



































我们平时的复习,基本上是按照备课组统一的复习计划进行的。临近高考时,我们要求教师根据各自班级常见的知识层面上的“失分点”,有针对性地制定 “个性化复习方案”,在梳理知识网络的过程中,突出易错、易混内容。薄弱环节,重点突破。













学生存在的问题是:基础知识不扎实,表现在词汇积累不够,句子结构混乱; 阅读能力差,表现在阅读与完形的失分现象普遍;语言运用能力差,表现在完成句子和作文得分较低。





2、题型专项: 听读写。



































盯人盯题盯目标: 35/11/5 人;六题型训练;得分率







1. 落实“常规”,一要落实背记的单词短语句型,重点段落。对每个单元的语言内容进行整理,抓住基础,突出重点,突破难点;二要落实时间,早辅导,晚自习,课堂;三要落实到人,以3人/早辅导的速度,一个月就能检查一个班一半的学生。四要落实集体备课,集思广益,实现脑力资源的共享,提高备课和复习备考的质量。研究四种课型:基础知识复习课,习题课专题复习课,讲评课。

2. 积极“调动”,教师要用巧妙的课堂设计,饱满的激情,幽默的语言和自身的人格魅力充分调动学生的学习欲望,适当开展小组和班级活动(单词达人)以激发热情。

3. 认真“筛选”,降低教学起点,降低难度,面向全体同学。一要注意知识讲解的筛选,课件,资料,教材要仔细阅读,科学筛选,切忌大而全。二要精选专项练习及周练,完成,保证质量,提倡精讲精练,学生通过练习及时发现问题和解决问题,提高分辨能力,增强知识的理解和记忆,提高语言运用能力,掌握解题技巧。

4. 守住“阅读”,坚持知识与能力同步进行,在复习基础知识过程中依然要关注学生语言运用能力的发展,既要突显知识网络的构建,通过归纳使学生的知识系统化,促进学生迁移能力的发展,更要活化学生所学知识,使学生能在不同的情境中运用所学知识。在整个复习过程中始终把“阅读”能力放在重要的位置,以其来丰富学生的背景知识,带动其它能力的发展,促进综合能力提升。

5. 全面“搜集”,全方位收集网络,其他省份,兄弟学校,武汉部分学校的备考信息,去伪存真,为我所用。

6. 及时“分析”, 加强教学反思。对课堂,作业和训练效果的及时进行数据分析和统计,找出学生的个性问题共性问题找到应对方案,以学定教,以教促学。对于每个学生在复习过程中所表现出的积极态度,用心的付出,点滴的进步都给予表扬与鼓励,使枯燥的复习充满趣味,强化学生复习的成就感,提高学习的质量。


1.立足教材,夯实“双基”; 督促学生在课堂上多背、多写,熟练掌握教材,理解和灵活运用教材上的理论知识。



我班幼儿学习英语的兴趣较大,有3个小朋友已参加过童遥音乐英语的学习,还有一不费部分幼儿有英语基础,能用英语问早、掌握小部分的英语单词。由于我班男孩子较多,大部分幼儿都属于好动型,故幼儿学习的活动气氛比较活跃。但由于小班幼儿的发音器官和听觉发饮并不十分完善,还不能辨别差别较小的音,不善于协调使用发音方法,所以存在发音不清楚的情况。如把thank you读成fankyou,把here读成kere等。





Using language

Teaching goals

1. To encourage Ss talk about singers and their bands and life

2. To develop the Ss' ability of listening for information and using English.

3. To enable Ss to have a better understanding of the importance of music.

Teaching procedures

Warming up

Before class, get the Ss to enjoy some music for about 5 minutes to warm them up. Then ask Ss to talk about their hobbies and interests to lead in the topic of music and bands.

T: What do you often do in your spare time?

Are you fond of music? Why? Or why not?

How do you often enjoy music?

Who is your favorite singer?

How much do you know about Freddy and his band?

(Show Ss some pictures of Freddy and his band and let Ss talk about Freddy and his band as much as they can.)

Listening and reading

T: Now if you want to know more about Freddy's life, please listen carefully.

(let Ss find out the main idea of the story: a story about a band that become famous and did not like it.)

Then let Ss read the passage and try to find the answers to the following questions.

1. Why did not the bank like being famous?

2. In what way was their life changed?

After reading the passage, let Ss to work in pairs to discuss

1. Do you think people would enjoy being famous? Why ? or why not?

2. Would you like to be famous in the future? Give your reasons.

3. How should we deal with being famous correctly?


T: As we all know Freddy and his band "the Frog" are well-known all over the world. Do you want to know how the band was formed and enjoy a song form them? please read this statements and then decide which of the following statements are true or false after listening.

(listen twice and have a stop while necessary. Then check the answers with the whole class.)


Ask Ss the question:

1. What do you think of the band and their music?

2. Describe Freddy and his band.

Speaking (group work)

Let Ss form their own band in group of four and decide who will play what instrument and who will sing. Decide the name of the band and what kind of band it will be. Then choose an English song for the band to perform and write their own famous quote about music. After group work, let each group choose one student to describe their band. If possible, let some of them perform to the whole class.


1. Write a short passage to describe their imaginary band

2. Surf the internet to find more information about the bands in and out of china and choose one to describe in the next class.

Unit 5 Music

Teaching Design (语法:教学设计)

Learning about Language (The Attributive Clause preposition+which/ whom). Aims:

◆ To help Ss learn about the Attributive Clause with a prep. in front.

◆ To help Ss discover and learn to use some useful words and expressions.

◆To study The Attributive Clause (in/ for/ with/ by+which/ whom)

◆To help students discover and learn to use some useful structures.


I. Warming up

Warming up by discovering useful words and expressions

Turn to p35 and do exercises No. 1, 2


pay attention to the structure: preposition + relative pronoun. Usually only two relative pronouns --- which and whom--- can be used in the Attributive Clause, with a preposition put before the clause. That can't be used. Look at the screen. Here are more examples on this kind of structure.

1. This is the house in which a famous writer once lived. (=where)

2. I will never forget the day on which I joined the League.(=when)

3. This is the girl from whom I learned the news.

4. The person to whom I spoke just now is the manager that I told you about.5. The lady to whom Mr Smith is talking lost her purse.

6. I don't like the way in which you laughed at her.(=that)

7. This is the reason for which he left his hometown. (=why)

Tips *如果介词与其前面的动词是固定搭配的动词短语,介词不可前置。Eg:

Bob found the dictionary (that) I had been looking for.

This is the boy whom she has taken care of.



e.g. Is that the newspaper for which you often write articles?

2. 根据从句中动词或形容词的习惯搭配,如:

e.g. Can you explain to me how to use these idioms about which I'm sure.

3. 根据先行词与介词的搭配习惯,请体会:

e.g. 1949 was the year in which the p.R.C. was founded.

Ⅲ. practice

1.Do you know who lives in the building ______there is a well?

A. in front of it B. in front of whose

C. in front of which D .in front which2.I'll never forget the day ____I joined the League.

A. on which B. in which C. which D. at which

3.The woman _____my brother spoke just now is my teacher.

A. who B. to whom C. to who D whom

4.Jeanne was her old friend, ____she borrowed a necklace.

A. from who B. from whom C. to that D. to whom

5.His glasses, _____he was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke its leg.

A. which B. with which C. without which D. that

6. She is a teacher of much knowledge, _____much can be learned.

A. who B. that C. from which D. from whom

7. He built a telescope _____he could study the skies.

A. in which B. with that C. through which D. by it

8. Do you know the reason ____he was late?

A. that B. which C. for what D. for which

9. I have bought two ballpens, ____writes well.

A. none of which B. neither of which

C. none of them D. neither of them

10. The Second World War _____millions of people were killed in 1945.

A. during which B. in that C. where D. on which

17. They held a meeting, ____which the hospital director made a speech.

18. The book, _____which he paid 6yuan, is worth reading.

19. Is this the man ____whose house the police found the lost colour TV?

20. The villagers dug along tunnel ______which they could go to the fields without being found by the Japanese soldiers.

21.Wu Dong, _____whom I went to the concert, enjoyed it very much.

22.The stories about Long March, _____ which this is one example, are well written.




1.关系代词作介词宾语,不论是在限制性定语从句中,还是在非限制性定语从句中,当介词前置时,只能用 whom 指人,which 指物;但如果介词后置,则不受这种限制,关系代词还可以省去,特别是在口语中。如:

Do you know the boy to whom she was talking?

Do you know the boy (that) she was talking to?

The pencil (which / that) he was writing with suddenly broke.

2. 要确认关系代词前用什么介词,




Ⅳ. Competition

The man __________ you shook hands just now is our headmaster.

The room __________ my family live used to be a garage.

Did you find the pen _________ I wrote just now?

Did you find the paper ________ I wrote my letter?

Did you find the composition ______ I wrote just now?

The farm we worked ten years ago isn't what it used to be.

He is the man you can turn for help.

This is the tree we used to play games.


1.I'll never forget the days______________ we worked together.

2.I'll never forget the days ___________ we spent together.

3.I went to the place I worked ten years ago.

4.I went to the place _____________ I visited ten years ago.

5.This is the reason _____________ he was late.

6.This is the reason ______________ he gave.


Summarize the rules of attributive clause.

Book2 Unit 5 Music

Teaching aims and demand

1. Let the Ss know about some kinds of music.

2. Let the Ss know about some famous bands in the world.

3. Improve the Ss' ability of expressing their opinion in English.

4. Improve the Ss' ability of reading comprehension.

Teaching tools:

A computer and a piece of chalk.

Teaching contents and procedures:

Step 1. Brain-storming

Before the class begins, ask the Ss " Can you name any music style" to know what they know about music style. Then list some music styles on the screen.

Step 2. Warming-up

Let the Ss enjoy some different kinds of music on the tape and ask them to match the music with the right picture.(The teacher will show some pictures on the screen.)

Step 3 Lead-in

Before the class begins, ask the Ss to enjoy "I'm a believer" played by "The Monkees". And ask them questions about the name of the song?(the band and also the name of the singers) Then show students some pictures of the Monkees.

Step 4 Fast-reading

Ask the Ss to read the text quickly, then do some questions.

Step 5 Careful-reading

Ask the Ss to read the whole text quickly while listening to the tape and find out the answers to the following questions on the screen:

Q1: Is forming a band a good way to be famous

Q2: How to form a band and achieve success on average

Q3: How did The Monkees get its start?

Q4: Was The Monkees satisfied with its situation? Why was The Monkees so popular in the 1960s?

(Five minutes later the teacher will ask the Ss to answer the questions inpidually and check their answers .While reading, ask Ss to find out the main idea of each paragraph. At first the teacher will teach the Ss some ways of finding the main idea.)

Step 6 Comprehending

Give the Ss the following adjectives "popular, lively, funny, foolish, attractive, brave, crazy, noisy, classical, rich, honest, famous" and ask them to choose the ones that they think best describe "The Monkees" and give their reasons.

(The teacher will first ask the Ss to discuss in pairs and the encourage the Ss to express their opinions. There is no definite answer.)

Step 7 Group discussion

Ask the Ss to discuss the following topics in groups of four.

1. Find the music in our life!

2. What are the functions of music ?

(After discussion, ask the Ss to express their own opinion.)

Step8 Homework

1.Find out something about your favorite band and show us tomorrow.

2. Retell the text.




本册教材共有14单元,每单元八页,分为Section A和Section B 两部分,各单元话题灵活有趣,贴近学生生活实际,同时也增加了文化背景知识和学习策略,并增加了任务型学习成分与语篇输入。本册书将学习一些新的语法知识点:宾语从句、定语从句、被动语态、过去完成时等。








高中高三下册英语教案:Small Talk

Module 1 Small Talk

Teaching aims:

1. To introduce different social skills about talking in different culture and improve the students' social skills.

2. To know how to talk about obligation or lack of obligation.

3. To master AAA talking model and to develop the friendly environment when

having talk with others.

Important and difficult points:

1. Get students to understand how to have a chat with others in English culture.

2. Make students know the importance of small talk between persons.

3. Help students to improve the cultural understanding skills in different countries.

Teaching procedures:

period One Introduction and Function

Step 1. In this part, the teacher can talk with students in small talk, and the teacher can choose different topic with different students.

For example:

T: What do you think of yesterday's football match between your class and Class 3?

S1: It's great.

S2: We won.

T: Do you know why you won?

S3: We are strong.

T: Good. When we were discussing the football match just now, we were discussing serious things or having light conversation?

Ss: Light conversation.

T: Oh, yes. Just small talk.

Step 2. After the teacher tell the students small talk, the students begin to read the dictionary definitions of small talk then ask the students to discuss the four questions inActivity1.

Step 3. Divide the students into groups of two ones to discuss the five questions in Activity2. Then the teacher can choose some groups of students to show their small talk to all the students. The Ss can have different opinions, but they must give the reason for their opinions.

Step 4. Make a talk between the Ss and the teacher, then introduce the topic about must, have to, don't have to and mustn't.

For example:

T: You are now in Senior Two, and I think you are all good students, although some of you sometimes behave not very properly. So I'm going to ask you some questions. Do you think students have to be on time at school?

Ss: ...

T: Oh, yes. You are right. You have to. Then say something that you must do.

S1: ...

S2: ...

T: And anything you mustn't do?

S1: ...


Ask the Ss to talk about the following topics:

What is obligation?

What is lack of obligation?

According to the talking method, the teacher can introduce the definitions of obligation and lack of obligation.

Step 5. Ask the students to finish Activity1 and then let the Ss to talk about the answers they have made.

Ask the Ss to make similar sentences impressing obligation and lack of obligation using the words they just practiced.

Step 6. Make a competition among the Ss to make sentences using must, have to, don't have to, mustn't, needn't do and don't need do. And the team which make sentences will win the competition.

period Two Vocabulary and Reading

Step 1. Ask Ss to discuss the sentences in Activity 1 and then check the answers of the Ss'. Then learn the words in this part with the Ss.

Step 2. Ask the Ss to read the text quickly and then finish Activity2. Then ask all the Ss to discuss the questions of Activity 4. Then ask the Ss to tell us the usage of the words in Activity1 and Activity 4 and find the sentences in the text: impress, damage, encourage, prepare, avoid, lack, recognize, smile.

Step 3. Ask the students to read the text again, then answer the questions in Activity3 and encourage the Ss to have different answers. If the time isn't enough, we can solve the problem in the following ways.

(1) Discuss it after class.

(2) Discuss the following questions as the important points.

I. What do people think about those who talk too much?

II. Why is it a good idea to nod and smile when the other person is talking?

III. What does the quotation from Benjamin Disraeli tell you about people?

Then ask the Ss to prepare for Activity5 and then ask the Ss to tell the meanings of the phrases.

Step 4. Important word or phrases

1. Which definitions make small talk sound like a positive thing?

Sound is a link verb, its meaning in Chinese:听起来。Sometimes it can be followed like.

e.g. (1)我认为这工作不像听起来那么难。

I don't think the job is so difficult as it sounds.


The music sounds like Beethoven.

2. Have you ever crossed the road to avoid talking to someone you recognize?

Avoid is a verb which must be followed none, pronoun or v-ing as its object; its meaning in Chinese: 避免,避开。

e.g. (1) 他的工作帮助很多人避开事故。

His job helped many people avoid accidents.

(2) 要避免犯错误是不容易的。

It is not very easy to avoid making mistakes.

3. Do you want to make more friends but lack the confidence to talk to people you don't know?

make friends(with) is a phrase; its meaning in Chinese: (和......)交朋友。

e.g. (1) 他非常友好,那正是为什么自从他来已经交了那么多朋友的原因。

He is very friendly. That's why he has made so many friends since he came.


They wished to make friends with each other, but both of them were shy.

4. Small talk is very important and prepare you for more serious conversations.

prepare is a verb; its meaning : 做好准备;把......准备好,使......有准备。

e.g. 经理想让助手提前准备好所有文件。

The manager wanted his assistant to prepare all the papers beforehand.

In addition, we must pay attention to its various forms behind it, such as: prepare...for; prepare for; prepare...against; prepare against; prepare to do; prepare ...to do. Now give the Ss some examples and let them understand their meanings.

(1) There is an English proverb: In fair weather prepare for foul.

(2) His parents have prepared him for the future.

(3) She said she had prepared against all possible eventualities.

(4) We must prepare our people against natural calamities this summer.

(5) He is preparing to teach in China.

(6) She is preparing herself to attend the conference and make a speech.

5. It is estimated that 80% of all conversation in English is small talk.

It is estimated that...in this drill, the true object is the clause in the end of the sentence..

e.g. (1)It is good news that our team is the school champion now.

(2)It was reported that the bridge was completed two months earlier than planned.

(3)It is unusual that we have such hot weather this summer.

(4)It is doubtful whether they will finish the work in time.

6. Because they used this very useful social technique, they found something they have in common.

In the sentence have...in common is a phrase; its meaning in Chinese: 有共同之处。

e.g. (1)这两兄弟有如此多的相同之处以致我们很难分开他们。

The two brothers have so much in common that we can't tell the difference between them.


We have really everything in common with America nowadays, except, of course, language.

period Three Reading and Listening; Grammar

Step 1. Ask the Ss to read the three conversations and do Activity 1. Then ask them to discuss their answers about Activity 1. At last pide the Ss into groups of two Ss and ask every group to discuss the answers of Activity1.

Step 2. Ask every group to guess the topic of every conversation. For example, the topic of first paragraph is traveling.

Step 3. Ask all the Ss to listen to the tape and finish Activity3. Then listen again to check the answers with all the Ss and then let the Ss finish Activity 4. You can listen to the tape again if necessary.

Step 4. Then check the a Ask the Ss to finish Activity1 and Activity2 with all the Ss.

Step 5. After finishing Activity1and Activity2, let all the Ss discuss the differences sameness between didn't need to do and needn't have done. Then the teacher explain the differences and sameness to the Ss.相同点是:两者都表示过去时间内不必做一件事;不同点是:didn't need to do表示那件事不必做而且结果也是那件事的确没有做;而needn't have done表示虽然那件事不必做但结果是已经做了。

Ask the Ss to think about the examples and understand their usages.

(1) It was Sunday. He didn't need to go to work. (So he didn't go. He stayed home or went somewhere else)

(2) That year, he was young and didn't need to serve in the army. (He was studying at school)

(3) The manager didn't have need to do such things himself. (His assistants did things like that for him)

(4) The poor girl needn't have waited in the rain for so long. (Unfortunately she did it)

(5) You needn't have said so much about your being late. (You kept explaining)

(6) They needn't have written the letter to the headmaster. (They wrote a letter to the headmaster, but it was not necessary.)

period Four Reading and writing; Everyday English;Task

Step 1. Ask the Ss to read the email in Activity1. Then let every two Ss find out the questions in the email which need to be answered.

Step 2. Ask all the Ss to discuss the questions found out in Step 1 and ask them to give more answers as possible as they can.

Step 3. Ask all the students to finish Activity2, and then work out the answers according to the questions which have been found out.

Step 4. Ask the Ss to prepare a new email and think over what questions should be asked in the email. And the email can contain many kinds of contents, such as in your first day at school how to talk with new teacher, how to ask for help, how to introduce new classmates, etc.

Step 5. Ask the Ss to read the sentences in the book and think over the words which are left out in informal conversation. And think about if these words influence the sentences' meaning.

Step 6. Ask the Ss to make a conversation from the topic below and ask them to use at least one or two sentences in which some words are left out. such as having lunch at school, a person we both know, doing homework, football match, an interesting book.

For example

A: Going home to have lunch?

B: Yes. And you?

A: Me? I usually have lunch at school.

B: Nice?

A: Not really.

B: Why not go back home?

A: Too far.

Step 7. Ask the Ss to discuss Activity1 and Activity2 and then ask them to write a small talk in their phrasebook for use inside and outside the classroom. Then ask all the Ss to change ideas about Activity3. According to the exchange, ask the Ss to prepare a class book of useful expressions.

period Five Reading and Vocabulary

Teaching Goals:

1.To help Ss learn how to have small talk rightly.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1.Revision

Check Ss'homework and give them some instruction. .

Step 2.


Ask Ss the following questions:

(1)Discuss of small talk one need as a salesperson.


Ask Ss to skim the passage and try to find out the answers to the following questions.

(1)What did Esther often do when she spoke to others?

(2)What do you think are "the basic rules of social communication"?

(3)Why did the customer look awkward when she was asked how old she was?

(4)How did the typist contradict Esther?

(5) What was wrong about Esther's advice to the salesman?

(6) What did Esther think of the clerk's haircut?

(7) Why did the young man think the company gave him a new job miles away?

(8) What did Esther think of her old school friend's husband?

Suggested answers:

(1) Every time she open her month, she put her foot in it.

(2) To be polite and not to embarrass people

(3) Because she did not want to say her age

(4) She said she wasn't pregnant.

(5) She didn't realize what she said hurt the salesman.

(6) She wanted to know how much it cost.

(7) He said the office would be quieter without him.

(8) She thought he was ugly.

3. Ask Ss answer the questions of book.

4.post-reading '

Let Ss discuss the following question:

1. Is small talk important in your society?

2. Is it as important as "real" conversation?

3. Do you think small talk is more or less important in English than in your language?


Step 1. Ask two Ss to discuss questions1 and 2 in Activity1. and then ask most Ss to make small talk according to the topics given by the teacher, such as on the way, talking about one's little brother, playing table tennis, etc.

Ask the rest Ss to make serious small talk given by the teacher, such as how to study English well, why do you think we should learn how to learn, etc.

Step 2. Ask the Ss to rend the text and have a summery of the text.

Step 3. Work in pairs. Read the advice on small talk. Ask the Ss if it is true for them?

1.You can ask about families, what people do and like, etc.

2.It's OK to talk about religion and politics.

3.You shouldn't talk about your feelings.

4. Don't ask personal questions.

5. Make sure you don't talk about the weather or give compliments.

6. You can talk about people's age and their income.

Answers of Activity 5.

Step 4. Discussion: Write down the topics which you can and shouldn't talk about with Americans. Write a few sentences if you can talk about these topics in China.

Step 5. Ask the Ss to read the text and understand its meaning.

Ask every two Ss to discuss question1: How does the AAA model work? And find some sentences from the text to explain it.

Step 6. Ask every group to discuss question 2: Is the AAA model a good idea which making small talk with someone you don't know in China?

Step 7. Ask the Ss to read MODULE FILE, and then write down the points which they don't understand or grasp and try to deal with them.

Step 8. Ask the Ss to discuss the important language points in this module including Vocabulary, Grammar Function and Everyday English and let them help each other and at last they can improve all together.

Step 9. Give the Ss an exercise about small talk. Ask the Ss to put the conversation in right order.

- Basketball. I like this game so much that I sometimes forget my meals. And you?

- Oh, no. He's terrible.

- What's your favorite sport?

- Really?

- I don't think so.

- Me too. But not play, just watch.

- Whom do you like best?

- He's slow, and too many fouls.

- Maybe, needs improving.

-Yao Ming.

Here is the answer to the exercise.

A: What's your favorite sport?

B: Basketball. I like this game so much that I sometimes forget my meals. And you?

A: Me too. But not play, just watch.

B: Really?

A: Whom do you like best?

B: Yao Ming.

A: Oh, no, He's terrible.

B: I don't think so.

A: He's slow, and too many fouls.

B: Maybe, needs improving.


