

自我介绍:personal statement(introduction)

good morning, my dear teachers, my dear professors. i am very glad to be here for your interviee from luoyang, a very beautiful aicent city. my undergratuade period ore, i found positions to improve my etown are friendly, they welcome the travellers from all over the world。

i like my hometown very much。



respected professors:

good afternoon! im great honored to meet you here。now allow me to give a brief self-introduction:

im *******,26 years old , born in ***** city ,henan province。in year 1996,i entered ********university, majoring in machincal designing and producing。 during those 4 yearsstudy,i worked hard and i was always active in various activities 。

i gained the first scholarship for four times and i joined the communist party at

the college。after my graduation in june 2000,i worked in --------pany。

i got a position in the technology department the first year and i was involved in several internet projects, such as the one for college student recruitment in henan province and the one for computer center in mathmatics department in zhengzhou university。

owning to my hard work ,i was rewarded the best newer prize in the year 2000。 the next year, i was transferred into the principal customer department, responsible for the developing and strengthening a good relationshi




good morning, my dear teachers, my dear professors. i am very glad to be here for your interviee from luoyang, a very beautiful aicent city. my undergratuade period university this june. i major in chinese literature. i hope i could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in jilin university e from , the capital of province. i graduated from the department of university in july, 20xx. in the past tments in the forum on line. in addition, during my college years, i puter mand of advance .


respected professors,good afternoon! im great honored to meet you here.nomunist party at the college.

after my graduation in june 20xx,i er prize in the year 2000. the next year, i was transferred into the principal customer department, responsible for the developing and strengthening a good relationship between the

principal customers and my pany. two major customers, henan provincipal department





good morning/afternoon, my dear teachers (my dear professors)。

i am very glad to be here for your interviee from _______, a very beautiful city. my undergraduate period to get further enrichment. this is the first reason。

the second one is i am long for doing research in ******throughout my life. its a pleasure to be petitive modern e practical e true

first of all, i love my major. chinese literature is the symbol of the start of chinese literary modernization. it plays an important part in modernization of our citizens thoughts. ing a teacher in the university. i y and culture. many celebrities bs and bodiless lacquere and abroad feel it fortable bathing here. there is my beloved hometo. climbing at ing here, my parents love and support have alprehensive university puter center, analyzing-test center, modern education techn

在求职面试的过程中,是必不可少的第一步,以下是一篇模范的范文,可供求职者参考。 尊敬的各位老师们,早上好!我很荣幸今天能有这样面试的机会。下面我就开始用了。 我叫朱家得,今年22岁,是这所大学的,在今年考研的时候我报选了李铮老师的蛋白质组学。现在我在12层上完成本科毕业论文。 我从小就特别喜欢生物,并立志当一个生物学家。现在家里还有两阳台的花草鱼虫,书柜中更是摆满了生物类书籍。我还曾经在奥林匹克生物竞赛上获得全国第三名。 我在这个城市中长大,在家庭的熏陶下涉猎群书,学习自己喜欢的东西。忘我的程度总是让我喜欢专注于一件事情,不达目的誓不摆休。如果日后荣幸和老师们一起共事,你们便可以从我以前的生活中略见一斑。 我的性格十分随和,好交朋友。别人对我的评价是:和我在一起十分快乐。我的兴趣非常广泛,在大学期间除了对本专业内容产生浓厚兴趣并深得一些老师喜欢外,我还通过电脑学习了常用的软件,比如office系统,dreamwear,fireworks,flash,photoshop以及近百种小型软件。 我已经在网上发表了50余万字的网络小说,并且准备在毕业的时候出版一本电子书,现在已经完成了20万字的创作。 除此以外,我特别喜欢旅游,从99年至今的每年暑假我都会外出。现在已经去过全国各地130多个城市。旅游让我更加有激情,这样才会在为目标努力的过程中更加有激情。值得一提的是,我在语言上的天分更是被人所羡慕,现在我除了会全国很多方言外,还自学了西班牙语,和德语。 在过去的大学生活里,我深切体会到了知识的掌握是如何深远地影响人生。就象我小时想当一个科学家一样,想要让自己活得更精彩便不能停留在原地。所以我选择了考研,选择了继续深造。在考研之初,我对学校里生物化学与细胞学两个专业爱不释手,但在一次陈老师介绍的参观之后,我便被这里浓厚的研究氛围,先进的仪器以及亲如一家的师生关系所吸引,于是依然报考了前沿的蛋白质组学。通过这段时间在这里,我更加体会到我的是没有错的,我愿意为自己也愿意为12层奉献自己的青春与汗水。 如果我荣幸地上了研究生,我想我是会这样子的:每天勤勤恳恳,用微笑的表情面对每一个人,面对每一个新生的太阳。在完成学习与实验外,还要用业余时间继续深造西班牙语,并且学习掠锘蚍ㄓ铩r蛭鞍字首檠в爰扑慊际跸⑾⑾喙 查看更多>>>
考研复试指导 研究生考试初试过后,就是复试。复试一般分为笔试、面试、英语能力测试三部分。笔试主要测试大家的专业课知识,面试是报考学校的考官们对考生提一些专业问题,而英语能力测试一般包括听力或口语。 如何准备复试,如何在同样优秀的学子中脱颖而出?在同样激烈的复试竞争中,毋庸置疑,考生的专业实力需要经得起考验,但复试技巧也是不容忽视。 今日在此跟大家分享一下复试指导经验,探讨复试技巧,旨在帮助大家有效准备复试。 首先为广大考生介绍一下复试考试的基本流程和考核内容。 一、复试的流程 一般而言,复试第一天一般是资格审查,然后第二天体检,第三天专业笔试+英语测试,第四天进行面试,面试完一般第二天就能出结果。 二、复试考核内容 复试主要内容包括英语口语、专业基础课,还有专业技能的考核,以及心理素质。其中影响考生比较大的是英语口语和专业方面的考核。 了解了复试考核内容,那么考生又该如何准备复试呢?接下来,跟大家分享一下一些复试准备应该注意的地方。 首先,考生的专业基础知识肯定是考查的重点,因此初试复习期间的知识不能忘。大家不能丢弃初试用的几本专业参考书,复试的准备需要建立在初试的基础之上。考生将初试时复习的专业知识进行巩固。同时大家要看一些和目标院校、目标老师相关的论文以及参考教材,以及本专业的核心期刊等等。 另外,可以通过网络等途径跟学姐或学长了解报考学校复试的流程、考查内容、注意点等信息。复试成功的一个重要条件就是需要有充足的信息。考生也要了解一下导师的信息。 第三,英语口试锻炼。现在所有的学校都非常重视学生的英语水平,因为英语水平是直接关系到你以后接触学术前沿著作的一个能力,所以需要大家在平时复习的时候,把英语口语的训练提到日程上来。大家要提前准备一段2分钟左右的英语,并熟记一下相关专业的常用专业词汇以及英语表达。 第四,复试需要的硬件要准备齐全。针对于你的目标院校,对于复试的硬件要求一定要带好了。比如身份证、准考证、学生证等,而且这些证件至少要带两份复印件,以免到时候就手忙脚乱。 经过细致的复试准备,考生终于迎来的复试的日子。这里,还需要提醒广大考生复试时(主要是面试时)需要注意的地方: 第一,着装和仪态。考生当日要穿着 查看更多>>>



首先谢谢你们给我这样一个机会,是我莫大的殊荣。 我是xx学校x级xx专业的学生。大学生活即将结束,一个新开始即将来到,等待我的是新的挑战。四年的大学生活充实而紧张,我努力把自己培养成为一名社会所需要的人才,我个性上,比较诚实、乐观、热情,具有团队精神,踏实努力,很强的责任心。大学四年是我思想、知识结构生长成熟的四年。在大学期间,我自己认真学习专业技能,所以我掌握了较强的专业知识,并把理论知识运用到实践中去,期末总评成绩名列年级前茅。但是我不满足于现状,不断挑战自己,顺利通过英语四、六级考试,全国计算机二级考试,等等称号。 学习同时我还不断培养业余爱好,入校我便参加了某某协会,由干事到副会长,这是对我的付出与努力的肯定。组织开展一系列活动丰富校园生活,被评选为优秀学生社团,受到师生首肯。此外,在担任班团支书和辅导员助理期间积极,为同学服务,表现出色,贡献卓越荣,获校级优秀学生干部称号。 大学间我以优异的成绩与表现,光荣地加入了中国共产党。加入这个先进的团体,是我人生的一次升华。在保先教育中,我更是严格要求自己,带领身边同学,一起进步(如果是党员的加入)。

社会实践方面:在xxxx年暑假,我在xxxx实习,通过做xxx的工作使我更加深刻认识到,一定要投入到社会这所大学校自己才会真正地长大:存在一颗好学的心才会不断的完善自我;用感恩的心来面对周围的世界,生活才会美好!回顾过去,自己仍然有不少缺点,如创新能力还不够强,有时候不懂得坚持,但我会尽可能地在以后的学习和生活中着重提高这些方面的能力,争取做到各方面都具有新素质的人才。 谢谢


自我介绍 1

good morning. i am glad to be here for this interviee from 城市, the capital of 省份province. i am going to graduate from the 院系 department of 大学名称university in july, xx. in the past te basic kno the textbooks, i borroe journals in 专业领域 on a daily basis so that i can keep an eye on the l




good morning/afternoon, my dear professors. i am very glad to be here for your interviee from _______, a very beautiful city. my undergraduate period (城市名) city, (省份名称) province. i am currently studying in the major of (专业名称) from the department of (院系名称), and i the courses of (课程名称) and (课程名称), i got to knoe journals in (专业领域) on a daily basis so that i can keep an eye on the latest nee music and do some sports, like (女同学这里可以说jogging, yoga, pilates, badminton and tae kail you would like to know about me, please feel free to ask. thank you very much!



2.姓名,英文名,毕业院校,毕业专业,毕业学院 first let me introduce myself. my name is lishuai, and my english name is jacky lee. i've finished my undergraduate education in xidian university, majoring in electronic science and technology in the college of technical physics. 3.性格,爱好,实践经验 i am open-minded, e application programs. in july in the last year,i finished my graduate project petent to do things professionally oestic integrated circuits industry is growing rapidly and that may provide a lot of chances to us. i plan to concentrate on study and research in this field in my graduate time. and i hope i can form a systematic view of micro electronics and ic design technology and make a solid foundation for future profession after three years study here. 5.结束语 ok, thats all. thank you very much.




good morning/afternoon, my dear teachers (my dear professors)。 i am very glad to be here for your interviee from _______, a very beautiful city.

my undergraduate period university this june.

i major in chinese literature.

i hope i could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in peking university jilin normal university this june.

i major in chinese literature.

i hope i could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in jilin university petent in my future job.

thats my simple and clear reasons epage主页 social networking website社交网络


blueprint蓝图 key university重点大学

turning point转折点 master degree硕士学位

target目标 material/spiritual life物质/精神生活

outlook on life人生观 material/spiritual pursuit物质/精神追求

to live in vain虚度一生 in pursuit of sth追求(某物)

to set a goal确定目标 to realize self-worth实现自我价值

contentment makes happiness知足常乐


cultural heritage文化遗产 cultural facilities文化设施

beijing opera京剧 cross ta

复试口语范文1000字 复试口语范文3000字 复试口语范文700字 复试口语范文800字 复试口语范文1500字 初中口语范文900字 托付口语范文900字 口语练习范文900字 口语测试范文900字 中考口语范文900字 口语交际范文900字
考研口语范文900字 高中口语范文900字 研究生复试记录范文900字 简单的口语范文900字 口语交际问路范文900字 口语老建筑范文900字 托业口语范文900字 考研复试兴趣爱好范文900字 口语交际评价范文900字 小学口语交际范文900字 口语交际学会赞美范文900字 特殊的旅行口语范文900字 采访的口语交际范文900字 口语交际聊聊春节范文900字 访问的口语交际范文900字 家乡美景口语交际范文900字 喜爱的科技口语范文900字 考研复试政治思想范文 招聘复试的邮件范文1500字
