

1.happy mother’s day!母亲节快乐!

2.i feel there is no ing here today. i am pleased and honored.今天很感谢你们又都来这儿,我感到很高兴,也很荣幸。

6.i’m pleased to stand before you today on this most beautiful of holidays, mother’s day.今天这个很美的节日,母亲节,我很高兴站在你们的面前。

7.it i had the time, i e here tonight.你们真是太好了,今晚都来了。

9.i have been given the sp(转载自,请保留此标记。)ecial honor to make a fe the bottom of my heart for coming to this party in such numbers.这么多人光临这个聚会,首先我要衷心地感谢大家。

11.i wish to conclude by thanking you one more for your good wishes.最后我要再一次感谢你们的祝福。

12.i wish to congratulate the sponsors who have organized this wonderful gathering.我要恭喜发起人,他们计画这次完美的聚会。

13.i am sure that everyone here joins with me in wishing the mothers who are present here, and through them, all the mothers throughout the world, continued health and much happiness.我深信这里的每一个人都会和我一起祝福在场的母亲们,经由她们,全世界的母亲永远健康、幸福。




es to our beautiful seashore ing floe from, guangdong people this province is internationally famous. its variety of tastes, shapes and colors can satisfy even the most refined palette. im sure, the moment you seat yourself at a cantonese banquet, your appetite e discover the hidden treasures of my hometopetition, i said no. i couldnt endure yet another painful experience. he looked me straight in the eye and said something that pierced my heart. i petition!

as it turned out, my dear old professor was right. now, here i am, once again standing before a microphone. my heart is beating fast, and my mouth is dry, but most importantly, i have faced my fears -- and that makes all the difference!

thank you.





我花了一整天时间思考他的话。 然后,我做出了一个勇敢而明智的决定: 我要参加中央电视台第五届希望之星英语风采大赛!



1.goodbye, and have a good year.再见了,祝你未来一年都很顺利。

2. time to time as i shall be thinking of you al your busy jobs to c(转载自,请保留此标记。)ome here tonight to say goodbye to miss smith.感谢你们今晚从百忙之中抽空到这儿向史密斯小姐道别。

10.all the members of your department are before you today to ary “good-bye,” alloing here tonight to see me off.谢谢你们今晚来为我送行。

15.i pany for giving me such a chance, and i earnestly hope that i ing to this party, but also for making such a nice speech full of good advice and kind words encouragement.我要感谢史密斯先生莅临这个聚会,以及发表这么棒的演讲,充满了受益良多的忠告和鼓励的话。


1.he is too e you all to the e her to the podium.我们都渴望听听史密斯夫人的讲话,让我们欢迎她上台。

6.mr. smith, ething that ent to introduce a special observer to our meeting today.我想花一点点时间来介绍我们天成会议的特别观察员。

16.good-bye, and safe traveling.再见了,祝一路平安。

17.i hope to see all of you here next year.我希望明年在这里再看到大家。

18.i want to take a minute to thank the keynote speakers, mr. smith and mr. williams.我想用短短的时间向基本方针演讲者史密斯先生与威廉斯先生表示感谢之意。

19.it hardly seems that the five days given to this conference h(转载自,请保留此标记。)ave passed already.似乎很难相信开这个会五天就这样过去了。

20.prof. smith will make a short address to all of us giving his thanks and his impressions of the convention.史密斯教授向我们大家简短说几句话,表示他的谢意以及对会议的感想。



2.let me congratulate you on your success.恭喜你成功了。

3.it is my great privilege to say a e mr. smith, e to taie to attend this evening.一开始让我向所有今晚出席者说声「谢谢」。


1.i ing year and the problems that some of us have had in the past year.首先,史密斯先生谈一谈来年的销售计画,以及过去一年我们有些人遭遇的问题。

4.after mr. smith’s remarks, the meeting pletely.很抱歉,我全反对史密斯先生的意见。

12.thank you for this chance to address this committee meeting planning the next year’s courses for our school.谢谢你们给我这个机会向委员会会议演讲,本会议是计画本校明年的课程。

13.after the meeting, we will all adjourn to the rose room of this hotel for a buffet dinner.开完会后,我们将休会,到本饭店玫瑰厅的自助餐厅用晚餐。




2.thank you for your invitation.谢谢你们的邀请。

3., mary and bob.现在我向新娘玛莉、新郎鲍伯举杯致敬。

5.today is indeed a joyous occasion for all of us present here.对我们列席的每个人而言,今天真是个令人欢欣的日子。

6.it is my pleasure to call mary my closest and dearest friend.我很高兴的说,玛莉是我最亲密的朋友。

7.i’m sure everyone here joins me in , mr. smith, and to , it is my great privilege to offer hearty congratulations to mr. smith on the happiest occasion of his life, and to his lovely bride.我很荣幸代表新郎史密斯先生的同学,在他三生中最幸福的日子,向他以及他可爱的新娘表达衷心的祝贺。

13.i consider it a special privilege to all happiness and the best of luck for the future.谨祝新郎新娘将来美满、多福,作为我短短讲这些话的结束。


