

Mr. president, Mr. Speaker, and Distinguished Members of the Congress:

I stand on this rostrum munism in Asia prehend something of Asias past and the revolutionary changes . These political-social conditions have but an indirect bearing upon our oo the western strategic frontier of the United States lay on the littoral line of the Americas, with an exposed island salient extending out through Hawaii, Midway, and Guam to the philippines. That salient proved not an outpost of strength but an avenue of weakness along which the enemy could and did attack.


麦克阿瑟将军国会大厦告别演讲 Farewell Address to Congress

Mr. president, Mr. Speaker, and Distinguished Members of the Congress:

I stand on this rostrum munism in Asia prehend something of Asias past and the revolutionary changes . These political-social conditions have but an indirect bearing upon our o the Aleutians to the Mariannas held by us and our free allies. From this island chain we can dominate with sea and air power every Asiatic port from Vladivostok to Singapore -- with sea and air power every port, as I said, from Vladivostok to Singapore -- and prevent any hostile movement into the pacific.




Today, I speak from this podium a final time as your president. As I depart, I e things look different to me than they did five years ago. The e are left further and further behind - those . No fort and consensus over progress and clear direction, but this pletion of the studies, hoorro Canada, the USA, the Switzerland and many other countries. Thank you for your great education!

At the same time, as their parents, we hope every future university student will work even harder and become the backbone of our nation after graduation from university. Last, I wish SCCSC a brighter future and with students all over the world! Thank you all!



回顾三年的历程,我们每一位家长都经历了当初选择时的犹豫 和今天收获时的喜悦。在各位领导和老师的辛勤培养下,中加学校的孩子们都顺利地收到了加拿大等国外大学的录取通知书,并且许多同学还得到了国外大学的入学奖学金,这使我们每一位家长都感到自豪与欣慰。今天的喜悦是各级领导重视关心及学校各位老师辛勤劳动和培养教育的结果!谢谢你们!



the remark, me push this bike, and look for the feeling, I have to not boring to walk cycles. Fifteen minutes passed, and my feet really acid! I want to back down. eone said, in every adversity there lies the seed of an advantage and in every defeat there is a lesson showing you how to win the victory next time.The most important focus is to establish a brief, that is perseverance.The British ex-prime minister Winston Churchill had a motto of "Never, never, never, never give up .Nothing can substitute for hard work. Life is a process of struggle for success.

英语演讲稿 : 大学英语演讲稿


good afternoon, my dear friends.

i am very happy to meet you here.it is my great honor to communicate prehensive abilities.if e an outstanding man. but there are some students still pletely forget their task as college students.

finally, i hope everybody can try their best to become a worthy person to our country, and make great contributions to the society!




ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! i’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. i hope you inance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . nobody gro men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .

es from every detail in our life . financial problems , poor health , being laid off may be the stress that most adults noe other problems will also annoy us . i think we will worry a lot about our ability to compete in the job market and how we can best use what we’ve learned at college in our future job .



Nothing is impossible to a willing mind,

I always say "Nothing is impossible"You never look smart,You never say anything, One day, you are rocking on stage,I'm just the common one in the crowd looking at you,I ask you why?You say "Impossible is nothing, if you persist in what you love"Well, yeah, nothing is possible, I was right.But most importantly, you have to believe Impossible is Nothing.

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