate. these are none other than "informal," the act of.
placent, pushed, stepped on, munity's needs, but all the people needed.
train to run fast, depends on the locomotive. at home, if parents can take the lead; in schools, if teachers can take the lead; in the unit, if leaders can take the lead; in the ote , universal civilization, etiquette, if the capital more than 10 million people to take the lead in this head; if everyone starts from me and from nomunity atmosphere!


the thinking man's choicecontact is made. nerves order the heart to pump faster. adrenalin surges to action. nerves constrict the blood vessels in the extremities of the body. skin temperature drops. fingers and toes gro smoking just one cigarette.

the united states public health service is issuing continual e heavy smokers─t one moment to the next if i could keep going. somehow i made it."

many of you knoent she e article to en an was thought sophisticated if she knew how to smoke. men were impressed. but today the picture is changing, as everyone knows how to smoke─age eleven or up. perhaps now the novelty should be the nonsmoker?


good morning!

greeting the cool morning breeze, soaking e the psychological difficulties of courage and determination. the school organized military training for our activities, not only to improve our constitution, is to cultivate our indomitable petition and challenges are not far aote the heritage, throughout our entire life.

students, military training is honing the will of the melting pot, is a challenging training grounds, let us work together. teachers, instructors, and please believe, we must go!

my speech is over, thank you.


